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What George Wallace and "Bull" Connor would have decried as "miscegenation" is commonplace in America today. Ten percent of all married couples in 2010 were interracial, a 28 percent increase since 2000, according to the Census Bureau. There were 157,000 interracial married couples in 1960, 5.4 million in 2010.  Nine million Americans reported being of mixed race, a 32 percent increase over 2000. At one time or another, all but 9 states (Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Vermont and Wisconsin) had laws forbidding mixed race marriages.  We've come a long way in half a century.  But there are still racists among us.  Especially among regressive liberals.  Call what they espouse Regressive Racism.   Here are some revolting examples of it.




THE TTP PORTUGAL RETREAT Thursday, March 20 - Tuesday, March 25
Last week (01/10), we learned about the history of Portugal in California in Europe.  We also learned that's where the first TTP International Retreat will be.

Again, this is different than a Rendezvous, where a lot of us gather to enjoy each other's company and to hear our speakers.  This is an intimate get together of no more than a dozen TTPers to discuss the world in depth.  And I might as well give you a warning up front.

In addition to learning more about the world than you thought possible over a long weekend, you run the risk of falling head over heels in love with Portugal.  I describe it as utterly captivating, and once you are there you'll easily understand why. Actually, you'll understand just with the pictures below. Here's our schedule.



Where's the pony? Ronald Reagan was fond of describing an optimist as a kid on a farm happily digging through a huge pile of horse manure, yelling, "There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"  What would he say about a week, or a time like this?  Knowing him, I think he'd say, "Well, sometimes there just isn't any pony." Yes, there will be days like this.  But three more years of days like this??  One thousand ninety-eight more days?  (See the Countdown Clock to the end of the Zero Presidency.) And realize there is a high probability that those 1098 days are going to be progressively worse.  With each passing day and week and month, we're going to have more fascism, more unemployment, more dependency, more cultural depravity, more corruption, more crony capitalism, more liberal hate, more Enemedia lying and cover-ups of Zero scandals, more persecution of Tea Partyers, and more surrender to America's enemies like Iran and the Chicoms. So - how can we possibly stand it?    What in the Diety's name are we going to do?  First, we'll review how grim it's been this week.  Then we'll discuss six alternatives to dealing with it.  (No fair skipping ahead, but one of them is following the advice of Josey Wales.)



Fifty years ago this month, President Lyndon Baines Johnson declared war on poverty.  We've spent nearly three times as much to fight it as on all of America's real wars combined. We haven't gotten much bang for all those bucks. At 15.2 percent in 2012, the poverty rate was the highest since 1965 (17.3 percent). The federal government spends on "means tested" programs more than $19,000 for each man, woman and child classified as "poor."  If a poor single mother with two children actually got all the money purportedly spent on her behalf, she'd have at least $6,000 more than the median income. She gets nowhere near that much.  This fact, coupled with their sheer number (83, according to the Congressional Research Service) suggest poverty programs benefit chiefly the bureaucrats who run them.  Surprised?  I think not.



We'll have to deal with the deluge of dictatorship Zero and his minions are inflicting upon us in the HFR tomorrow.  Today, we have to take a break and get outta this place.  How about to one of the world's most pleasant places, Europe's California? Especially since we're going to have a TTP Retreat there in March.  More about that later. Both my wife, Rebel, and I grew up in California, so we know it when we see it - and we recognized it right away in Portugal.  The weather, the plants, the ocean, the sunsets in the ocean, the coast - which is more beautiful than Italy's (okay, except for Amalfi), way more friendly than France's (surprise), and far less known and populated than Spain's. Then of course, there's the great wine and great food. Also of course, there are differences.  California, as anyone who grew up there knows, no longer exists - it is Mexifornia, as Victor Davis Hansen terms it, with a Hispanic vise-grip on the government in Sacramento welcoming an illegal alien flood.  The European corollary is Eurabia - the flood of Moslems demographically destroying so many countries like France, where half the schoolchildren in many major cities today are Moslem. But not in Portugal.  The Moslem population is miniscule.  Make that invisible.  You never see a mosque, you never see a woman in a burka.  The Portuguese are Christian Europeans.  They kicked Moslem invaders from Africa out of their country 764 years ago (in 1249) and are happy to keep it that way. California's history is as recent as Portugal's is ancient.  People have been living there before they were people.



