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Dr. Jack Wheeler


What is happening to Dem presidential aspirant John Edwards - the Breck Boy - is too awesomely delicious not to quickly brief you on. The National Enquirer is now running a story about Edwards cheating on his wife.  The Enquirer doesn't reveal her name or anything about her identity.  Evidently she is Lisa Druck, the former girlfriend of novelist Jay McInerney who described her as "jaded, cocaine-addled, (and) sexually voracious."



According to Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, that's who Democrats are going to foist upon America next November.  Below is a video clip of Stewart reporting on the now-infamous Hillary Cackle.  It is a hilariously funny put-down of Her Royal Shrillness, or as she is known on the internet, the PIAPS. Try to stop laughing enough at the end of the clip and listen carefully to Stewart's closing line: (click on the link below to view the clip on Comedy Central) HILLARY CLINTON CACKLES He says, "She'll be our first president that you can't spill water on."  Margaret Hamilton in the White House.



At a conference on the future of the European Union held in Brussels last week and co-sponsored by George Soros, it was advocated that the EU expel member states that are "not European enough."  One country in particular which Europe should throw out because it hampers the EU's aim of transforming itself into a federal superstate is Poland. What have the Poles done to antagonize the Eurocrats? Today (October 10) is the "European Day Against the Death Penalty." The EU wanted to inaugurate the event with a common European declaration against capital punishment. Poland thwarted this by refusing to sign the declaration because the EU did not condemn abortion and euthanasia as well. Last month, during an EU meeting on the death penalty, the Polish justice minister confronted his Danish colleague with Denmark's annual 15,000 abortions and the latter got so angry that she left the room, slamming the door.   Other countries, such as Belgium and Portugal, accuse Poland of "immoral and unworthy behavior" by daring to compare abortion and euthanasia to the death penalty. Richard Howitt, a British Labor politician and the vice president of the European Parliament's human rights subcommittee, said that Poland's refusal to reject the death penalty brings into question its commitment to European values.



[This is a follow-up to Frank Gaffney's Losing Our Sovereignty with LOST of last week.  Again, I could not encourage you more to contact both your Senators and request they vote NO on this incredibly dangerous treaty's approval. ---JW] Irony of ironies: The principal champion of the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) is the United States Navy. Yet predictably few organizations would suffer more than America's naval forces from a supranational government of the oceans empowered by U.S. accession to that treaty. The absurdity of this situation was on display last week as the Navy's former senior officer, retired Chief of Naval Operations Vernon Clark, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Adm. Clark waxed on about LOST as "a Magna Carta for the oceans that guarantees navigation freedoms throughout the world's largest maneuver space." The committee's ranking Republican, Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, declared in about as many words that, if the Navy wants the treaty, the Senate should give it to them. Period. Fortunately, a necessary corrective was offered the next day by another distinguished retired four-star, Adm. James "Ace" Lyons.



Knowing how consumers will respond is key in estimating how much revenue will come in from a proposed tax rate increase - if any. There are tax economists who can give pretty good estimates about the consumer response.  Unfortunately, they are not allowed to speak in the Joint Tax Committee (JTC) of the U.S. Congress, the "Secret Chamber" where the "official estimate" is made. For decades, a cabal in Congress has had effective control of the official tax scoring committee. Thus, they overestimate the tax revenue that will come in from a rate increase and overestimate the loss in revenue from a tax rate cut, which serves the interest of those who, for ideological reasons, want to increase the size of government. After all too many years, the Bush administration is at least trying to have its Treasury Department tax office (OTA) undertake some dynamic analysis (i.e., considering the behavioral response). However, Congress refuses to fund this modest effort (we are talking about less than a million dollars), let alone clean up JTC, which refuses to allow public scrutiny of its estimating procedures.



"Utah's leading newspaper," the Salt Lake Tribune fully lived up to its reputation as a left-wing rag last Saturday (9/29), when it breathlessly reported in its lead front page article that Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney had just spoken to a meeting of "the most influential members of the conservative movement" so "cloaked in secrecy," so "shadowy," that the group of leaders is known as "The Sith Lords of the Ultra-Right." All of us who were there in Salt Lake at this "secretive meeting" of course laughed our heads off over the headline story.  The "shadowy" group scaring all the moonbats is the Council for National Policy (CNP), of which I have been a member since the early 80s soon after it was formed. We meet in private, not "secret," a difference lost on the moonbats, which means no leftie journalists are allowed.  It means we're free to discuss what we want in confidence. Mitt Romney, however, did not speak to us in confidence - he wants everyone in America to know where he stands.  So I can tell you what he said - and I can also tell you he made a deeply positive impression on what is indeed the most influential collection of conservatives in the country.  Mitt was a hit.



