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Vaclav Klaus


[Vaclav Klaus is President of the Czech Republic] It is a great pleasure to announce the English translation of my book Blue Planet in Green Shackles, published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Authors often claim their books speak for themselves. I cautiously agree and will, therefore, speak not about the book itself but about my motivations to write it. My thinking today is substantially influenced by the fact that I spent most of my life under a Communist regime which ignored and brutally violated human freedom, which wanted to command not only people but also nature itself. To "command wind and rain" is one of the famous slogans I remember since my childhood. This experience taught me that freedom and rational dealing with the environment are indivisible. It formed my views on the fragility and vulnerability of free society and gave me a special sensitivity to all kinds of factors which may endanger it. I do not, however, live in the past and do not see the future threats to free society coming from the old and old-fashioned communist ideology. The name of the new danger will undoubtedly be different, but its substance will be very similar.



Whenever retreat-now activists or their favored presidential aspirant are confronted with our progress in Iraq, their stock reply is, "Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq in 2003." Well, I happen to agree with Sen. Barack Hussein Obama and his supporters on that count: At most, the terrorists had a tenuous connection with Saddam's regime. But it's 2008, not 2003. And our next president will take office in 2009. It's today's reality that matters. And today's reality is that Al Qaeda is nearing final collapse, Iran has failed in its bid to take over Iraq, and the democratically elected government is gaining in popularity. What don't the critics like? Democracy? The defeat of Al Qaeda? Moslems turning to the US military for help? Troop cuts? The dramatically improved human-rights situation? What's the problem here? The answer's simple:



Rupert Murdoch is one of the world's savviest businessmen - but his prediction today (5/29) that Obambi will defeat McCain next November in a landslide is straightforward idiocy. Someone could make an intelligible argument that he could come out on top in a close contest - but a landslide?  That's nuts.  For the odds are far, far greater that it will be the other way around.  McCain is going to wipe the electoral floor with Obambi. Obambi is going to be torched by white women, Reagan Democrats, Hillary supporters, and most everybody else except blacks, academics, college kids being taught by the academics, and urban-elitist liberals whose brains have been similarly damaged by the academics.  He'll carry Oregon, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and maybe New York - maybe.  Not a lot more.  Not even California. Murdoch would have been on much firmer ground predicting a Dem landslide in the House and Senate - but that wouldn't be news, for that's the universally accepted wisdom.  Predictions are ubiquitous that the Pubs are going to lose 10 to 20 House seats and 4 to 6 Senate seats at a minimum.  It could be much worse, a lot worse. So much worse that the Dems will gain a filibuster-proof majority of 60+ seats in the Senate, preventing the passage of any decent McCain legislation or the confirmation of any decent McCain judicial appointment. How ironic, then, that the hero who can save the day and rescue the helpless Pubbies from certain disaster is... the Dems' very own champion, Hussein Obambi.



maryjo The HFR's goblet is raised this week in sympathy to this young lady and not to her murderer.  She is Mary Jo Kopechne.  Her death at the hands of a drunk Ted Kennedy served one purpose for which America must be forever grateful:  it prevented his ever being elected President of the United States. The HFR goblet contains no mawkish, treacly, fawning oleaginous encomiums to a man who has done more objective damage to his country than any American alive today.  Millions more would be alive today if it were not for his truly fanatical crusade in the Senate to allow mothers to murder their unborn babies for any reason whatsoever. Those millions have been replaced by countless hordes of illegal aliens thanks to his immigration bills of 1965 and 1986.  No one - no one - has done more to destroy American culture on purpose by being the key advocate of every culturally destructive  left-wing lunacy for the last 40 years. On purpose because there is clear evidence he was a traitor, offering to work with Soviet leaders such as Yuri Andropov to thwart Ronald Reagan's efforts to win the Cold War. The HFR does not gloat upon the pain and suffering of any fellow human being.  His type of brain cancer is fatal and cannot be cured.  It affects the area of the brain that controls speech, writing, and reading.  The HFR hopes that his suffering will be minimal and his passing peaceful - but nonetheless raises a full glass of gratitude that he will soon no longer be in the Senate and in a position to do further damage to America.



