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Congressman Dana Rohrabacher


Right now, the Senate is desperately trying to convince the American people that their immigration bill is something else - anything else - than what it is: a massive amnesty for all 15 million to 20 million illegal aliens without any meaningful enforcement provisions.

The same open-borders crowd that has betrayed the American middle class for years is hoping to fool us again.    

This "shamnesty" bill spells out the level of contempt the Senate has for middle-class Americans. This "comprehensive" bill includes:



No snide comments how "rational Frenchman" is an oxymoron.  There are plenty of them, albeit not enough.  I had lunch with one of them here in DC yesterday.  He's Pierre Lellouche, who represents Paris (4th district) in the National Assembly (France's Parliament) and is President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

If you had been there with me, you'd have come away wishing he were Bush's National Security Advisor for Europe.  Even better, though, is that after Nicolas Sarkozy is elected President of France next April (see Sarko vs. Eurabia, January 2005), M. Lellouche may be France's Defense Minister.

So if you had joined me for lunch, here's how you would have heard him describe France and the world.



If you Google "coyote hunting," you'll get 2,790,000 hits.  It's a popular sport among outdoorsmen, and a necessary one.  As one hunter puts it:

Coyote populations across the country are exploding and taking an unprecedented toll on wildlife. Zero predator control by state and federal agencies and low fur prices have kept trapping to a minimum, hence predator populations are booming. The opportunity to add some prime coyote pelts to your trophy collection and reduce the predator pressure on the local game and bird populations have never been better.

Coyotes are pests, varmints, hated not only by cattle and sheep ranchers, but by anyone with a regard for all the wildlife they kill.  In many states, they can be shot on sight with no permit required in a year-round open season.  Ed Boggess, Minnesota's Department of Natural Resources fish and wildlife policy chief explains:

Coyotes are an unprotected species and can be taken at any time of year, in any quantity, by almost any methods.

It's time this perspective is applied to human coyotes - for "coyote" is what smugglers of illegal aliens from Mexico into the US are called.



Get a few conservative Congressmen together over a few beers and a favorite conversational topic will be, Who's the worst president in modern memory?

No, it's not George Bush.  But a number of them can make out a good case that it's his father.

Worse even than Jimmy Carter? will come the astounded response.  Yes, they say.  Carter inherited a lousy economy and the Soviets on the imperial march.  He was a disaster because the little wimp made a bad situation so much worse.   

Bush the Elder, on the other hand, inherited a revitalized America, a surging economy, and a collapsing Soviet Union.  He did everything to reverse all three.  Then he rescued Red China.

Yet you won't get a debate out of them as to the worst Senate of modern times.  No question about it:  this one, with fellow Republicans in charge.



We're going to get deep and serious here, and I'm going to ask you to reflect on a number of previous articles.  We're not going to fulminate against George Bush, illegal immigrant-hiring businesses and the whores in the Senate they pay off, Democrats who see every illegal alien as a potential welfare recipient who will vote for them, or even Reconquista Mexicans attempting to recapture the American Southwest.

No, we're going to get to the heart of the matter and figure out the fundamental cause of the problem.   The problem that lies at the heart not just of the immigration crisis, but of so much else, from the destruction of American education and culture to the war with Islamic terrorism.

Let's begin with an experience I had in a small country restaurant in France.



There seemed to be a lot of good news for Venezuela's Castro Wannabe, Hugo Chavez, this weekend.  He was wined and dined by London's wacko-commie mayor, "Red Ken" Livingstone, and serenaded by his supporters waving Venezuelan flags and dancing to salsa music in London streets.

The commie dog-and-pony show is what the media focused on - and not the bad news reality behind it. 

First was the refusal of Prime Minister Tony Blair or any member of the British Cabinet to meet with him.  The dutifully-left press reported this backwards, claiming Chavez rejected "hints" of an invitation to 10 Downing Street.  The truth is that Blair wouldn't give Chavez the time of day.

Second was the US blacklisting Venezuela regarding arms sales, with Assistant Secretary of State Tom Shannon publicly accusing Chavez of ties with terrorists.  "Cuban intelligence has effectively cloned itself inside Venezuelan intelligence," announced Mr. Shannon, and has developed substantial "links to terrorist organizations in the Middle East."

But that's just for openers. The real bad news for Hugo is the contempt and antipathy that much of Latin America now has for him, including South America's giant, Brazil.  And Mexico.