As the junta's misbehavior worsened in Burma (albeit the ruling thugs have rechristened it Myanmar) last week, pundits suggested that we should force China to pressure its client to treat the pro-democracy demonstrators politely - by threatening to boycott next year's Beijing Olympics. Sorry, but Burma's far more important to China's vision for the coming decades than the Pollution-and-Oppression Games. The bullies in Beijing see the Olympics as a coming-out party - but Burma is a strategic lifeline. So, sure, if the Burma situation worsens as China stonewalls, we can and should punish Beijing by boycotting the 2008 Games. But we have to have realistic expectations regarding the results. On the flip side, some Westerners argue that China isn't really the decisive player in Burma - that Western corporations flying under the radar screen do more to prop up the junta than Beijing does. Absolute bull. This doesn't mean that greedy multinationals don't lurk out in those jungles - but to ascribe more power to them than to Beijing is like blaming purse-snatchers for the junk-mortgage crisis. Here's the real situation:



OK, this is a shameless plug.  It has nothing whatever to do with geopolitics, history, science, or whatever else we at TTP normally focus on.  My kid sister Judy has written a book - and it would just be wrong if I didn't tell you about it. Judy teaches natural history at the Heard Museum near Dallas.  What that means is that her calling is teaching children to love nature and the critters you find in it.  Now she's written a book to impart that love for children everywhere. Entitled Jessica The Furry Baroo, it's about a dog, Jessica, and her encounters in the woods with various wild things like skunks and snakes.  It's an entertaining and fun way for a young child to understand and appreciate them.  The book is beautifully illustrated, has a story kids will really like, so if you know a young person under 12 you might consider it for them.  It's also a fun book to read aloud to a child too young to read themselves. So - congratulations to Judy, my sister the author! 



In 1966, The Beatles wrote Hillary Clinton's theme song. The quote that most perfectly encapsulates her philosophy of government was delivered on June 28, 2004 at a San Francisco fundraiser for fellow senator Barbara Boxer in which she announced to her wealthy listeners and all Americans in general: We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. The underlying philosophy of the Democrat Party as personified by the PIAPS is fascist thuggery posing as humanitarian compassion.  Witness her project of giving $5000 to every child born in the US (legal or illegal).  "Giving" is not the right term of course - it would only be if it were her money. What she is in fact proposing is to steal at the point of a gun money from people who have earned it and hand it over to those who have not.  That's called theft, not "giving" or "being compassionate." Thus Hillary's Theme Song, the first track on the 1966 Revolver album.  The Beatles had Hillary and her fascist ilk in mind when they wrote it.  It's called The Taxman:



Next Friday, October 12, is the 515th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' landing on Guanahani (now known as San Salvador or Watlings) island in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. Unfortunately, Columbus Day is for most Americans just an excuse for a three-day weekend, which is why it falls this coming Monday, October 8.  What it should be is a commemoration and celebration of  Western Civilization - which is why the Left hates Columbus and his holiday. So there will be the usual spectacle of American Indians using the holiday to denounce the White Man and his genocidal war-mongering culture-destroying earth-murdering imperialism, blah blah blah - with White Liberals joining in, masochistically condemning their own civilization. If it's your misfortune to run into any of these folk bemoaning the nightmare and tragedy of our coming here, you might suggest to them that they abandon every vestige of the civilization they hate as so evil. Not just every material benefit - electricity, the wheel, and all post-Stone Age inventions. Every psychological vestige as well - starting with the very concept of American Indian or Native American or any other collective term for North American aboriginals. The concept of American Indian is a modern one, not possessed by any Amerindians until they learned it from Europeans. An Indian's pre-Columbian identity was that of his or her membership in a particular tribe such as the Kiowa or Lakota. This is why there were no Indians in America when Columbus discovered it.