Forty years ago I found out what it's like to do business with Germans.  The lessons learned, I've discovered since, can apply to dealing with businessfolk in general who don't play fair. During my stay as a director in a Belgian steel mill I was in direct competition with the biggest steel mills of Germany. I was the first to export our special steels to Germany, something like selling sand to the Arabs. When I started travelling to Germany I found a closed market from the heavy steel industry down to the smallest distributor. They had one price list and the biggest buyers, the German coal mines, still had to buy rigidly from the local distributor. The mines bought thousands and thousands of tons per week and the local distributor got rich while asleep. It was an ironclad market, completely locked up. When I visited the distributors they laughed me out of town. So I went to the German coal mines and the German ship yards with impossibly low prices. What I expected happened, those consumers called their distributors, who called the big steel mills. Within a couple of weeks I was called out of the blue by a "Herr General Direktor Wolff" who from very high in his steel blue sky ordered me to cease my foolish interference in the German market or else! I told him politely that I was going into the German steel market no matter what...



Do we still have troops in Iraq? Is there still a conflict over there? If you rely on the so-called mainstream media, you may have difficulty answering those questions these days. As Iraqi and Coalition forces pile up one success after another, Iraq has magically vanished from the headlines. Want a real "inconvenient truth?" Progress in Iraq is powerful and accelerating. But that fact isn't helpful to elite media commissars and cadres determined to decide the presidential race over our heads. How dare our troops win? Even worse, Iraqi troops are winning. Daily. You won't see that above the fold in The New York Times. And forget the Obama-intoxicated news networks - they've adopted his story line that the clock stopped back in 2003.



The number of extraordinary gaffes committed by Obambi has been proliferating of late.  Among those just this month are not knowing Afghans don't speak Arabic and that his own state of Illinois doesn't border Kentucky.  Most incredible of all is his telling an audience, "I have now been to 57 states with one left to go," then says that one is "Alaska and Hawaii." No matter how exhausted from campaigning you are, you don't make a mistake like that under any normal circumstances.  Saying there are 57 states - actually 58, or is it 59? - is such an egregiously stupid error that it is evidence of brain malfunction. A neuroscientist with years of research into drug abuse and brain chemistry tells To The Point that the behavior exhibited by Obama is consistent with the use of either amphetamines or cocaine.  In his book, Dreams From My Father, Obambi admitted his drug use when young:  "Pot (marijuana) had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow (cocaine) when you could afford it. Not smack (heroin), though." Teen-age drug use isn't, of course, evidence for its use in one's 40s.  But when someone who may be elected President of the United States starts behaving suspiciously, then it's justified to ask that those suspicions be allayed. Thus, To The Point calls for Barack Hussein Obama to be drug tested.



Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago that the HFR's glass was overflowing?  This week the HFR is staring at a glass that's just about empty.    What with the eco-fascists' victory of fraud over science regarding polar bears, the homo-fascists' victory of cultural insanity in the California courts, the Republicans in Congress in full yellow-belly retreat from any conservative principles (e.g., over half of House Pubs voted for $300 billion of pork in the Farm Bill on Wednesday, 5/14), John McCain proving on Monday (5/12) he remains a clueless ignoramus on "global warming," and other such dregs of the week, the HFR has to search hard for a few drops of good cheer. Should we start with the tabloids?  Perhaps you've seen, as have millions of others as they stood in the check-out line at the market, tabloid front pages blaring: o-globe o-globe2   Trashy tabloids like the Globe are not to be taken seriously, of course.  Is Obambi bisexual?  The HFR has no idea.  But what is clear is that...



When President Bush condemned the "false comfort of appeasement" in his speech to the Israeli Knesset, Barack Hussein Obama and the Pelosicrats promptly went bananas with phony outrage over Bush's statement, thinking it was comparing their Dem Messiah to Neville Chamberlain.  But the compulsive appeasers Bush was really talking about were his Secretary of State Condi Rice, his National Security Advisor Steven Hadley - and, indeed, himself. If Hussein Obama wasn't such an effeminate metrosexual pantywaist, he would have brushed off the defensive chip on his padded shoulder and condemned Bush for embodying such a "false comfort." Instead, he doesn't have the brains - nor do his Pelosicrat hysterical defenders - to grasp that his "protest too much" claim of not being an appeaser only serves to highlight in voters' brains that he is - that he would be vastly more of a coward in the White House than GW.



