Leave it to America’s best, coolest and totally awesome governor to signal his support for Canada’s Freedom Truckers by tweeting simply:
Smart politicians know that when there’s a parade had in the direction you want, get out in front and lead it. That’s RDS in spades. And what a parade – the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy is the longest truck convoy in world history, over 60 miles long. Have a gander at this drone overfly of just a part of it…
Arriving in Ottawa, Canada’s capital, to protest the increasingly fascist government of Justin Trudeau and his vax mandates, the truckers have taken over Parliament Hill with thousands of Canadians demonstrating in support of them.
And when Ottawa’s Mayor Jim Watson called towing companies to have the trucks towed away, every one declined, saying they were sick with covid. Trudeau is so afraid of the truckers he won’t meet them. And the media there and here is just as afraid: The Canadian Convoy Has Stolen the Hearts of the People and the Media Is Not Taking It Well. That’s because Workers of the World Are Uniting for Freedom and the Left Hates It.
For what could epitomize the Marxist-revered “worker” than a truck driver? Yet the Trucker Freedom Convoy concept is going global: More Freedom Convoys Launch In Europe & Australia To Shut Down COVID Tyranny. Freedom Convoys are organizing all over Europe – Holland, Germany, Italy and elsewhere – to descend on Brussels against EU covid restrictions mid-February.
And in Australia descending on Canberra:
So… is there any doubt about this, as reported by The Hill (2/03)? US Trucker Convoy Coming: Joe Biden Will Ignore Protests At His Peril. Truck Yeah!!
What we are witnessing this week is the end of the long dark two year-long covid winter. Country after country is opening up – some completely like Denmark and the UK, some more cautiously like Greece and Spain, while others cling to fascist control like Austria.
As Associated Press reports (2/02): ‘Take Back Life’: More Nations Ease Coronavirus Restrictions. From Becker News (2/03): Covid Mandates Ate Collapsing Around the Globe.
Already countries like Croatia, Slovenia, and Portugal (including Madeira and the Azores) require no vax, just one of those airport rapid antigen tests. To my great personal relief, neither do Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. They are open for travel once more.
Thus I am able to offer The Heart of Central Asia 2022 May 15-30 to TTPers, which is a truly life-memorable experience. It’s about time we started getting back into the world, right? Here’s a magical way to do it. You only have one life on this Earth and you can’t take it with you. Carpe diem!
Back home in the US, the bad news for Dems and their media’s fascist narrative keeps coming.
From the AT on Tuesday (2/01), we learn: The Lancet Surrenders And Declares COVID Pandemic Is Almost Over. The Lancet is one of the most distinguished medical publications in the world.
The Wall Street Journal declares: Herd Immunity Is Over—Long Live Superimmunity – “The Omicron wave will leave most people with potent and durable protection against Covid.”
And in response to reports like this: Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked with Lower IQ and Social Brain Damage in Children, House Republicans on Monday (1/31) wrote to CDC Director Rochelle Walinsky demanding she account for all the heartbreaking damage CDC policies have done to America’s children. The full text of the letter is here.
What the CDC, the Xiden White House, the Democrats and the media propagandists have done to Americans in general, but most horrifically to the children of America, is prison-worthy criminal. Which brings us to the most effective way to communicate this.
An example is the lead cartoon in Skye’s Links yesterday:
This picture portrays what the Dem domestic terrorists are doing to America is drowning it in rivers of disgusting filth and pollution. It pictures what Dems are doing is disgusting. Its purpose is to evoke an emotional reaction, not one of reasoned analysis.
Why? Because we humans possess a disgust circuit in our brains. See for example this study of our disgust neural circuitry affecting our moral judgements: Moral Judgment Modulation By Disgust Priming Via Altered Fronto-Temporal Functional Connectivity. (There are thousands of studies on disgust – see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=disgust.)