If Americans have learned anything about the United Nations over the last 50 years, it is that this "world body" is, at best, riddled with corruption and incompetence. At worst, its bureaucracy, agencies and members are overwhelmingly hostile to the United States and other freedom-loving nations, most especially Israel. So why on earth would the United States Senate possibly consider putting the U.N. on steroids by assenting to its control of 70% of the world's surface? Such a step would seem especially improbable given such well-documented fiascoes as: the U.N.-administered Iraq Oil-for-Food program; investigations and cover-ups of corrupt practices at the organization's highest levels; child sex-slave operations and rape squads run by U.N. peacekeepers; and the absurd, yet relentless, assault on alleged Israeli abuses of human rights by majorities led by despotic regimes in Iran, Cuba, Syria and Libya. Nonetheless, the predictable effect of U.S. accession to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea - better known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (or LOST) - would be to transform the U.N. from a nuisance and laughingstock into a world government:



If the folks in Hollywood didn't allow their rabid hate-America passions to overcome the functioning of their business brains when they watched the Blackwater hearings in Congress yesterday (10/02)*, they must have been transfixed by Blackwater CEO Erik Prince and seen nothing but dollar signs. It was a scene straight out of a movie.  The witness was straight out of central casting - Hollywood handsome, all-American clean-cut wholesome, a rawhide-tough former Navy SEAL who can easily think faster and smarter than anyone in the room. Up against him was a collection of Democrat contributors to Congress' record low 11% approval rating, determined to demonstrate how they earned such public disgust, and led by that quintessence of corruption, Henry Waxman (D-CA), whose eyes bulging out of his sockets and huge buck teeth bulging out of his mouth below his hairy lips make him look like a creepy rat. Hollywood casting again. If you watch Erik's face closely (the hearing was broadcast on C-SPAN3*), you can see how hard he is trying not to grimace in revulsion or laugh out loud at the charade.  You just know what he really wanted to say: "Congressman Waxman, I would like to ask you a question:  Why are you in league with the chief Shiite terrorist in Iraq, Moqtada al-Sadr?  He controls the Ministry of the Interior (MOI), and it was MOI police who attacked us on September 16.  All of the "witnesses" claiming we opened fire and killed 11 Iraqi civilians are Iraqi police with the MOI.  Are you just using their lies to smear us or are you in active cooperation with al-Sadr to hurt the war effort in Iraq?  If so, perhaps you would be more appropriately addressed as Congressman Moqtada al-Waxman."



Ever heard of the West Lothian Question? West Lothian is the Scottish region immediately to the west of Edinburgh. The question is so called because it was first posed by Tam Dalyell, a Labor member of the British Parliament for West Lothian. Mr. Dalyell wondered how long the English would tolerate the situation in which Scottish members of the British Parliament, such as himself, have a (sometimes decisive) say about issues affecting only England, while English parliamentarians have no say about the same matters in Scotland. Several proposals have been made to solve this anomaly. One of them is to abolish the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Another is to give England its own parliament, which would imply that the United Kingdom become a federation of four states - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The solution proposed by the Labor government in Westminster, currently led by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown (a Scot) and previously by Mr. Blair (also a Scot), is to dissolve England by splitting it up into nine regions, each with its own parliamentary assembly.



The Iranian president's welcome to Columbia - following a self-serving whine by the university's president - reflected brainless activism, not academic freedom.  It was the professoriate imitating Hollywood's embrace of terrorists. We hear a great deal about the dumbing down of students, but the real problem has been the dumbing down of their professors. Yes, there's been a media fuss over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's propaganda opportunity. But that just makes the faculty-lounge "heroes" feel even more self-righteous. Anyway, post-modern professors seek publicity, not knowledge. And we give it to the weasels. Meanwhile, Columbia denies our military's ROTC programs the chance to recruit and teach on campus - ostensibly because of the Congress-approved "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Of course, it's just a cultural issue when Ahmadinejad executes homosexuals (although, according to him, there aren't any in Iran). The ban on ROTC isn't really about gay rights, though. The professors and student-activists behind it believe they're punishing the wicked, wicked Pentagon. Well, let me break the truth to Professor Bunkum: The military doesn't need Ivy League recruits. We're doing just fine without them, thanks.