The HFR opens this week by celebrating Naqba - that glorious event the suicidal schmucks of the Arab world, the Palestinians, call "the Catastrophe."  Yes, the creation of Israel 60 years ago in May of 1948 was a catastrophe for people filled with envy and hate.  But for anyone who admires triumphs of the human spirit, the existence of Israel is not just something to celebrate on its 60th birthday, but every single day.... .... From one inspiring story to another.  The HFR raises a glass of Chianti to a great Italian, Roberto Calderoli. The government of Libya had threatened (last Friday, 5/02) new Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with "catastrophic consequences" should Calderoli be appointed to his Cabinet.  That was because in February of 2006, Calderoli, a leader of Italy's Northern League Party, appeared in an interview on national television wearing a t-shirt with cartoons of Mohammed - in sympathy with the Danish cartoonists who drew them.... ... The HFR switches to Chablis to look down its nose at all the white wine liberals in such a tizzy over Hillary Clinton's channeling George Wallace by saying "hard working white Americans support me."  Then her key advisor Paul Begala had the chutzpah to point out an obvious truth:  that "Obama can't win with just the eggheads and African-Americans." So here is the HFR's prediction.... ... We close this week's HFR with two additional indications of why Obambi Hussein is going to lose.



In a speech last Friday (5/02), President Bush called for increased oil and gas production "in Alaska and our outer continental shelf."  Nancy Pelosi actually had the Orwellian effrontery to respond: "Drilling is the failed energy policy of yesterday that has brought us record gas prices today." Producing more oil causes higher prices!  How Orwellian doublethink can you get? She sneered at Bush's policy of increasing production and his promise to veto her party's attempt to demonize oil producers by calling it "drill and veto." If the Republicans from John McCain on down are too stupid to take the Dems to the electoral cleaners with that, they deserve to lose. If McCain & GOPco did have the brains, we could free of foreign oil, or well on our way, by the end of his first term.  Unfortunately, they don't - especially McCain.  He's so braindead he's opposed to drilling ANWR because it would be like drilling in the Grand Canyon. But if by chance, his economic advisor, former Senator from Texas Phil Gramm, can persuade him to put national security over a howling Alaska wilderness, and get him to somehow grasp that the way to be free of foreign oil is through increased domestic production, then here's how it can be done.



As corrosive as the Saudis have been for our system, they're far worse for Moslems. The crucial point you have to grasp is that the Saudis don't give a downtown damn about Moslems - flesh-and-blood men, women or children. They only care about Islam. They'd sacrifice tens of millions of Moslems to further their perversion of the faith. I've visited over a dozen Moslem countries and many more that have significant Moslem minorities. In every case, I've found the Saudis funding evil. From Thailand to the United States, the Saudi goal is to prevent Moslems from integrating into their host societies. In poor countries, such as Kenya, they pay families to pull their children out of state schools and send them to madrassahs - where they learn to recite the Koran, but no career skills. The Saudis don't mind if Moslems live in poverty and squalor - as long as Moslems don't identify with the societies around them. They want strict religious and cultural apartheid.



This is a personal story of what it's like doing business in Europe - specifically a part of Europe called Wallonia, or French-speaking Belgium. In 1976 Occidental Oil constructed the Claymore Alpha gas production platform for the North Sea. The platform had a total steel component of more than 600,000 tons. The modus operandi was to construct the platforms with prefabricated modules of 500 tons weight max each and put them together module by module. Since the North Sea only allows a good weather gap of 1 to 2 months each year in summer time, the costs and time delays were staggering. A Dutch maritime engineer-pioneer, Pieter Heerema, had the fantastic idea to start constructing with 5,000 ton modules, ten times as big as before. He was the first to use an old tanker, welding compartments in it, and with the help of sensors and computer steering pump with massive pumps seawater in or out of the different compartments to counterbalance  the heavy loads. But he had a very big problem.  I made the mistake of trying to solve it in Belgium.



What could be more delightful than the Dems tearing themselves apart?  That they go broke doing it. The best news of the week -     Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright trashing Obambi and Obambi trashing him back - shouldn't qualify for the HFR as the glass is just too intoxicatingly, overflowingly full.  And, besides, we discussed this in Obama in Greece. But right in second place has got to be Democrat Coffers Run Dry.  The Dems have raised so many millions - and blown them all.  Only Democrats could do this.  What do they know about living within their means, anyway?  Even a DNC official admitted that it's "nuts that we're spending so much money fighting each other instead of Republicans."  To which we can only say, don't stop now.  We're enjoying seeing your IQ-challenged donors seeing their money go up in smoke, for nothing.    We're also enjoying listening to the grinding and gnashing of Democrat teeth over...



