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"We need to throw every last molecule of s**t we've got at McCain and Palin," said a poster at the Democratic Underground blog.  "Demonize them.  Dehumanize them." Panic brings out the ugliness in ugly people.  And ugliness of this sort is not restricted to moonbat bloggers. "In the press galleries at the convention, journalists wrinkled their noses in disgust when Piper, Ms. Palin's youngest daughter, was filmed kitty-licking her baby brother's hair in place," wrote David Carr in the New York Times Sunday. How dark must your soul be for you to be "disgusted" by a six-year-old girl who is behaving lovingly toward her baby brother? News organizations have flooded Alaska with investigative reporters, hoping to dig up something -- anything -- bad to say about Sarah Palin.  As mayor of Wasilla in 1996, did she try to ban from the public library books that weren't published until 1998?  The sewer that is the left-wing blogosphere is pumping its bilge directly into the "mainstream" media.



To call this a half-full report this week would be ridiculous.  Even an "overflowingly full report" wouldn't come close.  Think of that famous picture of the Spindletop oil gusher, only it's a gusher of good news.  That's more like it. The gusher starts with the world's most famous woman.  Mark this week as when Omania fizzled out.  O stands for Over.  There's little to add about Sarah right now except to stand back in awe, and contemplate the blessings of Providence upon America. That, and order a case of Alaska IPA, a great beer brewed in Juneau within sight of Governor Palin's office... ... Onto Russia.  While Euroweenia is proclaiming Czar Putin to be the world's most powerful man, smart folks here in DC are examining his many vulnerabilities.  Russia needs to be broken apart like the Soviet Union... ... For three years - since September 2005! - you've known why man-made global warming is a myth.  Solar Warming explained the mechanism of warming, of how the sun's magnetic activity (of which sun spots are a sign) effects cloud formation on earth. The bottom line is:  no sun spots mean a cooler earth, lots of sun spots mean a warmer earth. This week, astronomers announced that for the first time in 100 years, an entire month has passed without a single sunspot.  This is bad news for advocates of the glo-warming religion, and thus good news for advocates of freedom from fascist control over our lives.  But it's also bad news for our planet.



America - real America - is in love.  I know I sure am, and I have a lot of company.  Yes, it's platonic love.  After all, she's married and faithful (and so am I!).  Nonetheless, I, like so many millions of Americans, have fallen head over heels in love with Sarah Palin.  She is America's Sweetheart.  Say goodnight, Bar..., Ber..., Buh..., what's that guy's name again? That guy is so, like, over.  So yesterday, like the tax-and-spend welfare state liberal-leftie cant he espouses.  Obambi represents the past.  Sarah represents the future. Which is why my deepest, most passionate desire regarding Sarah Palin is that President Bush order a doubling of the Secret Service detail to protect her.  And then we provide some backup. The pathologically deranged smears of the hate-America moonbats this week have only served to increase enthusiasm and sympathy for her.  The moonbats are in a state of panicked rage because they rightly see in her the capacity to destroy all the myths that give meaning to their angry little lives. Which means their vicious verbal attacks on her person are going to turn physical.  There are going to be attempts on her life. I don't want to bum out the celebrating, the elation, the thrill over Sarah - but she has got to be protected. 



"You arrogant ass.  You've killed us!"  So said the executive officer of a Soviet submarine to his captain in Tom Clancy's novel "Red October" after the captain had recklessly fired a torpedo that homed in on his own sub. NBC's David Gregory must have had similar thoughts as he noted, ruefully, that the news media's assault on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin boosted substantially the television audience for her acceptance speech Wednesday night. No friend of Barack Hussein Obama -- and this last week has demonstrated he has no better, nor more unscrupulous, friends than those in the news media -- can be happy about that. Last night (8/03), her enemies learned firsthand why her nickname is "Sarah Barracuda."  With a smile on her face, Ms. Palin sliced and diced Obama with the skill she dresses a moose she just shot.



If Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States, do you know what will happen to federal tax rates and government spending? If you answered "yes," then you have not been paying attention, because Mr. Obama and his advisers keep changing what they say they are going to do. Even more importantly, under the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the sole power to tax and appropriate funds, not the president. Congress always rewrites presidential tax and spending proposals, even when the president and congressional majority are of the same party, and hence no president gets to dictate fiscal policy. The questions we should be asking are: What changes is Congress likely to make in the tax law, the level of spending, and energy policy if Mr. Obama is elected, and likewise if Sen. John McCain is elected?  This table shows what happened to the economy during the past quarter of a century when each party controlled (or shared control of) Congress:



A hurricane smacks the Big Easy again. Back-to-back political conventions. A surprise VP pick. Russians behaving like Russians . . . All too easy to miss the biggest story out of Iraq this year: Yesterday, security responsibility for once-bloody Anbar Province officially passed from the US military to the Baghdad government. Fallujah. Ramadi. Al Qaeda's worst atrocities. Those opposed to the liberation of Iraq celebrated years of headlines from Anbar. Then it all changed: We won - and the headlines vanished. That's because a story of victory in Iraq is also a story of shameful defeat for Barack Hussein Obama.



For the first time in memory, we have a major candidate who comes from the frontier, and it's not surprising that the pundits are having a hard time coming to grips with this phenomenon. Sarah Palin is a frontierswoman. Her state capital, Juneau, cannot be reached on the highways of Alaska. If you want to get there, you must either fly or sail. And for much of the year, sailing isn't smart. No subways in Juneau, but lots of bars. The main bookstore caters mostly to the tourist trade, with a small selection of used paperbacks and a few recent best sellers. It's not so much authenticity as independence and self-reliance, which have always been the basic characteristics of frontier people. They think for themselves. They have to think outside the box, because there's no available box for them to think in. If they accepted the conventional wisdom they wouldn't be on the frontier, they'd be in some city and they'd brag about their degrees from the failed institutions of higher education. They're not big on "conflict resolution," they prefer zero-sum games. If you go up against a grizzly, you're poorly advised to look for a win-win solution.



What did that guy say standing in front of that phony cardboard Greek Temple a couple of nights ago in Denver?  Nobody remembers, nobody cares.  Because everybody is talking about somebody else, the most exciting political surprise of modern times. In fact, the only people on earth not surprised were readers of To The Point. On June 4, 2008, TTP's Jack Kelly - whom TTP'ers in the Forum have now dubbed "Nostradamus" - wrote Fire and Nice for McCain's VP.  Her high school basketball teammates called her Sarah Barracuda.  Her fellow beauty contestants for Miss Alaska named her Miss Congeniality.  Fire & Nice.  Nostradamus Kelly takes political acumen and prescience to a whole new level.  Isn't it odd that a VP pick now being universally described by conservatives as "brilliant" and "inspired" came as such as surprise.  Well, we at To The Point are happy to describe Jack Nostradamus Kelly as brilliant and inspired! So - the first question that comes to mind to ask Dems and Omaniacs is:   Do you have any idea how large a full-grown bull moose is?



I wrote Fire and Nice for McCain's VP back in June in which I said Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin would be the ideal running mate for Sen. McCain.  But I never thought he'd pick her. I underestimated him.  And Democrats will underestimate "Sarah Barracuda" at their peril. If I were Slow Joe Biden, I'd be worried.  A former journalist, Sarah Palin is careful about what she says and says it well, qualities for which Sen. Biden is not reknowned.   Sen. Obama picked Sen. Biden in part because of his reputed skill as a hatchet man.  But if Sen. Biden comes on too hard in the vice presidential debate, he'll look like a bully. Alaska is littered with the bodies of those who tried to bully Sarah Palin and failed.



That's where I am this week - not in Denver.  That's where I encourage you to be as well. When Hussein Nobama gives his ridiculous Greek Temple speech today, I will literally be underwater - scuba diving off a small island in the Caribbean called Saba (say-bah). It's a funky little place most have never heard of, a mountaintop in the sea, so steep it has no beaches and no rivers.  Saba's population of 1200, many of whom are descended from pirates six and seven generations ago, make do with rainwater.  They live in tiny homes clustered in tiny hamlets in high mountain valleys around the island. The people are wonderfully friendly and gracious, there's no crime of any kind, the food is great, the beer is cheap, and the diving incredible - one of the best in the world. What better place to completely ignore whatever craziness there is going on in the world, particularly the Democrat craziness in Denver?