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In her tribute to Bill Buckley, Mona Charen lauded not only what he had accomplished - a "profoundly consequential life" - but what he was as a human being:  "by universal acclimation, the most gracious man on the planet." "It was always Bill," she observed, "who rushed to get a chair for the person left standing" at a meeting.  "Always Bill who reached to fill your glass" of water.  "Always Bill who volunteered to give you a lift wherever you were going, insisting it was on his way." With his usual impeccable timing, Bill Buckley chose to leave us at just the opportune time to contrast the gracious humanity of the founder of America's conservative movement with the personality of the man claiming conservatives should support his nomination for President of the United States. The Democrat Party and its candidates, Mrs. Bill Clinton and Hussein Obambi, have the neurosis possessed by all liberals - Infantilizomania, the obsessive compulsion to treat adults as children. The presumptive candidate of the Republican Party has a different type of neurosis - Jerkomania, the obsessive compulsion to be a jerk.   The only way for McCain to overcome this is for conservatives, when they think of him, to think of Cordell Hull.



Turkey Invades Northern Iraq blared headlines around the world last weekend (2/23-24).  Thousands of Turkish troops had crossed several miles into Iraq to "root out" PKK Kurdish guerrillas from their "mountain strongholds." Here is a map of the Turkey-Iraq border.  It runs west-to-east or left-to-right from Syria (the triangle that Highway 6 runs through is Syria) to Iran.  [See map in main article.] Note the Turkish town of Cukurca.  This is the Turkish Army's staging point, where the invasion was launched, and from where, as CNN announced yesterday (2/27), Turkey Sends More Troops Into Iraq.  The farthest penetration of Turkish troops has been about 24 kilometers or 15 miles into Iraq in the area of the Iraqi village of Al Amadiyah. Anyone who sees this map and knows where the PKK is based is instantly LOL - laughing out loud.  The PKK "stronghold" is in the Qandil mountains where Turkey, Iraq, and Iran come together - almost 100 miles by road or jeep track from Cukurca. This is a phony invasion.  Check out this story in the Washington Post, whose eyewitness reporter states the Turkish troops can "go no farther" than 15 miles into Iraq, that the Turkish military has "targeted Kurdish civilians in villages that are often far from the bases of the [PKK] guerrilla group," and quotes an Iraqi Kurdish soldier:  The Turks "say there are PKK in this area, but actually the PKK are very far from here." Why would the Turkish Army stage a Potemkin invasion of Iraq and pretend to attack the PKK?   To ramp up anti-Kurdish Turkish jingoistic nationalism while preserving the business deal the Turkish Army has with the PKK to run drugs.



You probably would have heard of Nadhmi Auchi by now if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. were a Republican. A British citizen of Iraqi descent, Mr. Auchi, 70, is a billionaire, the 279th richest man in the world, according to a Forbes magazine survey last year. A great deal of Mr. Auchi's money was made doing business with the regime of Saddam Hussein, much of it under the table.  In 1987, Mr. Auchi helped French and Italian firms win a huge oil pipeline contract in Iraq, chiefly by paying off Iraqi officials, according to testimony given by an Italian banker to prosecutors in Milan.  Mr. Auchi is also a business partner of Syrian-born businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, who has supported Mr. Obama financially since his first run for the Illinois state senate in 1996.



I'm in Denmark this week as an observer at an Iraqi "reconciliation conference" that has brought nearly two dozen political and religious leaders to Copenhagen. It's a fascinating group. The clerics range from Sunnis and Shiites to members of little-known pre-Islamic sects like the Yezidis (who seem to be historically linked to the Zoroastrians) and the Mandaeans (the central figure of whose faith is John the Baptist), all of whom have suffered ghastly depredations in the terror war following the defeat of Saddam Hussein. Political figures include National Security Adviser Muwafaq al-Rubayie, who spent a long and intense day here on Tuesday (2/19), and remains in close contact as the participants try to hammer out a collective document. It's probably sheer coincidence that this conference takes place at the moment General Petraeus is expressing considerable hope for reconciliation, and his statement that Iraqis need to shout instead of shoot is very much in the forefront of the discussions here.



Why do individuals and countries engage in self-destructive behavior? Many books have been written on the topic, but given the U.S. election campaign, it is worth examining why some politicians and other opinion leaders advocate policies contrary to both good theory and empirical evidence. Despite this evidence of success, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama want to increase the top tax rates, though there is no evidence that raising the top rates will result in any more revenue but there is evidence it will result in slower growth. They can get away with it because voters have had their brains mangled by public education. Since education in almost all countries these days is chiefly in public institutions, except for relatively small numbers of students educated in U.S. private schools and universities, it should come as no surprise that the government employees doing the "educating" are biased toward the public sector and are anti-business.