Do you think your taxes are too high or too low? Though I expect that well over 90 percent of you are thinking "too high," the liberal media and political class keep telling us taxes are too low.

The left-leaning intelligentsia, in their arrogant smugness, claim we just don't know what is good for us. Yet, they are the ones who ignore the empirical evidence and are unable to distinguish between variables and constants.

As a prime example, a May 7 editorial in The Washington Post, advocating higher tax rates on the rich, states: "Economics cannot predict how high taxes can be raised before they reach counterproductive levels."

The editorial then says an increase of "taxes on the top 1 percent by 5 percentage points would raise $85 billion annually or perhaps a bit less if it spurred some extra tax evasion."

The fact The Post's editorial writers did not seem to realize the contradiction in these two statements in the same paragraph is disturbing for several obvious reasons.



Amidst all the gloomy news of the week - Goss' firing, Bush's poll numbers falling to almost Nixonian levels as he continues to refuse to protect our borders, on and on - yesterday's (5/11) headline provided welcome comic relief.

Putin Warns Arms Race Not Over Yet screamed the front page of papers like the Washington Times.  For folks on the White House National Security Council and in foreign policy think tanks around town, this was funnier than a Seinfeld rerun or Larry the Cable Guy.

Putin had delivered his state-of-the-nation address to the Russian Parliament, or Duma, and was desperate to appeal to Russian egos mortally wounded by America's winning the Cold War.  Russians, you see, would rather wallow in nostalgia for the Cold War when they were feared and respected than be free.

The terrible irony is that such nostalgia is so masochistic. 



Which country receives the most in total foreign aid from all donors? The official numbers show Iraq at the top with $3 to $18 billion in aid (depending on how you define "aid") and all the other recipient nations of the world at less than $3 billion per year.

However, if you look at which nation benefits most from foreign subsidies, the U.S. would come out on top by a very wide margin.

Yes, I did just say that the U.S. is the world's largest recipient of foreign assistance. Other countries are not sending official government "aid" dollars to help the U.S. but are doing things that have the same effect. For instance, China provides the biggest single subsidy to the U.S.



I love the full page ads in the New York Times with a full-size picture of a very large steak knife and the caption:  Terrifying Vegetarians Since 1886.  Smith & Wollensky's Steak House.

The ad is fun but the truth is, their steaks are not that great (and way overpriced).  The best steak in America is the porterhouse at Peter Luger's in Brooklyn.  Many international folks think the best restaurant steak in the world is served at La Cabaña in Buenos Aires.  But the true best steak in the world cannot be found in any restaurant.

Years ago, I was invited by Reason Magazine to contribute a recipe to The Libertarian Cookbook.  There were recipes by Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Tibor Machan, and other libertarian luminaries.  I decided to swing for the bleachers.

My recipe was for The World's Best Steak.  The world's best steak is made from the nerve of an elephant's tusk.



If you live in Washington and you're a guest on Fox News, the producers graciously send a car and driver to take you to the studio and back home after the show.  One of the Fox drivers is a colorful character everyone calls "Wolf."  He grew up in Yugoslavia (in what is now Bosnia), and he told me a very illuminating story.

Wolf had read The Natural Gas Solution (soon after we first met he became a TTP subscriber) and explained how he knew it was accurate.  "I drove a Yugo car when I lived in Sarajevo back in the 70s," he said.  "Gas was so expensive and it was rationed.  So I, like several of my friends, installed a CNG (compressed natural gas) tank in the trunk, hooked a line up to the carburetor, and ran the car on natural gas.  We got such great mileage and the car ran so well, that we could drive to Trieste (in Italy) on weekends."

It was by talking to Wolf that made me realize how the Natural Gas Solution can save Detroit.



Jack,An independent Ph.D. energy economist disagrees with your dismissal of LNG (liquefied natural gas).  He claims "it's economic to transport LNG at $3-3.50 mBTU [million British Thermal Units]," and that "if the world price is high enough, it will make economic sense for producers to liquefy it and send it to China."  In other words, natural gas (NG) is not "de-coupled" from the world market as you say.  He asserts that natural gas is "just as fungible as oil."

John M.


John,Could this fellow be shilling for Chevron or some other outfit hyping LNG?



No, not Bill Casey, Ronald Reagan's DCI.  Casey Stengel.  After winning 10 pennants in 12 years including 5 straight World Series managing the New York Yankees, Stengel spent 3 dismal years trying to manage the hopeless New York Mets.  They were so inept that at one point, Stengel blurted out the immortal line, "Doesn't anyone here know how to play this game?"