If you could bring the playwrights of Ancient Greece - Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes - from 5th century Athens to watch the Democrat primary race of today, they would recognize it instantly.  It is a perfect Greek tragedy. All the incredible amounts of money being spent, all the frantic energy and hysteria, the entire swirling maelstrom created by a vast cast of characters - all of it is for naught, for there can be only one outcome, an inescapable outcome of doom. The old playwrights would scoff at our naïve notions of free will, our arguments that each of the participants in the tragedy - such as the "superdelegates" - really do have the capacity to act for themselves. No, they would say, the characters have no choice, for no matter what they do, they are drawn into a trap of ineluctable fate, like a fly caught in a web of invisible silk strands, so invisible he doesn't know he's caught while the spider approaches. The 5th century Greeks would have understood the play.  A 4th century Greek would understand what happens to the audience watching the play.



Have you ever wondered why so many people see higher taxes and more government as the solution to every problem, despite the empirical evidence that more government reduces economic efficiency and growth, plus diminishes our liberties? As will be shown, the arguments from the big government advocates are usually based on a combination of economic and historical ignorance, envy, and just plain delusional thinking. The New York Times editorial page has long been a bastion of this delusional thinking. On April 24, the paper produced one of its classic inane editorials in favor of higher taxes on labor and capital, which contained this gem of a sentence: "Memo to McCain: 401(k) savers get no benefit from a low capital-gains [tax] rate." Everyone who has ever taken basic economics should know a lower tax rate on an investment (i.e., the capital-gains tax) will lead to a higher rate of return, and hence the investment will be worth more. Though this concept is not difficult for most people to understand, it seems beyond the knowledge and reasoning ability of those who write editorials for the New York Times. Unfortunately, the Times has plenty of global company when it comes to economic ignorance, envy and delusional thinking. We find it among many politicians in almost every government world-wide.



Which of two kinds of fascism do you think are more dangerous - one stemming from a culture's or a people's feeling of inferiority or superiority? If a country possessing a Fascism of Inferiority got into a war with a country possessing a Fascism of Superiority, all else being equal which do you think has a better chance of winning? Russians are xenophobic because they deeply suffer from a lack of cultural self-confidence and an inferiority complex towards the West.  Han Chinese are xenophobic because they feel they are a culturally and racially superior form of humanity.  Westerners, Japanese, Blacks, Tibetans, et al, are all sub-human compared to the Han. Russia is dying - literally.  Life expectancy is lower than that of Bangladesh.  Millions of Russian men drink a gallon of vodka a week.  Millions of Russian women are sterile after having so many abortions.  This is a culture with a death-wish, one that does not want to survive. The conclusion that CIA Director Michael Hayden draws from Russia's demographic collapse, given in a speech at Kansas State yesterday (4/30), is that Russia will have to import millions of foreign workers.  There's only one place that can supply a sufficient number of such workers:  China. The question really is, will Russia surrender peacefully or put up a fight - maybe even a nuclear fight?



We open the HFR this week by asking:  Dare we hope for Hillary? It's a fun debate over who would be easier for McCain to beat, Obambi or the PIAPS, almost as much fun as watching them rip each other's political guts out.  McCain could score a Reagnesque electoral victory over either of these two losers, but I want him to go up against Her Shrillness.  There's suddenly real hope that he will... ... Which brings us to the delightful subject of the North Carolina GOP Anti-Obama ad.  It is fabulous -- And it is really funny to see how many smart conservatives - even Rush Limbaugh who's normally really smart - have been suckered by John McCain's denouncing it... ... Let's raise a more than half-full glass of congratulations to the brave leaders of the North Carolina Republican Party.  We need more Republicans with their courage.  What we need fewer of is the editorial writers of the New York Times, whose op-eds provide the propaganda marching orders for the entire liberal media.  Looks like we get our wish... ... We close the HFR this week with absolutely the most thrilling and uplifting headline of recent times:  Food Crisis Starts Eclipsing Climate Change Worries How great is that?  Nothing like a little mass world-wide starvation to make people doubt in the religious dogma of warm-mongering.  Finally - finally - it just may be that people aren't willing to go back to the Stone Age in order to placate Algore.