CO2 is not the most important greenhouse gas.  Water has somewhere between five and seven times as much heating effect as CO2.   In fact, if the Kyoto Treaty were to be adhered to, by the year 2050, according to the alarmists' own models, the net effect would be to slow the increase in average temperature by less than seven one hundredths of a degree Celsius, a number too small to measure.  So, if water is five times more important than CO2  in warming, why has there not been a Kyoto-type conference to convince nations to reduce their water footprint?  Shouldn't liberals pay five times as much for water credits as they do for carbon credits?  



Time to keep the rest of the promise on how to get fit and energetic I made last month in Joel Wade's Self Control and Lack of Energy, and half-filled with Good Morning! two weeks ago. First let's talk about why weight doesn't matter and why dieting causes obesity.  Yes, the main cause of obesity is not overeating but dieting. So - if you want avoid the dieting-obesity cycle, if you want to be leaner and trimmer, forget about weight.  Focus instead on fat.  You want to lose fat, not weight.  Of course, the way to do this is with the old cliché, diet & exercise.  We, however, are going be clever about it, for there are a number of sophisticated tricks that are amazingly efficient at getting you fit.  For example, I want you to eat starch, and drink a cup of tea. A very special starch and a very, very special tea.



The view of Russia is clear from where I am writing this, Bucharest, Romania.  Month by month, President Putin of Russia has been erecting a new authoritarian model that owes more of its lineage to fascism than communism.   That model can now be named:  Putinism  - a Russian nationalistic authoritarian form of government that pretends to be a free market democracy. Unlike Soviet communism, the new Russian state does not seek to direct every aspect of political and economic life. Instead, through limited, direct control and intimidation, plus strategic investments in both institutions and people, not only in Russia but other nations as well, the Kremlin seeks to ensure favorable global press and decisions beneficial to its interests from political and business leaders around the world. Putinism is shrewd and ruthless -- but how long can it succeed?



The difference was made gin-clear by a recent editorial in the International Herald Tribune, wholly owned by the New York Times, sneeringly entitled The Nanny State? The difference is this:  A bank robber doesn't claim he has a moral right to steal your money.  A bank robber doesn't claim his thievery makes him the moral superior over his victims. Liberals do - which makes them far more immoral than common criminals, thugs and thieves.  According to the IHT, "The United States has long had one of the most meager tax takes in the industrial world [at least they call it ‘take,' as in ‘theft'].  America's social spending [i.e., welfare programs] is almost the stingiest among industrial nations." Such meager and stingy theft is condemned as a "moral outrage," a contemptibly "tightfisted" approach to "public needs." It is liberal thievery that is the moral outrage - and we have a Congress in Washington run by such thieves because too few conservatives have the courage to denounce the criminality.



Earlier this month (9/04) in the Washington Post, Mayor Adrian Fenty and Attorney General Linda Singer of the District of Columbia published an op-ed article defending their determination to appeal a lower court's decision that the District's gun laws, passed in 1976 banning handguns, are unconstitutional.  In the op-ed the Mayor claimed that the laws have "saved lives" as though handguns were some sort of pathogen.  Are handguns a pathogen, an agent which causes a morbid condition? Vermont has the same size population as DC, about 600,000.  Yet Vermont has no gun laws.  How is it then that Vermont had 2,819 fewer murders over the past 11 years than the District of Columbia?  What makes the inhabitants of the District of Columbia 4,860% more likely to die from murder than inhabitants of Vermont?  What is the pathogen? It is not enough to say that the two jurisdictions cannot be compared because Vermont is rural.  This seems to imply that rural people are somehow genetically different from people who live in cities, which is absurd.  Let me suggest that the pathogen, in all probability, is culture.



In his memoirs, Henry Kissinger relates a conversation he had with the 20th century's most murderous monster, Mao Tse-Tung.  The topic was the extent to which a country can experience chaos, social breakdown and upheaval. The bigger the country, the greater its capacity for chaos, said Mao.  A small country can become chaotic on a limited basis, but only a giant such as China has the capacity for what Mao called "super-chaos." It was this capacity for such "super-chaos" that required, according to Mao, a ruthless and unchallenged Communist dictatorship to keep it in check.  It was a clever term for the same tired rationale used by all tyrants to justify their oppression. Yet anyone familiar with the long history of China is well aware of its periodic episodes of anarchic collapse, and the deep-set fear most Chinese have of them.  But no matter how much the Chinese try to prevent them, they come anyway and it sure looks like one is headed their way now. What's coming is a tsunami of pollution washing over China that is about to leave in its wake what World Bank analysts say will be "the world's biggest desert." Imagine what would happen if you dumped several hundred million people in the Sahara, currently the world's biggest desert.  That's China's future, folks.  Only worse.