Porter Goss asked the same question of the team he was managing, the CIA - and the team owner fired him. 

The saga of the sacking of Porter Goss is one of such gargantuan incompetence on the part of the Bush White House that it finally tears any loyalty conservatives have to this presidency.



In the advertisement "A Renewed American Agenda" (USA Today, May 4, 2006) - placed by The Bedell World Citizenship Fund of Spirit Lake, Iowa - the organization urges us to "Recognize that All Americans Have A Right to Medical Care."

I suppose they mean well but in fact they are perpetrating a gross misunderstanding about individual rights.

Medical care is a value doctors, nurses and other medical professionals would, if they were free men and women, provide to those they would choose as recipients, on terms they regard as acceptable.

These provisions are not owed to anyone. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals may not be placed into involuntary servitude to those needing their services. The relationships must be voluntary, no matter how vital those services are to the recipients.

The belief that others may justly be placed into involuntary servitude so as to secure funds to pay medical professionals - who then will service those who need their work - is a gross moral error.



This week we're going to refine the argument for natural gas as a comprehensive solution to high energy prices, energy pollution, and energy dependence upon foreign producers outlined last week in What Bush Can Do To Get Cheaper Gas.

To summarize:  the solution is for Bush to allow oil & gas companies to extract the vast amounts of NG we have within American boundaries, cut state residents in on the royalties, provide tax credits for folks to run NG in their cars, and before his presidency is over the equivalent cost of driving a car will be less than $1 a gallon.

Now for the refinement - of the argument, not NG, which unlike crude oil requires no refining.

Seen those full page newspaper ads placed by Chevron trying to frighten you with the claim that the US only has three measly percent of the world's natural gas supply?  Whatever the Chevron's agenda is, it's not about telling you the truth.



Well, not quite yet, but soon.  The funniest headline of the week was "South American Leaders Support Bolivia Gas Nationalization."  Yesterday (5/4), at Puerto Iguazo, Argentina, Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Argentine President Nestor Kirchner met with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Bolivia's Evo Morales and promised to "respect" Morales' nationalization of Bolivia's natural gas.

Only folks who are interested in buying bridges in Brooklyn are going to believe that.

As we discussed over a year ago in Bye Bye Bolivia, Brazil gets 60% of its natural gas from Bolivia.  Argentina gets 200,000 cubic yards of Bolivian gas a day.  Lula and Kirchner are going to tolerate a threat to this from Morales-Chavez about as much as a capybara will let himself be swallowed by an anaconda.



A number of perceptive folks on Capitol Hill have noticed some very odd things about OBL's latest audio tape.  The principal eyebrow-raiser was his call to take the Jihad against the Crusader-Zionists away from Iraq and into Darfur, Sudan.

Normally it takes at least some time for the CIA to claim an OBL audio tape is authentic.  This time it was almost immediate:  "Yep, it's him, no doubt about it."

Putting the weirdness about Darfur-focus (aren't there a lot more "Crusader-Zionists" in Iraq than in the central Sahara Desert?) and Langley's over-eagerness to authenticate together, and you get the latest Capitol Hill buzz:

The voice on the tape wasn't Osama but an Arabic-speaking CIA impersonator.  Agents slipped the faked tape to al-Jazeera which cooperatively broadcast it, then the CIA authenticated its own tape.



People are always telling me, "Hey, Allah, you should write another book. All the books you've written before were very popular; I'm not sure if anyone actually read the whole megillah, but everyone has to have one."

It's not like I'm out to make some gelt, though, and I thought I already wrote everything I need to say. Plus, it's not like I have the time to write; if you could even understand how much I have to do each day, you'd plotz.

Still, I thought it would be a real good chochmeh to write a column to go over a few points since so many people seem to have some facacta ideas these days.



While Neil Cavuto was very cordial when I was on his Fox news show recently, he was nonetheless startled to hear me claim that Mexico is the greatest national security threat to America, more than Iran, China, or Moslem terrorism.  He suggested my prediction of a possible Second Civil War could be "inflammatory."

How inflammatory, then, would he consider these public statements?

Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico: "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."

Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General: "We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California."

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets:  "Go back to Boston!  Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims!  Get out!  We are the future.  You are old and tired.  Go on.  We have beaten you.  Leave like beaten rats. You old white people.  It is your duty to die . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over."