This is a quick warning and a long thank you. First, I need to warn you about a very dangerous new computer virus, a "trojan horse" or "worm" traced to a group of malicious hackers in China.  It's called Mocmex and it can destroy your PC Windows computer.  Another good reason to get a Mac!  Read the link to see how you can protect yourself. Second, we'll get back to transistors and electrons next week, but I am still coming down from the wonderful time I and my fellow TTPers had in Sarasota.  So pardon me if I wax philosophical and take the time to share our blessings. This being a techie column, let me put it in techie terms.  If life were a technological device, what would be yours?



I have been saving a very special bottle of wine - a 1992 Chateau Vieux French Bordeaux - for a very specific occasion:  to celebrate the death of Fidel Castro.  Looks like I'll be opening it soon - for the best news of the week is Castro's announcing he has one foot in the grave by ending his 49-year run as Cuba's El Jefe Maximo. I chose the vintage not just because 1992 was a great year for French reds, but because I went to Cuba that year.  I told the story a couple of years ago in Cuba Libré.  A meeting with Castro had been set up, at which I intended to tell him the Cuban people would some day urinate on his grave.  He got wind of it and canceled the meeting.  My wife was very relieved. Dagny D'Anconia explained the dictator's slow and awful descent towards demise some time ago in The Partial Assassination of Fidel Castro.  Drawn-out lingering nightmare agony - just the sort of hell a piece of murderous human garbage deserves. What's hilarious is the lib media's portrayal of Raul Castro as a Cuban Mikhail Gorbachev reformer.  Raul is a 76-year old alcoholic who hasn't much longer to go himself.  The army and secret police still run everything, but with Fidel gone the regime has no legitimacy.  Odds will increase for a really bloody revolution.



Texas State Sen. Kirk Watson had an embarrassing moment the night the candidate he is supporting for president won the Wisconsin primary.  MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked him to name a legislative accomplishment of Sen. Barack Obama. "I'm not going to be able to do that tonight," Mr. Watson replied. Or any other night.  Barack Obama, noted National Review's David Frum, has the thinnest resume of any candidate for president since William Jennings Bryan in 1896.  Then 36 (the youngest man ever nominated for president), Bryan had been a congressman for only six undistinguished years when, on July 9, he electrified the Democratic convention in Chicago with his Cross of Gold speech. "Men and women screamed," wrote one eyewitness reporter, and "like demented things, divested themselves of their coats and flung them high in the air."  He won the nomination the next day. Bryan got creamed in the general election, which suggests there is a limit to how high a populist with little on his resume besides a charismatic personality and a silver tongue can rise.



Aren't you just so surprised?  The infamous article I authored three weeks ago that went viral on the Internet and got McCainiacs in a total tizzy, How the Clintons Will Destroy John McCain, warned of the wardrobe full of McCain skeletons nicely arranged on hangars just waiting for the lib media to take out and display to the world. I warned, for example, of "media disclosures of the lady lobbyists in Washington having adulterous affairs with McCain - there are at least three of them." I didn't, however, think that the New York Times and the Washington Post would jump the gun so soon and wait a little longer - but they decided Michelle Obama's incredible not-proud-of-her-country admission was so damaging to her husband's campaign that attention had to be re-directed to a juicy McCain adultery scandal, replete with color pics of the hot blonde lobbyist involved.  This morning (2/21), the photo of Vicki Iseman is up on Drudge for millions to see. In response, McCain did exactly the right thing:  he attacked.  He didn't simply denounce the story as a "smear," but he had his campaign manager, Charlie Black, announce that McCain would now "declare war on the New York Times." Perfect.  When you've got lemons, make lemonade.  And that's just what conservatives must do now with the lemon of John McCain.



You know the old glass half-empty/half-full perspective.  Whenever it's mentioned I always think of Dennis Turner.  Many years ago, we were having a discussion whether the future of freedom was bright or bleak.  Arguing for the former, I mentioned Reason Magazine's "Trends" feature, which itemized recent pro-freedom developments. Dennis instantly responded, "Yes, but it's mis-named.  It should be called "Anomalies." But we are not eternal pessimists here at To The Point.  We aren't naïvely Pollyannic either, but are instead rationally optimistic, always on the look out for opportunities and solutions instead of being bummed out on dangers and problems. And we'd like you to participate in the hunt.  So we are instituting the TTP Half-Full Report.