One of India's top ranking generals assigned to liaise with the Iranian military recently returned to New Delhi from several days in Tehran - in a state of complete amazement. "Everyone in the government and military can only talk of one thing," he reports.  "No matter who I talked to, all they could do was ask me, over and over again, ‘Do you think the Americans will attack us?' ‘When will the Americans attack us?' ‘Will the Americans attack us in a joint operation with the Israelis?' How massive will the attack be?' on and on, endlessly.  The Iranians are in a state of total panic." And that was before September 6.  Since then, it's panic-squared in Tehran.  The mullahs are freaking out in fear.  Why?  Because of the silence in Syria. On September 6, Israeli Air Force F-15 and F-16s conducted a devastating attack on targets deep inside Syria near the city of Dayr az-Zawr.  Israel's military censors have muzzled the Israeli media, enforcing an extraordinary silence about the identity of the targets.  Massive speculation in the world press has followed, such as Brett Stephens' Osirak II? in yesterday's (9/18) Wall St. Journal. Stephens and most everyone else have missed the real story.  It is not Israel's silence that "speaks volumes" as he claims, but Syria's.  Why would the Syrian government be so tight-lipped about an act of war perpetrated on their soil?  Here's the answer:



In recent years, the old "let's tax them more" crowd was on the defensive. But now, with a politically weakened president, the tax increase lobby is out in full force. All the Democrats running for president have promised to increase taxes. Almost every week, some senator or representative advocates more taxes to impose upon the American people. The tax increasing Democrats are betting the new generation of voters does not remember how the old, high tax rates affected the economy. The U.S. has only suffered three "down" quarters of economic growth since 1982 - a record never before enjoyed. To pull off the "new taxes will not hurt" charade, the Democrats need to convince people the Reagan and Bush tax cuts had nothing to do with the unmatched economic growth and job creation. If Benjamin Franklin were with us today, he would rephrase his famous quote and say, with Democrats, nothing is certain but lies and taxes.



Alpbach, Austria. Nestled in the middle of the Alps, this is about as scenic as a place can be. The homes and lodges, all of which have the distinctive Alpine architecture, are graced with lovely hanging red and white flowers. There is no crime, no graffiti, no litter and no apparent poverty. In short, it is the perfect place for the 63rd annual Alpbach European Forum, where many European opinion leaders gather each summer to discuss the problems of, and opportunities for, Europe. Alpbach, of course, is no more representative of Europe than is the Disney-created town of Celebration, Florida, representative of America. They are both attempts to produce the ideal community. Many conference participants seek to fashion their ideal version of Europe, yet fail to understand that the philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment and the economists of the Austrian School (along with their University of Chicago comrades) many years ago set forth the rules that need to be followed for Europe and the rest of the planet to achieve peace, tolerance and ever-increasing prosperity. Ironically, America learned the lessons from these Europeans better than did Europe, and now many Asians are learning them and becoming ever freer and more prosperous as a result. Yet today, many in Europe claim they have a more humane economic system than one with the rough edges of American style capitalism. However, reality shows a very different picture.



In the early 1990s following the fall of Communism, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia fell apart. Today, the federal Kingdom of Belgium, the last of Europe's multinational states, is beginning to unravel. In 1830-31, the international powers put Belgium together as a political compromise and an experiment in building one state out of two nationalities. The country is home to 6 million Dutch-speakers, or Flemish in Flanders, its northern half bordering the Netherlands, 3 million French-speakers or Walloons in Wallonia, its southern half bordering France, and 1 million people in its capital Brussels, an enclave within Flanders, which is also the capital of the European Union (EU). While capitalist-minded Flanders generates wealth (it accounts for 70 percent of Belgium's GDP and 80 percent of its exports), Wallonia, at the receiving end of a generous welfare system, spends most of the money and vetoes any attempt to reform the system. Every year 6.6 percent of Flanders' GDP is spent on welfare in Wallonia. Flanders cannot allow this situation to continue. The growing electoral appeal of the secessionist Vlaams Belang (VB) party, which strives for an independent Flanders, pressured the Flemish Christian Democrats to propose the transformation of Belgium into a confederation of two largely independent states with only the king, foreign policy and defense in common. On June 10, the Flemish Christian Democrat leader Yves Leterme, the son of a Walloon father and a Flemish mother, won the Belgian general elections.  The end of Belgium may be nigh.