America is not in a struggle regarding "illegal immigration."  America is in a struggle for its physical existence.



Why do Mexicans only have one-third the per capita income (on a purchasing power parity basis) of Canadians and only one-fourth that of Americans?

The answer is that Mexicans are relatively poor because have been plagued by semidespotic regimes that have ignored the rule of law and often engaged in destructive economic policies.    

Mexicans have been free of their Spanish colonial masters for almost 200 years (almost as long as their American neighbors and far longer than Canadians have enjoyed independence).

Mexico has a better growing climate than Canada, and it is rich in natural resources -- oil, gas, and metals.

Yet Mexican politicians frequently resort to blaming their northern neighbor for their economic woes but would not dare answer the question: "If the U.S. were as poor as Mexico, would Mexico be better off or worse off?"



The front page headline in the Washington Post explained it all:  Bush Calls For Probe Of Raising Gas Prices (April 26).

Here is the absolutely perfect opportunity, with the whole country outraged at gas prices above $3 a gallon, to explain to America exactly how Democrats have blocked every single possible effort to increase oil production and reduce gas prices - and Bush calls for price-fixing investigations of US oil companies.

It's easy to understand why a politician will opt for demagoguery when the truth is against him.  But to opt for it instead of the truth when the truth is on your side - that takes political incompetence to a whole new dimension.

Rather than stupidly demagogue Big Oil, Bush could actually solve the problem of increasingly expensive gasoline.  Here's how.



Ever so often, the America-hating depravity of liberals is exposed with breathtaking clarity.  Normally, they try to hide their embarrassment at being an American.  Or they'll get angrily defensive.  "Are you questioning my patriotism?" they'll intimidatingly ask.  To which the answer is:  "I would if you had any patriotism to question."

They fudge and smudge over the fact that they are always on the side of America's enemies.  They always blame America for any problem in the world, and root for America to lose in any conflict.

What they hide best is their secret admiration for Osama Bin Laden.  They know how many Americans would like to tar and feather them if they admitted they were thrilled that a guy in a beard and turban living in an Afghan cave destroyed the world's tallest buildings in America's greatest city, killed thousands on American soil, and humbled the Great Superpower in the eyes of the world.

So liberals keep this to themselves.  Once in a while, though, one of them exposes himself and reveals the ugliness of his soul. 

Like a fellow named Richard Marshall did in an email to me this week.



Endless wars, bottomless corruption, disease, tyranny and dictatorship seem standard operating procedure for Africa.  Out of the over 50 nation-states on the continent, one can point to the mild success story here and there - but these are exceptions to Africa's being the bottom of humanity's barrel.

What is going on here?  Why can't Africa get its act together?  Billions upon billions of foreign aid dollars have been poured into the place, nothing ever works.  Democracy and free markets rarely catch on.  Paleolithic poverty seems hard-wired into Africa.  How come?

Here's the blunt truth:  Africans, on the whole, are stupider than folks in other parts of the world.



[To The Point salutes the courageous Chinese lady, Wenyi Wang, who publicly denounced Communist oppression in China to Hu Jintao at the White House yesterday, April 20. 


Hu Jintao governed Tibet for several years, brutally tyrannizing the Tibetan people.  One of those Tibetans is Phuntsog Nyidron, who tells her story here.  For information on how to help liberate Tibet, go to ---JW]

I was 19 years old when I made the protest that resulted in my imprisonment for 15 years. It happened in 1989, when my country, Tibet, was under martial law.

Together with a group of fellow Tibetan nuns, I went to the Barkhor area of central Lhasa, and we shouted, 'Long live the Dalai Lama!' and 'Free Tibet.' We had been inspired by the news that His Holiness the Dalai Lama had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, and we wanted to make a statement of our continued loyalty to him.     

I did not experience freedom again until I was finally released to the care of the D.C.-based International Campaign for Tibet last month on March 15.

On my arrival in Washington, I was told the Chinese government had apparently allowed me to go to the U.S. to help ensure a smooth and successful visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao, who meets President Bush.



The myth of Birthright Citizenship is one of the more extraordinary frauds committed in America today.  Liberals insist that the "Citizenship Clause" of the 14th Amendment - which states "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" - means that children of illegal aliens born on US soil automatically are US citizens.

