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[The Council for National Policy is America's premier group of conservative leaders. At its meeting this weekend, I have been asked to address CNP members, explaining in five minutes why Liberal Democrats seem incapable of even wanting to defend our country.  This is what I will say.] A good place to start understanding why Democrats cannot defend America is the Amazon jungle.  There is a tribe in the Amazon called the Yanomamo.  When a Yanomamo woman gives birth, she tearfully proclaims her child to be ugly. In a loud mortified lament that the entire tribe can hear, she asks why the gods have cursed her with such a pathetically repulsive infant. She does this in order to ward off the envious black magic of the Evil Eye, the Mal Ojo, that would be directed at her by her fellow tribespeople if they thought she was happy and her baby was beautiful. So she is afraid to be happy, because of the fear of being envied by her fellow villagers. From now on, whenever you think of a Liberal Democrat, I want you to think of that Yanomamo woman in the Amazon.  For it is that primitive jungle fear of being envied that makes a Liberal.



This week's HFR focuses on the Obamarama - or as Jack Kelly describes him, the guy in an empty suit with a glass jaw.  Naturally, we're all dancing on the bar tables over Hillary's winning Texas and Ohio, ensuring a vicious catfight between her and Obambi from now ‘till Labor Day.  What fun. It turns out, though, that Hillary has a woman on her side who is turning out to be one of her campaign's greatest assets, who just may ensure the Hildebeast's victory over Obambi and her nomination.  Nope, not Gloria Steinem nor Barbra Streisand nor Halle Berry.  I refer, of course, to... *** ...On the international scene, the HFR reports that Jews around the world rioted in violent protest over a British researcher's claims that Moses, the founder of the Jewish religion, was high on psychedelic drugs and hallucinated that he spoke to God on Mount Sinai.



Over a year ago, Congress passed a law to spend over $7 billion to build a fence to secure our Mexican border. On February 22, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced at a news conference that a high-tech "virtual fence" project on part of the U.S. border with Mexico was finally ready for service. The so-called Project 28 virtual fence was built near Nogales, Ariz. The $20 million project of sensor towers and advanced mobile communications was supposed to be ready by mid-2007, but was delayed by software problems.  So Mr. Chertoff's announcement was good news. But only five days later on February 27, the media reported that the Bush administration has scaled back plans to quickly build a virtual fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, delaying completion of that first 28-mile phase by at least three years and shifting away from a network of tower-mounted sensors and surveillance gear.



That was the title of a very funny book P. J. O'Rourke wrote a few years ago about Saddam Hussein's Iraq.  And it's very apt advice right now for Colombia's Alvaro Uribe. You knew that Venezuela's coke-head clown dictator was going to find a pretext for war with Colombia a month ago in Wars On The Way.  The Colombian Army's take-out of Chavez's FARC buddy Raul Reyes, a murderous Marxist midget (he was barely over five feet tall) last Saturday (3/01) provided it. Now let's hope Uribe accepts Chavez's offer of war.  For if he does, it's bye-bye, Hugo.



Never before has a presidential nomination been determined by a do over.  This year there may be two.  And they may not be enough to prevent a bloodbath at the Democrat convention in Denver in August. Despite winning Rhode Island by 18 points, Ohio by 10 points, and Texas by 4 points, Ms. Clinton shaved only 12 delegates from Sen. Obama's lead, with 10 still to be allocated.  That lead is pretty narrow.  Sen. Obama has won 1,366 delegates in primaries and caucuses to date, compared to 1,222 for Sen. Clinton.  Mr. Obama needs 659 delegates more to obtain the 2,025 needed to win the nomination. Sen. Clinton needs 803.  But only 611 delegates are left to be won in the remaining primaries and caucuses, 158 of them in Pennsylvania's primary April 22.  That means the nominee will be picked by the 795 "superdelegates," who have been elected by nobody. It also means the primaries in Michigan and Florida are going to have to be held again.



We start off this week's HFR with a marvelous confirmation that Yes, Virginia, Hollywood really is that stupid and shallow... Next up is the exhilarating photo flap over Hussein Obambi's looking like a Moslem girlie-man in drag. Then the HFR announces that its Hero of the Week award goes to General Motors Vice Chairman Bob Lutz, who had the courage to publicly state that "global warming is a total crock" of fecal material... The HFR further announces the impending death of North Korea... And lastly, there appeared this week two astonishingly hopeful signs of moderation in Islam.



Ljubljana, Slovenia.  As I gaze out on the prosperous and exquisite "old town" of this ancient city, it seems far removed from the country of Yugoslavia of which it was part. After a brief battle in 1991, Slovenia won its independence, and is now a part of the European Union. The tensions between Serbia and Kosovo, the final remnants of Yugoslavia, are felt not much more deeply here than in most other parts of the EU. By almost any measure, Slovenia has been an economic success during the last 18 years, and now enjoys a per capita income (on a purchasing power parity) almost equal to that of the average EU country, and about 60 percent of that enjoyed by the average American. Despite Slovenia's success, it now faces many of the same problems found in the larger EU countries. Back in 1991, Slovenia, tucked up against the Austrian Alps, had the goal to be a little Switzerland with its economic prosperity and personal liberty. Yet, two decades later, the economic system in Slovenia looks more like that of France than Switzerland. Thus the debate here, as it is emerging in so many places in Europe, between retreating into stagnant statism or moving forward into freedom.



During the past two centuries, three major European continental nations have tried to impose their will on the rest of the continent, indeed, on the globe. First France in the early 19th century, then Germany in the first half of the 20th century, and finally Russia. In the second half of the 20th century, France and Germany each realized that on their own their importance on a European and global level was going to decline. Hence, they became the motors of the so-called European unification process. Many - especially in Britain, but also in smaller countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands - perceive the European Union to be a joint Franco-German effort at dominating Europe. Eastern European nations such as the Baltic states and Poland fear that one day the Franco-German axis might be enlarged by bringing in Russia.  They realize that the biggest threat to their independence is a Franco-German-Russian axis. If one day Paris, Berlin and Moscow decide to join forces the rest of Europe will have to do as they are told. So they have begun to ask themselves an amazing question.



Sen. Hillary Clinton has road-tested several versions of attacks on Sen. Barack Obama that don't work. Obviously, and first, don't come out against change and hope - the perennial themes of successful election campaigns. Even my old boss, Ronald Reagan, campaigned for re-election in 1984 in response to the claim that America needed to change on the phrase, "We ARE the change" (as well as on the hopeful theme of "morning in America"). If a candidate is not for change, he is not for us.  Nor will Americans ever vote for a presidential candidate on what he or she has already done for us. In American politics, gratitude is always the lively expectation of benefits yet to come. The question is always, what will you do for us tomorrow? Americans will not give Sen. John McCain the White House because we are grateful for his heroism 40 years ago at the "Hanoi Hilton." We are grateful, and he was heroic. Americans might gladly vote a medal, or even an opulent retirement home, but not the presidency.