In the Moslem fifth of the world, probably about a quarter of the population wishes to be in conflict with America and the West. Probably more than half do not wish such conflict but wrongly suspect that America is out to divide and suppress Islam. Meanwhile, much of the Moslem Westernized elite (no more than 5 percent of the total Islamic population) both in Moslem countries and in America and the West rather desperately hope radical Islam and the Western response it has induced would just go away. They would prefer to live and prosper peacefully in the globalized Western political world. Moslem governments in the Middle East and elsewhere are playing a dangerous double game - cooperating with Western intelligence and covert military efforts and jailing some of the terrorists, while at the same time giving rhetorical and sometime financial support to much of the deranged paranoia about Americans and the Jews that further inflames the radical instincts of the Moslem masses. In fairness to those governments, most governments - West or East - live in the short term. In the long term, the Moslem regimes would be overthrown if the radicals gain power, but in the short term they would risk further inflaming the radicals if they didn't rhetorically support their madness. So the Moslem governments increasingly risk losing tomorrow for the sake of staying alive today.



Hear that wonderful sound - the sound of liberal teeth gnashing? How does that old crooner tune go?  "It was desperation, I know..."  OK, maybe Dinah Shore back in 1957 said "fascination,"  but sang an updated version in their full-page New York Times ad calling the commander of our soldiers in Iraq a traitor. Desperation City, folks.  I love to see liberals living in it.  All that sweet taste of thumpin' they gave the hated Republicans last November has turned to ashes and bile.  The Moonbat Left is so consumed with rage and frustration it's jumped the shark. That's what the Moonbats have done with the "General Betray Us" ad - and that's what the Democrats in Congress have done by their cowardly refusal to condemn it.  After something has jumped the shark, there's nowhere to go but down, all the way to crash and burn. 



We mourn and grieve on September 11.  We should celebrate on September 12.  Today is Victory Over Jihad Day. For it was on September 12 that the Moslem Jihad to conquer Europe was defeated, decisively defeated for centuries.  The year was 1683.  The battle scene was Vienna. We owe this victory over jihad to one of the truly great heroes of Western Civilization, Jan Sobieski (so-be-yes-key), Jan III, King of Poland (1629-1696).   When, then, will Islam's current Jihad against us be over?  Because rest assured, it will be over, most likely not with a bang like the Battle of Vienna (or nuking Mecca) but with a whimper - a Moslem whimper. A whimper is what I'm hearing with Osama Bin Laden's alleged video speech released last week.  Take a careful look at this pathetic drivel, folks.  You just won't believe how sophomoric and downright stupid it is.



Next week will see an interesting juxtaposition of events:  the sixth anniversary of the Islamist Attack on America of September 11, 2001 and the testimony of Gen. Petraeus to Congress on Iraq. Alpha and Omega. As the first letter of the Greek alphabet, Α, α, "alpha" signifies the start of something, the last letter, Ώ, ω, "omega" signifies its end. The destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers was Al Qaeda's Alpha.  Bin Laden and his cronies were ecstatically jubilant when they got the news of their mission's success, certain that America would then collapse psychologically as did the Towers. Thus you can bet your last farthing that the last place Osama thought he would be six years after his triumph is still in an Afghan cave hiding for his life. And worse, for Bush's war in Iraq is his omega. For all the caveats and qualifiers Petraeus will provide in his testimony, one truth should shine out:  that Al Qaeda has been defeated in Iraq.  It's over.  They lost. We won.



Students the world over have always asked their elders, what should I study in order to get a good job? In this age of globalization and the Internet, the question involves a whole new dimension. Students in rich countries, such as the United States and Germany, fear their chosen trade or profession might be outsourced to a low-wage country. Students in developing countries, such as Mongolia and Paraguay, understand that globalization and the Internet may give them access to jobs never before available. Those on both the left and right who can only see dangers and misery from any new technological advance argue that huge quantities of jobs will be transferred to the developing world, resulting in big drops in income in the developed countries. It is turning out, however, that if you have two basic skills, you'll be able to learn what you need to know for most jobs anywhere in the world.