The 14th Amendment means no such thing.  When it was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves, the Citizenship Clause's author, Senator Jacob Howard, made it explicitly clear that the clause did not apply to "persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States."



Ufda.  That's Wow! in Swedish.  The reaction to the concept of a Radio Free Mexico has been amazing.  Yesterday (4/19), for example, I was interviewed on the Roger Hedgecock talk show in San Diego, and he was so excited about RFM he barraged me with questions:  Have you got your funding yet?  When will it be launched?  Do you have your programming lined up?

I had to explain to him:  "Roger - we only came up with this idea six days ago."  So let me give you an update.



The Jade Steps

Chapter Twenty-Five:  Prisoner In His Palace 

As they were returning to their quarters in the Palace of Axayacatl, Cortez announced, "If we cannot yet say Mass and have a chapel upon that temple, then at least for now we must be able to do so where we are housed.  Doña Marina, please send a request to Montezuma asking that we be allowed to build this chapel in his father's palace."

When word came quickly back that the request was granted, Cortez assigned his best carpenter, Alonso Yañez, to the task.  Early the next morning, Yañez, escorted by Juan Velasquez de Leon and Francisco de Lugo, interrupted the morning meal of Cortez and Malinali.  "Captain, we have found something you should see," he said.

Yañez brought them into a small room.  "We thought that this room would be appropriate for our chapel," he explained.  He walked over to one of the room's walls.  "Then I noticed something strange.  You can see that there is fresh plaster and paint here, most likely covering up a door.  A door to what we think is a hidden room."

Without hesitation, Cortez responded, "Señor Yañez, you are to be congratulated for your sharp eyes.  Let us open this hidden door."

Cortez called for torches.  Bernal appeared with lit torches for all just as Yañez and his assistant broke through the plastered doorway.  Cortez was the first to step into the black entrance of the sealed room, followed by de Leon, de Lugo, Malinali, Yañez, and Bernal. 

"Madre de Dios, Mother of God," exclaimed de Leon, as they all held their torches aloft.  "The Treasure of Montezuma."



The single greatest achievement of George W. Bush's presidency, which makes up for all its defects, is that there has not been one repeat - much less several - of the Moslem terrorist attack on America of September 11, 2001.

If you had bet $1000 on September 12, 2001 that four and a half years later there would not have been another such act of Moslem terrorism in America, with the odds the Vegas bookmakers would have given you you'd be a millionaire today.

This is not only the greatest achievement of the Bush presidency, it is the greatest mystery.  Why there hasn't been a 9-11 repeat seems inexplicable. How has GW done it?  The best explanation seems to be that he is holding Mecca as a nuclear hostage, revealed over a year ago in George Bush and the Sword of Damocles.

There may be an additional explanation.



The Pentagon takes the military and terrorist threat of Iran extremely seriously.  Yet the brass in Rummy's inner circle could not keep their faces straight with all the recent announcements from Tehran.

A week ago on April 7, the air force chief of Pasdaran, Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hossein Salami, announced the successful firing of a stealth missile impossible to detect by radar, hailing the Fajr (Dawn) 3 as a "remarkable" achievement.

Turns out it was a primitive Shahab-2 copy of an unsophisticated Russian Scud-C.

Sunday April 9, the deputy naval commander of Pasdaran, Gen. Ali Fadavi announced the launching of "the world's fastest underwater missile," a torpedo so fast it was undetectable.

Turns out it's a poor copy of a Soviet-era rocket-powered torpedo, the Shkval.  It's range is less than four miles, has no target designation devices and is not self-homing.  It's huge wake makes it easy to spot and destroy.



A To The Point Editorial

Why is it that the left always denounces people on the right for ‘wrapping themselves in the American flag,' and is so fond of saying ‘patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels' - and then celebrates this same behavior when performed by illegal aliens?

The giant pro-illegal immigration rallies of Monday April 10 in many US cities have got to be the greatest exercises of phony flag waving in the history of America.  And newspapers like the Washington Post promoted it to the hilt, with front page pictures of demonstrators waving a sea of American flags and carrying signs saying ‘We are all Americans'.

It was such an incredibly obvious act of mass political cynicism.  The first mass pro-illegal alien demonstrations a couple of weeks before displayed the demonstrators' true loyalties by waving the Mexican flag.  Now they all turn on a dime and there's hardly a Mexican flag to be seen.  It's all we-love-America-red-white-and-blue.  Yet the chant is still the same:  Si se puede in Spanish, not ‘Yes we can' in English.

