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Thanks to TTP general manager Miko, and TTPers like Mitch Tyree, the dates and the deal for the TTP Summer Rendezvous are set. One of the most distinguished hotels in Colonial Williamsburg, the Williamsburg Hospitality House, will host the Winning the Revolution Rendezvous from Friday, September 11 to Sunday, September 13. Colonial Williamsburg  recreates the America of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.  Nearby Jamestown is where the settlement of America began in 1607.  And close by is Yorktown, where America achieved victory in its War of Independence in 1781. It is an incredibly emotional experience to be at Surrender Field, where the British troops under Lord Cornwallis gave up their arms and surrendered to George Washington while the British band played "The World Turned Upside Down."  This is where free America was born, this was where our Revolution was won. What more appropriate place could there be - and what more appropriate date than September 11 weekend - for TTPers to join together and commit to winning our American liberty once again?



Last week, 4,000 US Marines launched a major operation in Helmand, the poppy-queen province in southern Afghanistan. The Marines performed magnificently, reaching their objectives with minimal casualties -- mostly from the 110-degree heat. But something important was missing: Afghans in uniform.  A few hundred Afghan players showed up in the backfield. But the village elders saw only American guns. The Marine mission is to provide security for villagers, build trust and instill confidence in the Kabul government. This would all be far easier if the Afghan military and police were competent, trustworthy and present. They're not. What's the problem? Why haven't years of effort and billions of dollars, coupled with our training expertise, forged fully reliable military units and constabularies? The answer lies in...



Las Vegas, Nevada.  How old were you before you realized your actions could result in unintended consequences? Men create democratic governments to protect life, liberty and property. Yet much of what modern government does daily has the largely unintended consequence of endangering and/or reducing all three. Taxes reduce liberty and often erode the value of property. Most regulations reduce liberty and some erode property values and even endanger life. We now spend much of our lives trying to figure out how to reduce our tax burdens and to comply with never-ending government regulations and forms. Most of those who enter government, either as elected politicians or bureaucrats, do not start out to deliberately erode basic freedoms and property rights, but all too many in the political class act like children -- irresponsibly and thoughtlessly.



With unemployment in June at 9.5 percent, and with the president himself now acknowledging the unemployment rate is likely to exceed ten percent before year's end, it's pretty bizarre for Mr. Obama to say, as he did in his radio address Saturday (7/11), that the stimulus bill "has worked as intended." A report from New Hampshire suggests why the stimulus bill hasn't stimulated the economy much. According to the state office responsible for tracking the funds, New Hampshire has received so far $413.6 million in stimulus funds, which have resulted in the creation of 50 jobs, all in government, most of them temporary and only 34 of them full time.  Last February, I called the stimulus bill the porkalooza, and predicted it would define Mr. Obama's presidency, even shorten it.  That's why I'm glad it passed.



I love negative numbers.  They're so much fun - especially this one:  minus 8. The HFR of just over a month ago - 06/05/09 - celebrated Zero finally hitting zero on Scott Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, when for the first time those who strongly disapprove of him equaled those who strongly approve for a rating of 0. "It won't be long now until they go in the minus column for the Fascist-in-chief and keep heading south. You can follow them daily on Rasmussen's Approval Index History," advised the HFR.  For the past two weeks, they've been falling off a cliff so dramatically that yesterday (7/09), Rasmussen's -8 rating was the lead story on Drudge.  This morning (7/10) it's -7.  No surprise to TTPers. Also no surprise are the explosive riots that started Sunday (7/05) in the Chicoms' colony of East Turkestan, or Xinjiang (zin-john) as they call it. 



"The distinctions between Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, are being overshadowed by that between what we might call the ‘Court Party' -- made up of the well-connected, the people who feel represented by mainstream politicians who argue over how many trillions should be spent on reforming American society, who see themselves as potters of the great American clay -- and the ‘Country Party' -- the many more who are tired of being treated as clay." So observes Princeton Professor Angelo Codevilla, with whom I was acquainted when we were both staffers in the Senate. People in the Court Party think it proper they should decide what kind of cars the hoi polloi in flyover country should drive, and how much medical care they may have. People in the Country Party are desperate for a champion to protect them from the depredations of the Court ruling elite.  So are Tea Party conservatives.  If that person were the same, uniting the two into a political force, it would sweep the field.  That champion is Sarah Palin.



The Fed is supposed to provide the United States with stable currency yet it now takes $21.60 to equal the purchasing power of $1 in 1913, the year the Fed was established. (In the 124 years prior to the founding of the Fed, there was almost no permanent change in the purchasing power of the dollar. There was some inflation during the Civil War, which was offset by a slow deflation in the 40 years after the war.) The Fed is supposed to regulate the banking system to provide financial stability, yet far more banks have failed since the Fed was created, and events of the past year illustrate how the Fed has failed at providing financial stability. The Fed has become like a large fire department that has a fixed percentage of its employees who are arsonists, so as it gets bigger, there are always more fires. Yet the politicians call for an even bigger fire department (or Fed) rather than a smaller one that has rid itself of the arsonists. (The same can be said of most of government.) If we can't get rid of the Fed entirely, can we at least get rid of its arsonists?



Obama went to Moscow desperate for the appearance of a foreign-policy success. He got that illusion -- at a substantial cost to America's security. The series of signing ceremonies in a grand Kremlin hall and the litany of agreements, accords and frameworks implied that the United States benefited from all the fuss. We didn't. We got nothing of real importance. But the government of puppet-master Vladimir Putin (nominally just prime minister) got virtually all it wanted. In Moscow, this was Christmas in July. That's because we just agreed to the disarmament position of the American Communist Party of the 1950s.



I'm embarrassed to admit it, but the instant I heard Sarah Palin announcing her resignation from the Alaska governorship, I thought of Richard Nixon. In 1960, he was cheated out of the presidency when Chicago Mayor Richard Daley stuffed enough ballot boxes to give Illinois to Kennedy, and Kennedy's running mate Lyndon Johnson did the same in Texas.  In 1962, Nixon ran for governor of California and lost to Democrat Pat Brown by 300,000 votes. His career was finished, and there wasn't a politician nor a pundit in the country who didn't say so.  He was washed-up, held no political office, and was under constant attack by a media that reviled him.  Yet six years later he was elected president in 1968.  How did he do this? The same way Sarah Palin can be elected president in 2012.



Quitter.  That's what Sarah Palin's enemies, and many of her friends, are calling her in the wake of her surprise announcement Friday (7/3) that she'll resign as governor of Alaska. A big scandal must be looming, some speculate.  Sarah or a member of her family must be seriously ill, speculate others.  If either is true, we should learn more in a few weeks. Viewed from the perspective, so common in Washington these days, that the only thing more important than holding public office is seeking a higher one, Sarah Palin's decision makes no sense.  But if her priorities are different, it makes perfect sense.