Fallujah, Iraq.  The Marines of 1st Platoon, Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines - many from New Jersey - aren't living large, but they're making a huge difference. Bunking in a police precinct headquarters in Fallujah, they're at the forward edge of our current successes in Iraq. It's summertime, but the living ain't easy. The work's tough, the heat's wicked, the "facilities" conjure the old line about what bears do in the woods, and only goodie boxes from home liven up a diet of field rations (great for two or three days, nasty after two or three months). You'd expect complaints. I didn't hear one. And talking to three Jersey boys, I was surprised to hear just how positive they felt about the mission. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat," Lance Cpl. Justin Blitzstein of West Milford told me. Self-assured and ready for anything, he added, "Anybody who doesn't think we should be here should see the difference we've made in the way these people live. And everybody here's a volunteer. We want to be here."



Pay no attention to Frank Morgan.  The entire gaggle of the Moonbat Left - Pelosi-Reid-Murtha-Daily York Times-CNN-Time&Newsweek - the whole screaming lot are pretending to have resurrected the marvelous character actor who played Professor Marvel and "the man behind the curtain" in The Wizard of Oz. They're having Frank trying to convince an electorate of Dorothies that the Republicans are mired in gloom over their 2008 prospects, terrified of the Magic Democrat Wizard that will recapture the White House and cement control of Congress. The Mighty Oz has decreed inevitable doom upon the evil, corrupt Republicans, who are helpless to avoid their deserved electoral fate.  Let's have fun and be Toto, exposing the Mighty Moonbats as feckless frauds.  The truth behind the 2008 curtain is that the Democrats are screwed.



Good morning, boys and girls!  Yes, I know, mornings suck:  summer's over, no more sleeping late, you have to get up at some stupidly early hour to rush off to school, your parents are grouchy and harping on you to hurry, there's no time for a decent breakfast - and who's hungry at the crack of dawn? - so by second period you're starving and falling asleep in class from lack of food and energy. Gotta be a better way to start the day, right?  Well, there is - and also for your folks, who  have to rush off to work, so they probably skip a decent breakfast and stuff some sugar garbage into their mouths as they race out the door, just like you. Yet, as any doctor will tell you, breakfast is, health and energy and nutrition wise, the most important meal of the day.  "Yeah, right, whatever," I hear you respond with a sarcastic laugh.  Like, no time, dude, no time! Oh, yes, there is.  You can make and consume the To The Point Breakfast in five minutes flat.  Of course, the ideal here is to get your folks to make it for you while you're getting ready.  Then it will take you less than a minute to gulp it down and you're ready to roll. So, Mom and Dad, here's how to whip up the Quick and Delicious Incredibly Healthy To The Point Breakfast in about four minutes - five if you're still groggy because that first cup of coffee hasn't kicked in yet.



Folks, I just can't adequately express what a wonderful time we had at the To The Point Summer Rendezvous last weekend in Colorado Springs.  The friendship, with everyone so obviously enjoying each other's company, was such a marvelous experience.  We ate well - the buffalo steak was fabulous - drank good wine, had endless scintillating conversations, hiked in the Garden of the Gods, and all of us can hardly wait to get together again. I owe a lot of thanks - to Miko Reyes, TTP General Manager, who put everything together while I was on the other side of the world.  To Joan Johnson, John Nehring, and Bill Gregory, without whose help Miko tells me he couldn't have succeeded. To Joel Wade, Jack Kelly, and Dagny D'Anconia, who so copiously shared their insights with us. And to all TTPers who attended, for the more I got to know them, the more interesting and fascinating they became.  Their skills, intelligence, values, patriotism, and just plain likeability were really overwhelming. Of all the myriad of questions during the weekend, the one most asked was:  When do we get to do this again - when and where's the next Rendezvous? It'll be mid-January, and as we've had two now in the West (Vegas and Colorado), it should be in the East.  But warm - forget winter in, say, Boston or DC.  Also historic, memorable, and fun.  So we're thinking Charleston, maybe Savannah.  Let me know what you think. So thanks to all for a great Rendezvous.  Don't miss the next one.  I can hardly wait for it myself.



