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Please read the article below and take heed. There are dark clouds on the security horizon and they are blowing our way. This may seem short, however there is a lot of substance in these links. I encourage you to read this for your own security. Everything I have previously written regarding security may be a moot point after this exploit: Invisible Things What has happened in a nutshell is that there is a hole in the Intel processor that may allow a crafty hacker to inject malicious code into your computer with an Intel chip. The exploit attacks a part of the processor utilizing System Management Mode, which just happen to be the most privileged operation mode on the processor. This stealthy attack allows your computer to be compromised without you ever knowing about it. As of now there is no known protection against this exploit, which was just written about on March19 and by now has captured the attention of bad guys.  Chinese and Russian intelligence services are working on this as we speak.



The opening stanza of the Marine Corps hymn is: "From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, we fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea." The "Halls of Montezuma" refers to the assault on Chapultapec Castle on September 13, 1847 during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), by the small Marine contingent led by Captain Silas Casey in Gen. Winfield Scott's army.  Ninety percent of the officers and NCOs who led the assault were killed.  The red stripe on the dress uniform trousers of Marine officers is in commemoration of the blood their predecessors shed that day.  "To the shores of Tripoli" refers to the Marine role in Thomas Jefferson's war against the Barbary pirates.  Now we are faced with another war with pirates.  Will the current president learn any lesson from history?



The evidence is now as high as Everest that America's greatest foreign threat is not a bunch of illiterates chanting verses of the Koran and willing to blow themselves up in order to have 72 whores in heaven.  It is Red China. Yet the Chicoms are not simply a threat to America.  They are the greatest threat to freedom world-wide.  A good example as any is a fellow named Joel Fitzgibbon. He's the Defense Minister of Australia, and he's in town (DC) today (4/09) to meet with his American counterpart Defense Secretary Bobby Gates for the annual Australia-US Ministerial (AUSMIN) meeting.  Gates and his aides will be very cautious in talking to him, however - because Mr. Fitzgibbon has been having an affair with a spy from Chinese Military Intelligence. The scandal has now exploded all over Australian newspapers.  Not only will Fitzgibbon have to resign, but so might the man who appointed him - because Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's best friends are all Chicoms.  He speaks Mandarin fluently, travels to China at every opportunity, promotes China buying up Australia's natural resources, and consistently takes China's side in most any dispute. To many Aussies, it looks like their leader is as much of a Manchurian Candidate as America's.



The real climax of Mr. Obama's Spring Apologies Tour wasn't his photo op with our troops in Baghdad or even his "American Guilt" concerts in Western Europe. While fans in the press cheered wildly at every venue, the real performance came in Turkey. And it was a turkey. For those who believe Obama means well - or that Jimmy Carter, his policy godfather, meant well:  the road to embassy takeovers and strategic humiliation is paved with good intentions, coupled with distressing naïveté. On every stage, Obama draped Lady Liberty in sackcloth and ashes, drawing plentiful applause but no serious economic or security cooperation in return. Then, in Turkey, he surrendered our national pride, undercut our interests and interfered in matters that aren't his business.



Do you know who is perpetuating the biggest tax scam ever and who the victims are? It is an organization that claims to be a "service" to the people but whose actual behavior can be summed up in its unwritten motto, "Might means right." As tax day approaches, millions of Americans are finding they are victims of this scam. It is called the capital gains tax, and it is run by the Internal Revenue "Service." Capital gains come from sales of stocks and bonds, businesses, real estate, art objects and anything else of value. The IRS capital-gains tax scam consists of two parts. First, it does not just tax real gains, but also imaginary gains resulting solely from government-caused inflation. The U.S. Constitution - i.e., the 16th Amendment - only gives Congress the power to "lay and collect taxes on incomes." Many legal scholars think taxing the portion of a capital gain caused by inflation is unconstitutional because it is not income.



With the selling of Mr. Obama's economic agenda now reported in full gear, it is an opportune moment to take another look at what he has told us he would do and, more importantly, what he hasn't told us about the economic cost of his energy plans. The answer to the former question is straight forward. In his address to Congress, he pledged to double the production of renewable energy in the next three years, lay down thousands of miles of new transmission lines and introduce a "market-based cap on carbon pollution" to promote clean energy, fight global warming and "put Americans to work making homes and buildings more efficient." Perhaps the best place to start seeking  answers as to how costly and realistic this agenda is likely to turn out is to look at the record of the three countries Mr. Obama specifically mentioned as  leading the United States in the renewable energy revolution: China,  Japan and Germany. That record shows that such a revolution is a fantasy and that the green energy bubble has burst.



Well, that settles that - he's a Moslem.  No one, much less a President of the United States, who is not a Moslem would deeply bow to a Saudi Wahhabi tyrant in an act of utter submission. o_bow.jpg This is the most disgraceful act of any president in American history.  Wahhabism is the most evil religion on earth, a religion of hate which the Saudi king spends billions promoting around the world.  To bow to its principal proponent is submission to evil, an announcement of one's true beliefs. No patriotic American can ever again, upon seeing this picture and understanding its meaning, consider this man to be the legitimate president of his country.



Inflation is a way that governments can pay off their debts (albeit with depreciated currency) without outright default or overt tax increases.  In the U.S., government debt has grown to impossible-to-pay levels.  Yet the spending is rapidly accelerating.  The immensely costly new programs being created on an almost daily basis by the Obama Administration and the Democrats (mostly) in Congress come at a huge price, most of which (along with the continuing burden of Medicare and Social Security, etc.) can only be paid for by continually increasing the money supply into hyperinflationary territory.  It is thus highly instructive to read the best account of what actually happened during Germany's hyperinflation of the early 1920s.  Until now, this was difficult and very expensive to do.  Amazon, for example, has only one single copy of When Money Dies:  The Nightmare of the Weimar Collapse by Scottish writer and Conservative politician Adam Dugdale Fergusson.  The price is $2,500! Now there is a way to read it for free.



All of us are brothers under the skin.  We humans (except, of course, for Republicans and AIG executives) all have good hearts, and we all want basically the same things.  Disputes between nations and cultures are chiefly the result of miscommunication, and can be resolved by compromise, concession, and "dialogue." That's a pleasant thing to believe, and many Americans - mostly wealthy liberals who've led sheltered lives - believe it.  But to sustain the belief requires a stupendous ignorance of history, whose blood-soaked pages reveal more disputes between nations and cultures have been driven by greed, envy, and religious zealotry than by miscommunication. "War started from Adam when Cain he killed Abel until now," said Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, once al Qaeda's number three, as he confessed proudly last month his role in planning the 9/11 attacks and 30 others.  "It's never going stop killing of people.  This is life." It's uncomfortable to realize there are people in the world who want to kill you just because you are different from them, and will do so unless you kill them first.  But then, what characterizes a liberal is being uncomfortable with reality.



Why did some banks and financial institutions fail and others succeed? There are many reasons, but one common ingredient of those that have not failed is that they are organized as partnerships and/or are controlled by a family, or are closely held by a few senior officers. That is, they have "skin in the game." So why are not more banks and other financial companies organized as partnerships?  Primarily because the tax code requires partners individually to pay full tax on their pro-rata share of the profits as they are earned. A properly structured tax code would encourage companies to reward their executives on the long-run profitability of the enterprise, rather than on short-run profits, which is now the case. Members of Congress rant against the short-term mentality of many in Wall Street and elsewhere, but it is precisely the tax and regulatory systems put in place by Congress that have caused much of the problem.