But ‘yes we can' what?



Next week Thursday, April 20, four days after what many Christians consider their holiest day, Easter, and celebrate the resurrection of Christ, President Bush will meet with Hu Jintao, President of Communist China, in the White House.

The purpose of the meeting is being billed as an attempt to settle "trade differences" between the US and China.  Bush may very well wheedle some minor trade concessions out of Hu, which will be piddling in terms of coming remotely close to correcting the gargantuan trade deficit we have with China.

Bush may also attempt to extract a concession from Hu regarding less Chinese oppression of Tibet - given that Hu was for some years the Chicom governor of Tibet and had a horrible record of tyranny over the Tibetan people. 

Bush will talk to Hu about nuclear proliferation, North Korea, Moslem terrorism, Iran, devaluing the Yuan, and other weighty matters.  Yet the topic Bush will be most interested in discussing with Hu is Christianity.



There's a cheap and easy way for anyone protecting the US-Mexico border from the alien invasion - such as the Minutemen - to spot an illegal a mile away.  So if you know any Minutemen, feel free to forward this to them.For here's how they can make their own Illegal Alien Detector.



If we had Ronald Reagan here with us today, he would be puzzled over the entire debate on "illegal immigration."  He would recognize that just like the Cold War, the liberals are arguing for appeasement and the conservatives for containment.  He would be asking conservatives, "Don't you fellows realize that just playing defense doesn't work?"

Of course, defense is critical.  You've got to prevent the other team from scoring touchdowns.  So you've got to build the fence authorized by the Sensenbrenner bill in the House.  You've got to shut the border down regarding the illegal flood.  You've got to disallow illegals (and, yes, their children) from access to government benefits.

There are many other things you can do to defend America from this invasion - but, the crucial but for Ronald Reagan, would be we can't just play defense. We've got to go on the offense.

Which means an offense against Mexico.  Not with guns and soldiers, but with ideas and information.  "To explain the truth and go on an ideological offensive against the Soviet Union," Reagan would say, "we had Radio Free Europe beamed to the Soviet colonies of Eastern Europe, and Radio Liberty beamed to people within the Soviet Union itself."

"So, obviously," Reagan would conclude, "now you need a Radio Free Mexico beamed to the people of Mexico for the purpose of liberating them from the socialism, poverty, and corruption in their country that drives them to leave it."



Ronald Reagan won the Cold War against the Soviet Union by supporting anti-Soviet liberation freedom fighters in Nicaragua, Angola, and Afghanistan with arms and money, and in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union itself with money and communications technology. 

Ronald Reagan realized there was no need to militarily attack the Soviet Union to defeat it.  All he had to do was support people oppressed by Soviet tyranny who were willing to fight for their own freedom. 

George Bush needs to have the same realization with Iran.  The opportunity to give the Tehran regime more trouble than it can handle internally so it can no longer trouble its neighbors is being handed to him on a silver platter.  It is not Iraq that is about to split apart - it is Iran.



Want to turn your kids on to some great rock and roll?  To right rock and roll, pro-American rock and roll, not the left-wing anti-American trashy sleaze they've overloaded their iPod with because they never heard anything else?

Then turn them on to The Right Brothers.  They're a young, hip conservative trio out of Nashville whose hit song Bush Was Right is driving the left crazy.  The music is hard driving rock, the beat is foot stomping, and the lyrics... well, just imagine your kids singing along to them:

Bush Was Right by The Right Brothers Lyrics by Frank Highland

Freedom in Afghanistan, say goodbye Taliban Free elections in Iraq, Saddam Hussein locked up Osama's staying underground, Al Qaeda now is finding out America won't turn and run once the fighting has begun Libya turns over nukes, Lebanese want freedom, too Syria is forced to leave, don't you know that all this means

Bush was right! Bush was right! Bush was right!



Please sit down.  Pour yourself a stiff drink.  You're going to need it.

Something is being whispered on Capitol Hill that is so radioactive sweat breaks out on staffers' brows at its slightest mention.  Here's the context.

For a long time now, we've been telling you in To The Point that Dick Cheney will step down, Bush will appoint and the Senate will confirm Condi Rice as Vice President, that this will catapult her into being the Republican presidential nominee, and that she will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

A Rice Presidency will destroy the Democrat Party.  The Democrat Party depends on blacks living on the Victim Plantation.  A Rice Presidency obliterates the myth of Racist America, and it is upon this myth the modern Democrat Party is built.