The latest event in what is surely one of the world's most fun sports - Moslem Enragement - is the Modoggy Cartoon Contest taking place in Sweden. It started out so innocently.  A group of Swedish artists in the small town of Tällberg decided to hold an exhibition entitled "The Dog in Art," and invited submissions.  A famous (and famously eccentric and mischievous) artist, Lars Vilks, exhibited a large cartoon drawing entitled "Mohammed as a Rondell Dog." A Rondell Dog or Rondellhund has been a harmless art form in Sweden for the last several years.  Anonymous artists have set up plywood or plastic sculptures of dogs in traffic circle roundabouts (rondells) throughout the country.  Here's a typical one: modoggy-r So Vilks puts up this cartoon sketch: modoggy



The Chicoms intend to use the 2008 Beijing Olympics as did the Nazis in the 1936 Berlin Olympics - as a glorification of their rule and a demand that the world provide it with the prestige it so desperately craves.  That's their dream. Last May in Chinese Wishes, we discussed how the Chicoms' dearest dream may turn out to be a nightmare of protests and boycotts, a human rights debacle of Olympian proportions. It looks like Taiwan is going to make this nightmare a lot worse.  And the Chicoms won't be able to do a thing about it.



[Richard Rahn send us this from Mongolia, about which I wrote when I was there five years ago (August 2002) in Glaciers in the GobiYes, there really is a glacier in the Gobi Desert. -JW] Ulan Bator, Mongolia. This, one of Asia's poorest countries, has been an economic laggard relative to most of its Asian competitors. But now the economy has begun to grow rapidly. The question is, can this growth be sustained and perhaps even speeded up? Mongolia is landlocked in the center of Asia between two powerful neighbors, China and Russia. Though twice the size of France, it has less than three million people. Traditionally, the Mongols have been nomadic, tending their animal herds along the thousands of miles of Central Asian grasslands. Despite its handicaps, Mongolia has a few things going for it.  Consider:  by 2010, it is expected that 60 percent of Mongolians will have access to high-speed Internet.  Compare that to Russia, where little more than 1% do.



Baghdad. "Al Qaeda's worn out their welcome," Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno told me. Probably the tallest, and just maybe the toughest, man in Iraq, the Rockaway, New York native also has a vigorous intellect at odds with the stereotype of generals.  Even though he looks like he could've had a parallel career in the World Wrestling Federation. In a forthright interview, the commanding general of the Multinational Corps-Iraq - the man who leads the day-to-day fight in support of Gen. David Petraeus - noted that, while foreign terrorists remain a threat, al Qaeda's been wounded so deeply by the Sunni Arab shift against them that he now feels other issues take priority. He outlined them for me.



Yesterday (8/28), the State Department announced it was issuing new diplomatic license plates to the foreign embassies here in Washington.  Since the old design was similar to that of some US states, the new plates' design is supposed to reduce the confusion. Here is the old/new comparison from the State press release: diplates Which gives me an opportunity to tell you the coolest story you ever heard about license plates.  It's about Soviet license plates during the Cold War, and the true name of "The Reagan Doctrine." The story begins with my getting a phone call in 1985 from a buddy of mine working in the Reagan White House, Dana Rohrabacher (who has been a Congressman, R-CA, since 1988).  The conversation went like this:



Last Saturday (8.18), a once enormously influential man in Washington died.  He was eulogized in every important newspaper from the New York Times to the Wall St. Journal to the Washington Times.  Let me tell you a completely unknown story about him. Before his presidency, Ronald Reagan lived for many years in California.  On a regular basis, he had his hair cut at his favorite barbershop in Beverly Hills.  After his election and before he moved to Washington, a friend of mine was assigned to his transition team.  Thus he accompanied Mr. Reagan to his barbershop appointment. My friend was startled to see an elderly man who just happened to be getting a haircut in the very next chair to which Mr. Reagan was seated.  The elderly man immediately began chatting up Mr. Reagan.  My friend was startled because the man was a Communist, the son of the founder of the Communist Party USA, one of America's richest and most powerful men who had made his fortune doing business with the Soviet Union since the days of Lenin. His name was Armand Hammer. My friend was seriously alarmed.  The president-elect's personal schedule and whereabouts was a highly-kept secret.  For someone in league with the Soviets to know it meant that someone - Armand Hammer - had a mole within Mr. Reagan's team on his payroll.  It took my friend years to find out the mole's identity.  It was the lionized man who died last Saturday.