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Two female explorers, Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen, planned a trek across the Arctic Ocean earlier this month to highlight the dangers of global warming.  They had to call the expedition off because it was too cold. "One night they measured the temperature inside their tent at 58 degrees below zero, and outside temperatures were exceeding 100 below zero at times," Ann Atwood, who helped organize the expedition, told the Associated Press. "They were experiencing temperatures that weren't expected with global warming," Ms. Atwood acknowledged.  "One of the things we see with global warming is unpredictability," she said. Uh, Ms. Atwood, one thing people who haven't drunk the Kool Aid can predict is that it'll be mighty cold in the Arctic in winter. (Jack Wheeler, who has been to the North Pole 21 times, told me he fell out of his chair laughing at this news item.  "What ditzes," he observed.) The Jim Jones of this Kool Aid testified on Capitol Hill last Wednesday. 



As an early and continuing strong supporter of President Bush's war effort, I nonetheless regularly have criticized his administration's inept communications and war-fighting strategies -- particularly in the years from 2004 to 2006. Along with many others, I was both exasperated and puzzled by the gap between the magnitude of the president's bold enterprise and the stingy assignment of material resources (men and material), and diplomatic energy with which he provisioned it. Even so, for all their mismanagement of a still vital and noble struggle, the Bush team has better served our cause than has the Democrat Party served its interests in its near-unanimous opposition to the war recently. Theirs has been the most blatantly unprincipled war opposition short of treason in living memory -- and the Democrat Party is likely to pay a fearsome price at the polls for a generation.



Oodles of media ink have been spent discussing conservative frustration over the current "top tier" of Republican presidential candidates.  Giuliani, Romney, McCain - none of them ring conservatives' bells.  Thus the latest tingling of excitement over Fred Thompson. The son of a used-car salesman in Alabama, Thompson is both fully conservative and fully presidential.  The Dems don't have anyone like him. Thus the frustration among the Dems regarding their "top tier" - only two, Hillary and Gumby - is far greater and far more frightening to them than any distress among the GOP. It is dawning on the Dems that Hillary is just too plain unlikeable to be electable.  And it is beginning to dawn on them that The Obamarama's 15 minutes of frenzied fame is about over.  It's all smile and phony personal story.  He's got nothing interesting or substantive to say. So as he flames out, Dems are desperate for an alternative.  And I'm getting excited about their desperation, for all the buzz here on Capitol Hill is that they are getting excited about Algore. Could we be lucky enough to face Al in '08?



The Democrat Party is in thrall, we're told, of the mighty power of the Moonbat Left, with its millions of passionate adherents all ruthlessly organized via to bring doom to any politician who dares oppose them. Their strength would literally be on parade, they boasted, in the nation's capital in a glorious resurrection of the left's finest moment of anti-war protest forty years ago.   More than a hundred thousand of them would march on the Pentagon, humbling their arrogant warmongering government over Iraq as their parents and grandparents once did over Vietnam. Why they chose March 17, 2007 as the "40th Anniversary" of the legendary-to-them March on the Pentagon is mysterious, as the latter took place on October 21, 1967. On that October day 40 years ago, well over 100,000 lefties, cheered on by Jane Fonda, Noam Chomsky, and Abbie Hoffman, marched from the Lincoln Memorial over Memorial Bridge and down to the Pentagon, where they were met by 2,500 armed Army soldiers. Lefty author Norman Mailer wrote a book about it, The Armies of the Night, which however poorly and egomaniacally written, won a Pulitzer Prize.  No one, not even as awful a writer as Mailer, is going to write a book about the pathetic fizzle of this last Saturday.  What a bust.



To its enemies, the most endearing quality of the Bush administration must be the frequency with which the Bushies act as if they've done something wrong, even when they haven't. President Bush caused himself no end of grief when he apologized for saying in his 2003 state of the union address "the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa," even though every word of it was true.  That blunder may have been topped by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at his news conference last Wednesday.  The "senior Justice Department official" who told reporters Mr. Gonzales' performance was "disastrous" was being kind.

Only President Bush, with his apparently boundless enthusiasm for mediocrities (Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job), imagined that Mr. Gonzales was a good choice to be attorney general, and he has lived down to the expectations most held for him. 



In response to the media frenzy, initiated by the Washington Post, regarding the treatment of our soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, I wish to give my perspective. Please understand that I am speaking for myself and I am responsible for my thoughts alone.  The news media and politicians are making it sound like Walter Reed is a terrible place and the staff here has been abusing our brave wounded soldiers.  They are lying. I am completing my 24th year of service in the Army next month.  I am currently the senior clinical chaplain at Walter Reed and have been so for the last four years. I will leave to go back to the infantry this summer.  Here is the truth of what has happened.



I can't adequately express how appreciative I am for all the prayers by TTP members for me and my family in response to What's Dhimmitude in Russian?  There were even a number of offers to bodyguard my family or provide us with safe houses!  It was so very touching I don't have the words.  A number of the messages brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you all so much. I also must tell you how much your prayers for Paul Joyal have meant to his family.  Paul's wife Liz sends you her deepest thanks. As of today (Thursday 3/15), Paul is still in intensive care.  He has begun to talk, but only physically, not lucidly - he can make sounds but not any sense.  To be in this state after two weeks shows how horrible the attack on him was by the Kremlin-hired gunmen. And now, two weeks later, I know why the Bush White House has been quiet about it.



In the last week, two news items caught my attention. News item No. 1: Dateline Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - The Louvre Museum is selling the use of its name for a museum in Abu Dhabi for $520 million, and will rent out some of its art exhibits and provide technical museum management services for another $747 million. News item No. 2: Dateline Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The Halliburton Corp. is moving its worldwide corporate headquarters to Dubai. It will keep most of its staff in Houston, will maintain its legal incorporation in the United States, will remain listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but will list its shares on a Middle East exchange also. Twenty years ago, even 10 years ago, these items would have given rise to Third World screeching about Western cultural and economic imperialism. But today it is French and American whining that greets these moves.



These are good times for moonbats, hard times for wingnuts.  This bodes ill for Democratic prospects in 2008. "Moonbat" is a term popularized by the Web logger Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) to describe people on the extreme left.  "Wingnut" is a term coined by liberals to describe those on the extreme right. Most of us learn by the third grade the difference between addition and subtraction.  But both moonbats and wingnuts think a majority can be built by driving away everyone who doesn't agree with them totally on everything. Little better illustrates the rising influence of moonbats than the on again, off again efforts by Democratic leaders in Congress to hamstring the war effort in Iraq by imposing crippling conditions on the defense appropriations bill.



A news item today, New species of leopard discovered in Borneo, brought up a lot of thoughts and memories.  Like the times I've spent in Borneo, especially of climbing Mount Kinabalu. The animal discovered is a new species of Cloudy Leopard, the rarest big game cat in the world.  So before any thoughts or memories came to mind, I looked up from my desk to the mantel above my office fireplace.  On it is a mounted cloudy leopard, perched on a branch, fangs bared, ready to pounce.  I shot it in South Viet Nam in 1961.  I was 17 years old. I mentioned hunting tigers back then in Tigers and Treason (Sept. 2004) - but it was less about tigers than John Kerry's betrayal of his fellow soldiers and of the wonderful people with whom I hunted, the Montagnard tribesmen of South Viet Nam.  So I skipped any mention of leopards.  It was more important to talk about the Democrat presidential candidate's treason towards America and her friends. I'll tell you about the leopard - but first let me tell you about another act of treason and what you can do about it.