And why is this critically important politically? Because the Woke Left has an obsessive-compulsive disorder regarding disgust. They are addicted to being disgusted. The unvaccinated are unclean, the unmasked are spreading filth, the unwoke are contaminating society with cultural pollution.
The lesson for every conservative website and every conservative Republican campaigning for office: focus on triggering their woke opponent’s obsessive-compulsive disgust neural mechanism.
A key example is the rising cost of food due to Bidenflation. The last thing to do is focus on the reasons of economic inefficiency being the cause. Maximize disgust instead.
Show pictures that go directly to the brain’s emotional centers without filters, pictures of starving children that will be our future because woke Dem greenies block production of fertilizer for farmers to grow food. Videos of children freezing to death because anti-fossil fuel global warming cultists don’t want you to heat your homes or afford to.
Pit wokeists against each other regarding masks. Given the immense amount of evidence that cotton masks are not only useless but actually contribute to spreading germs, produce videos of anyone not wearing a N-95 mask but a cotton one being a purveyor of filth. N-95 mask-wearers get to be holier-than-thou over disgusting cotton wearers. You destroy Woke Intersectionality by destroying the intersection.
Note, not incidentally, that the Woke are already doing this to each other – turning on Whoopi Goldberg, ruining Chris Cuomo and now Jeff Zucker at CNN, laughing at Neil Young et al. Garrison has one for that too:
Time to keep all this Woke Moral Filth on the canvas by maximizing disgust towards them.
However… if you have a woke friend or relative whom you’d like to help overcome their disgust addiction, you might consider suggesting they try oxytocin nasal spray. One study of many in this regard is: Oxytocin Facilitates Adaptive Fear And Attenuates Anxiety Responses In Animal Models And Human Studies. Heck, you might try it yourself – it’s useful in many ways.
Time for a break? In 1999, comedic genius George Carlin gave an uncannily prophetic performance about germs. Carlin’s predilection for 4-letter words prevents posting in family-friendly TTP, so here’s the link to his You Are All Diseased. You’ll laugh ‘till you cry, as it could have been performed yesterday (well, it sort of is in the video clip).
You also have to laugh at the Two Zuck Twofer this week. First was the humiliating resignation of CNN worldwide president Jeff Zucker as the latest scandal ruining the Commie News Network. As the NYPost observered: The CNN Fish Rots From The Head.
And here’s our POTUS:
Then the second Zuck took it in the shorts this week: Facebook Loses Users For The First Time EVER: Shares Plummet 20%, Wiping $200BN Off Value Of Parent-Firm Meta After It Revealed 500,000 Fewer Daily Log-Ins And Declining Profits – Zuckerberg’s Personal Wealth Takes $29BN Hit.
Don’t cry for Zuck, as he’s crying for himself: Mark Zuckerberg Holds Back Tears During Meeting About His Collapsing Empire.
Then there’s this happy news this afternoon (2/04): Republican National Committee Overwhelmingly Votes To Censure Cheney, Kinzinger For Sitting On Jan. 6 Panel. At last, Pubs show some moxie, being so totally sick & tired of these two revolting RINOs.
And the frosting on this cake: RNC Weighs Funding Liz Cheney America First Opponent Harriet Hageman. Goodnight, Liz.
And the must-read of the week: The Transgender Movement Is A Modern-Day Castration Cult, by psychologist Armando Simón.
The trailer will blow you away. Dinesh D’Sousa’s documentary “2,000 Mules” promises to blow the lid off the 2020 Stolen Election. You’ll want to absorb what it presents here: “2,000 Mules” Exposing The Ballot Traffickers Who Rigged The 2020 Election. So much definitive evidence of how the steal took place.
Can’t wait for it to come out – meanwhile:
We close with celebrating the coming end of Covid Winter. It’s time to get out into the world again! I really hope you’ll consider joining me in exploring The Heart of Central Asia in May. There will be a lot more to choose from soon. I’m back into the world – and so should you be.