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Once I finish writing this, I'm off to conduct the VIP trip discussed in Good News From Bulgaria.  Next I'll be in Albania for a meeting with Prime Minister Berisha, followed by speaking at a conference in Tbilisi, Georgia along with TTP's Richard Rahn. After that, I head into the back of beyond.  The phrase became popular in the 19th century referring to mysterious lands that were unknown and remote.  I can't be more specific, as I don't want to telegraph my presence there in advance. You'll be getting a report from me whenever I get a secure Internet connection, which I hope will be often.  There will be a few times in the coming weeks when I'll have to be incommunicado.  I'll be back just after the election, and the scary question is:  will America by then have become a country that is back of beyond?



American Jews have good reason to be ashamed and angry today. As Iran moves into the final stages of its nuclear weapons development program - nuclear weapons which it will use to destroy the State of Israel, endanger Jews around the world and cow the United States of America - Democrat American Jewish leaders decided that putting Sen. Barack Hussein Obama in the White House is more important than protecting the lives of the Jewish people in Israel and around the world. On Monday (9/22), the New York Sun published the speech that Republican vice presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin would have delivered at that day's rally outside UN headquarters in New York against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and against Iran's plan to destroy Israel. She would have delivered it, if she hadn't been disinvited. It was a remarkable speech, prepared by a remarkable woman. But it was not heard.  Here's why.



Are all too many in the global political class doltish, or do they just appear that way? The current financial meltdown has revealed an amazing number of revelations from people who were surprised by the obvious. For years, liberal Democrats in Congress and some Republicans pushed for banks and other institutions to make home loans to unqualified borrowers, and suddenly we find many of these people cannot repay their loans. The reaction from members of Congress, like the "surprised" Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is to demand investigation of "greedy bankers," while ignoring the fact that it was her left-wing colleagues who created the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) that required the banks to lend to people who were poor credit risks in the name of "housing rights." A Chicago "public interest" lawyer named Barack Hussein Obama was active in this movement.



One wonders how Sen. Joe Biden can talk so much with his foot in his mouth. Obama's running-mate has said something foolish or indiscreet so often the Republican National Committee has started a "Biden Gaffe Clock" to chronicle them all.   Sen. Biden wasn't chosen to provide comic relief.  Sen. Obama thought his 35 years in the Senate, most of it on the Foreign Relations Committee, of which he is now chairman, would give the ticket foreign policy credentials Sen. Obama himself lacks. The most hypocritical of the legion of double standards employed by the news media in this campaign is that a paucity of experience in foreign policy is considered disqualifying in the Republican candidate for vice president, but inconsequential in the Democratic candidate for president. 



[Phyllis Schafly has been a good friend of mine for many years.  We once sailed down the Danube River into Communist Hungary as it was breaking free of the Soviet Union.  At 84 years old, she shows here how to nail liberal faux-feminists to the wall. -JW] Feminist anger against Sarah has exposed the fact that feminism is not about women's success and achievement. If it were, feminists would have been bragging for years about self-made women who are truly remarkable achievers, such as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, or former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, or Sen. Elizabeth Dole, or even Margaret Thatcher. Feminists never boast about these women because feminism's basic doctrine is victimology. Feminism preaches that women can never succeed because they are the sorry victims of an oppressive patriarchy. No matter how smart or accomplished a woman may be, she's told that success and happiness are beyond her grasp because institutional sexism and discrimination hold her down.



Country singer Pat Garrett has the hit song of the year.  It is can't-sit-down, gotta-get-up-and-boogie, real deal rock and roll.  And while you're jumping and dancing for joy, tears will also be streaming down your face from the beauty and truth of the lyrics. For it is a tribute to America's Sweetheart, the woman who is destroying the Left's stranglehold on our culture, who will give us our country back so that America can be America again:  Sarah Palin. Liberals can eat their hearts out while we dance our hearts out to Moose Shootin' Mama.  Be sure and crank up the volume. {youtube}xZcdTI53mLA{/youtube}



Maybe we should all be in Tibet this week. That's where I was 21 years ago on Black Monday, October 19, 1987.  On that infamous day 21 years ago, the Dow dropped 22.6%:  from 2,247 to 1,739, or a loss of 508 points.  (An equivalent loss today would be a fall of 2,500 points, from 11,422 to 8,840.) We were in one of the remotest spots on the planet - the Chang Thang plateau of northern Tibet - when we learned of the crash on our short wave radio tuned into the BBC.  We were so lucky to be there... ... let's focus now on more positive developments.  One would be that Charlie Rangel is finally getting what's coming to him.  Even liberal newspapers like the Miami Herald are calling for him to resign, either from his chairmanship of House Way & Means or from Congress altogether.  Another is the release this week of John Fund's book Stealing Elections.  This is an incredibly important book.  John exposes the plans of the ultimate "community organizer" ACORN to commit massive voter fraud in cities throughout the country - and details how Obama is an ACORN operative... ...Then there is Boliva breaking apart and Pakistan about to.



There are a lot of people to blame for the subprime mortgage crisis and this week's wall Street meltdown.  Above all are the crooks and mismanagers who ran the Federal National  Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) - and their political enablers. Fannie and Freddie were very good at greasing palms on Capitol Hill.  Fannie spent $170 million on lobbying since 1998, and $19.3 million on political contributions since 1990. The principal recipient of Fannie Mae's largesse was Sen. Chriss Dodd (D-CT), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.  Number two was Barack Hussein Obama. Fannie bought most of its bad mortgages from Countrywide Financial, whose CEO, Angelo Mozilo, gave sweetheart loans to senior executives of Fannie Mae. Sen. Dodd was also the second largest recipient in the Senate of contributions from Countrywide's PAC and its employees.  The number one senator on Countrywide's list?  Barack Hussein Obama.



Talk about blowing a golden opportunity. Whenever there is danger - like the Wall Street Meltdown this week - there is always opportunity.  The Meltdown handed it to McCain on a diamond-studded platter, on which Obambi and the Democrats lay so stunningly vulnerable.  Instead, he goes off on an anti-capitalist rant, demonizing the "greed" of Wall Street instead of the Democrat crooks in Congress who are the architects of the crisis.  He calls for more fascist regulation, when it was the regulatory power the Dem crooks had that caused the crisis. And to top it off, he scapegoats Chris Cox, Bush's SEC Chairman, the most honest and decent guy in Washington, instead of the Democrat crooks! McCain is reminding us of why conservatives weren't gung-ho enthusiastic over his candidacy.  We'd almost forgotten in the wake of Palinmania.  We're now remembering his sneering remark during the primary debates that his life has always been motivated by "patriotism," while that of Mitt Romney was motivated by - he spat out the word as if it were a filthy four-letter insult - "profit." McCain should have listened more to his friend and cell-mate in the Hanoi Hilton, Jim Warner. Jim once asked him, "John, would you go to a supermarket to buy a pair of shoes?"



To The Point has long maintained that the Clintons will do what they can to make sure Obambi loses in November - for only then does Hillary have a chance for the White House in 2012. Now there's more evidence. In a private meeting earlier this month (9/10) in his Harlem office, Clinton met at his request with the publishers of a major online news site.  I cannot be more explicit at the request of my source. After claiming Obama will win because his campaign has registered two million new Democrat voters, Clinton casually mentioned: "You know, one thing that nobody has really checked out yet is Obama's long-standing and deep relationship with Louis Farrakhan.  It's going to really hurt him badly once it's fully disclosed." Hint:  research and reveal Obama's connection with the most rabidly anti-Semitic black racist in America.