JOHN NEHRING 1942-2008

One of the most beloved members of our To The Point family has passed on. Anyone who knew him could assure you that you'll never meet a kinder, more decent man than John Nehring.  There was a sweetness, a gentleness to him, combined with a profound love of liberty and a core of pro-American steel. An Eagle Scout and National Merit Scholar from Columbus, Ohio, John graduated near the top of his class at the Air Force Academy.  He was an F-4 Phantom fighter pilot in Vietnam, got a Masters degree in economics at Georgetown, taught business & economics at the Air Force Academy, served in the Air Force for 30 years and retired as a full bird colonel. For the past several years, John taught economics at Embry-Riddle University in Colorado Springs, opening his students' eyes to the great advocates of economic freedom, such as  Ludwig von Mises, Frederic Bastiat, and Milton Friedman.



While Beijing was sending in troops to crack down on protesters in Tibet, they also made sure to boot out the foreign journalists, jam the short wave radios, and lock down the Internet.  So, how did the Tibetans get the news out?  By using DynaWeb and UltraReach - tiny software tools that seek out cracks in the Chinese Great Firewall and connect users' computers to the biggest anti-censorship network in the world. These tools scramble the users' communications and shuttle the data back and forth along an underground cyber network in a way that cannot be detected by high-tech monitoring and jamming equipment. At this point, the censors' firewalls virtually disappear to the users.  They can now access blocked websites and also freely communicate with the rest of the world.  The group that built this special network and tools like DynaWeb and UltraReach and recent additions, GPass and FirePhoenix, is the Global Internet Freedom Consortium or GIF.  You may have never heard of GIF, but it is easily the largest and most mature anti-censorship operation in the world -- loved by users, loathed and attacked by censors. 



Speaking last February of the man she knows better than anyone else, Michelle Obama said that her husband, Illinois Senator and Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., is the only candidate for president who understands that before America can solve its problems, Americans have to fix their "broken souls." She also said that her husband's unique understanding of the state of souls of the American people makes him uniquely qualified to be President. But then, saving souls is hard work, and Mrs. Obama won't place the whole burden on her husband. He'll make the Americans work for him. As she put it, "Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed." At base, Mrs. Obama's statement is nothing less than a renunciation of democracy and an embrace of fascism. The basic idea of liberty is that people have a natural right to live their lives as usual and to be uninvolved and uninformed. And they certainly have a right to expect that their government will butt out of their souls.



The single greatest threat to peace in the world, the one with the most potential to escalate into all-out and even nuclear war between China and the United States, lies in the Formosa Straits, the 100 miles of ocean separating mainland China and the island of Taiwan. At this moment, the Communist Chinese have 1,400 CSS-6 and CSS-7 short-range ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan.  The handful of Tien Kung-3 (Sky-Bow-3) air defense missile batteries (based on our Patriot II system) the Taiwanese have is wholly inadequate against this massive threat. What Taiwan needs is a missile defense system that can blanket its west coast facing the mainland as well as its cities, that is cheap to build, quick to build, easy to operate, and very effective.  A system that would allow few if any Chinese missiles to get through, that would blow any Chinese attacking warplanes out of Taiwan's skies, and against which any Chinese landing craft in an amphibious invasion would be dead ducks. This system could be put in place within 24 months.  Once it is, China's threat to Taiwan is essentially gone.  Here's how Taiwan can do it.



The HFR can stand only so much good news.  How can it report on things half-full when the glass is overflowing?  So this week we'll have to use one of those huge beer steins from which Bavarians imbibe at the Munich Hofbraühaus: hofbrauhaus We begin, of course with Obama The Infantilizomaniac.  snobama-lg_copy



There is no more horrific tax than inflation.  It can wipe out a lifetime of savings with ease.  It's also the easiest way for politicians to escape fiscal jams of their creation. Medicare, for example, goes cash-negative within 24 months from now.  Its cost to taxpayers will mount almost exponentially in the years to come.  There are only three ways to deal with the cost:  raise taxes monumentally, cut benefits drastically, or inflate the value of the dollar to cover the ballooning cost. Which one do you think Congress will choose? There is a three-word solution to this, and TTP's favorite Paulista, economics professor John Nehring, had better be prepared or else his head will explode with excitement. The three words are: 



What would you think if members of Congress voted to require the U.S. military to forgo purchases of most of Canada's oil and thus be forced to increase their dependency on Saudi Arabian produced oil? As bizarre as it may seem, this is not a hypothetical question.  It is precisely what Congress did in passing the falsely named Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Chairman Henry Waxman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee wrote a letter to Chairman Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on March 17 of this year, detailing the "proper interpretation" of the Act. Mr. Waxman's interpretation makes one wonder if his purpose is to cause as much damage to the US economy as possible.