During his long career, Ariel Sharon built a lot of roads. As housing minister in the early 1990s and as national infrastructures minister in the late 1990s, Sharon played a key role in building everything from the Trans-Israel Highway to access roads to isolated communities. Since he passed away on Saturday (1/11), his role in building Israel's national infrastructures has been widely noted. But no mention has been made of the final and most important road that he paved. That is the road to Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.  Here's how it got built.



Every day I am amazed at the insanity I witness in our America and here is another example. According to a report in The Hill, Attorney General Eric Holder is at it again with his racial preference policies:

Attorney General Eric Holder called upon the nation's school districts Wednesday to rethink "zero tolerance" disciplinary policies that he said disproportionately punish minorities and push too many students into the justice system. Alarming numbers of young people are suspended, expelled or even arrested for relatively minor transgressions like school uniform violations, schoolyard fights or showing ‘disrespect' by laughing in class," Holder said during a speech in Baltimore.
So now the US Department of Justice under Eric Holder will use its power to enforce "civil rights protections" in school disciplinary actions. In fact, the DoJ and DoEd are putting schools on notice that they are prepared to use their authority to investigate the claims of racial disparity in the punishment of students. Thus my message to white Americans:



Are business people more corrupt than those in government? Hollywood loves to portray those in business as the baddies and those in government as the good guys. Exhibit A is the new movie, The Wolf of Wall Street, the largely true story of con man Jordan Belfort. Belfort and his cronies formed a firm to sell stock in startup and small companies they knew little or nothing about. In order to sell the stock, they would make claims about the companies that they thought the potential buyers wanted to hear, whether the statements were true or not. If a company had been called "Obamacare, Inc.," they probably would have said it will give you "better health insurance" at "lower cost" and "you will be able to keep your doctor." Belfort and some of his cronies quite properly went to prison and had to pay large fines for fraud and misrepresentation.  Don't the wolves of Washington -- such as Mr. Obama, others in the administration and members of the House and Senate who are guilty of equally false claims about Obamacare. -- deserve the same?



Traffic was backed up for miles in Fort Lee, New Jersey for four days last September because of lane closures on the George Washington Bridge leading into New York City. Lane closures on the GWB are nothing new.  But this one happened because aides to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wanted to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for not endorsing their boss for reelection in November. When this news broke last week, Gov. Christie held a marathon news conference last Thursday (1/9) to respond to the "Bridgegate" scandal.  "I come out here to apologize to the people of New Jersey," he said. "I am embarrassed and humiliated."  By contrast, America's Narcissist-in-Chief, whose scandals are infinitely worse, is never embarrassed or humiliated by anything.  The scandal provides us with a vivid contrast in damage control techniques, and the most brazen example yet of news media bias and double standards.



I despise Gov. Fatso so I'm enjoying this. christie_fat_chance.png The instantly-dubbed "Bridgegate" scandal erupted Wednesday (1/08).  Christie held a long press conference yesterday (1/09) which resulted in more ridicule and condemnation.  We all used to like this guy.  That was back in 2010, his first year as governor of Joisey, when he seemed a breath of conservative fresh air and eviscerated Democrats and Enemedia hecklers with aplomb.  Jack Kelly and I began calling him the Fat Reagan. But by January 2011, the HFR reported that Christie had nominated a Moslem attorney connected to the terrorists of  Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood to a New Jersey Superior Court judgeship.  "Looks like Christie has fallen under the influence of the Islamist Svengali of the Right, Grover Norquist.  What a terrible disappointment," I commented. There have many more disappointments since.  But what I most despise about Christie, however, was his last-minute help to get Zero reelected in 2012.