Democrats cannot get elected without 90% of the black vote.  Rice would deny them this 90% and more.  At most they would get 50-60% if that.  Any and all chance of Democrats regaining substantial political power in America would be over.  The entire power structure of the Democrat Party would be in ruins.

Any chance of the Clintons being back in the White House would be over.  A Condi vs. Hillary presidential race in 2008 is a fantasy.  Hillary, the most hated woman in America, wouldn't stand a chance against Condimania.  If Rice runs, Hillary won't. 



The Congress has received lots of free advice lately from Mexican government officials and illegal aliens waving Mexico's flag in mass demonstrations coast-to-coast. Most of it takes the form of bitter complaints about our actual or prospective treatment of immigrants from that country who have gotten into this one illegally -- or who aspire to do so.    

If you think these critics are mad about U.S. immigration policy now, imagine how upset they would be if we adopted an approach far more radical than the bill they rail against that was adopted last year by the House of Representatives -- namely, the way Mexico treats illegal aliens.    

In fact, as a just-published paper by the Center for Security Policy's J. Michael Waller, Mexico's Glass House, points out, under a constitution first adopted in 1917 and subsequently amended, Mexico deals harshly not only with illegal immigrants. It treats even legal immigrants, naturalized citizens and foreign investors in ways that would, by the standards of those who carp about U.S. immigration policy, have to be called "racist" and "xenophobic."


Chapter Twenty Four: THE JADE STEPS

The Jade Steps

Chapter Twenty Four:  The Jade Steps

When the food arrived, turkeys and maize cakes in great abundance, Malinali ate quickly.  She had no time for conversation with Bernal, eager to talk about the wonders of the palace.  She cast a knowing glance at Cortez and fled from the room.  She returned within the hour, Cortez inviting her to join the group of officers with whom he was conferring.  Everyone looked at her expectantly.

"I heard no talk around this palace or out on the plaza of any trap.  I overheard talk between guards, nobles, priests, and common people.  They all talk of you using the word teotl (tay-ottle), which means wonder, awesome, terrifying power.  They talk of how the strangers are men from another more powerful world, men they have never seen before.  Montezuma, it seems, can talk of nothing else.  There is no anger in what I heard, only teotl."

The men started to express their relief and appreciation to her when there was a commotion.  Several jaguar warriors had entered, followed by a procession of grandly cloaked and feathered nobles, perhaps as many as a hundred.  In their center was Montezuma.



A year ago, in Bye-Bye Bolivia, you learned that if Evo Morales were to take over Bolivia, the country would split in two.  Sure enough, after less than four months in office, Morales is well on his way.

Morales, recall, leads the Quechua and Aymara ethnic majorities up in the Andean highlands, and got elected by focusing their resentment on the Spanish and other European ethnic minorities in the eastern lowlands.  Yet the lowlands have all the oil and gas reserves.

With Morales promising to nationalize - a euphemism for "steal" - the lowland resources, the governor of the lowland province of Tarija, Mario Cossio, has met with government officials of neighboring Paraguay and Argentina, asking their support in declaring Tarija's secession from Bolivia.

He is being joined by the governors of the lowlands' other three provinces, Santa Cruz, Pando, and Beni.  The new country could be called after its nickname of Media Luna, "Half Moon," from the provinces' collective shape.



[One year before his passing, in 1991, famed science and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov wrote the following essay on America's national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner.  Thanks to TTP members Bill and Carole Gregory who brought it to our attention, we can share it with you.  It seems particularly apt, given our country's many current travails. ---JW] 

I have a weakness -- I am crazy, absolutely nuts, about our national anthem.

The words are difficult and the tune is almost impossible, but frequently when I'm taking a shower I sing it with as much power and emotion as I can. It shakes me up every time. I was once asked to speak at a luncheon. Taking my life in my hands, I announced I was going to sing our national anthem -- all four stanzas.

This was greeted with loud groans. One man closed the door to the kitchen, where the noise of dishes and cutlery was loud and distracting. "Thanks, Herb," I said. "That's all right," he said. "It was at the request of the kitchen staff."

I explained the background of the anthem and then sang all four stanzas. 

Let me tell you, those people had never heard it before--or had never really listened. I got a standing ovation. But it was not me; it was the anthem.  So now let me tell you how it came to be written.