"Modern art" is typified by meaningless blobs of paint splattered on a canvas, with "post-modern art" equally mindless and unintelligible.  TTP is therefore pleased to salute a real artist Chris Hopkins and his magnificent painting Saluting Reagan: saluting_reagan The price of the original oil on canvas is $50,000.  A poster, however, is only 24 bucks.  At that price, we can all afford to salute the 20th century's greatest American president.



The HFR this week salutes Absolut Vodka for its absolute stupidity in running an ad depicting pre-1836 Mexico as a map of  "an ideal Absolut world." These Swedish marketing geniuses were inundated with emails like the one I sent, informing them that I shall never, ever, buy a bottle of Absolut for the rest of my life.  I encourage you to make the same vow... ... The good news continues in South Korea.  The triumph this week of newly-elected president Lee Myung-bak's Grand National Party in parliamentary elections cementing Lee's majority control of the government means his plans for overthrowing Kim Jong-il's communist regime and unifying Korea can proceed... ... The HFR raises a glass of no-pity to the terrorist-loving Palestinians of Gaza... ...and a glass of schadenfreude to Oprah Winfrey, who has seen her popularity and tv-show ratings take a nose dive since she came out in support of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr... ...while celebrating the unfolding exposure of Obambi as a crook and a lightweight.  The more one looks past Obambi's smooth rhetoric, the uglier it gets.  And the squishier.  For it's his ballbreaker wife, Michelle, who has the cojones in the family, not him.  More and more now, it's becoming clear:  Obama is a pussy.



I have recently returned to the United States from Egypt where I was on a fact-finding mission to see what life is like for non-Moslems who live under Islam. What I saw was a dire situation of oppression and discrimination that many in America and the West have all but ignored. A place with rampant police brutality and corruption, where non-Moslems are second-class citizens at best, who are brutally victimized on a daily basis. All this in a nation which is a popular U.S. tourist spot, and has been the recipient of American aid in excess of $28 billion in the last three decades. I wanted to learn what life would be like if our enemies and their allies got their way. What I saw was an example of the harsh life in store for future American generations in Islamic-dominated regions of the U.S. if we do not work to bring attention to the issue of Islamic oppression now at this critical time in American history.



It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. - Mark Twain (1897) Twain's humorous quip, unfortunately, is all too close to the current reality. "Willful misconduct," a criminal offense, is legally defined as "intentionally doing that which should not be done or intentionally failing to do that which should be done, when knowing that injury to a person will probably result, or recklessly disregarding the possibility that injury to a person may result." Congress, by failing to act in the case of a clear and present danger to parts of the American financial system, could reasonably be considered engaging in "willful misconduct." And here is why.



It's not widely recognized that the Wall Street Journal is a left-wing rag, a propaganda organ for the Democrat Party no less than the New York Times. That's because people compare the editorials, not the news coverage.  The WSJ is a schizophrenic, split-personality paper with a pro-America editorial page (yes, except for their open-borders nonsense), while that of the NYT's is so anti-American it is often outright treasonous. But if you focus on the front section news coverage, you'll see little difference between the two.  A perfect example is this "news" story of April 7 in the WSJ:  Democrats' Hopes for Seat Rise. The opening line of the story is: "A conservative firebrand with a connection to a former Ku Klux Klan leader will run for a Louisiana seat in the (U.S.) House of Representatives, raising Democrats' hopes they can pick up what has been a reliably conservative district for more than three decades." The "conservative firebrand" in question is Woody Jenkins, the Republican candidate.  That description of him is accurate - he's a passionate pro-life, pro-Christian, pro-capitalist, pro-America, pro-Western Civilization guy.  He's stand-up honest, integrity personified, born and raised in the Louisiana district (Baton Rouge) he represented in the state legislature for 28 years. I should know, for he's been a good friend of mine for a quarter-century.  And that's how I know the WSJ's smear alleging he has "a connection to a former Ku Klux Klan leader" is a complete willful fabrication.  The author of the WSJ article, Susan Davis, is not a journalist, she's a professional left-wing smear artist.



As we enjoy watching the debacle of the Chicom Torch Relay disastrously unfold from London to Paris to San Francisco to points beyond, let's step back to the bigger picture of what these Olympics are all about. They are not about sport and Olympic Ideals, that's for sure.  The competing athletes from scores of countries all over the world are only props.  These Beijing Games are about one thing only.  They are about face - Chinese face. The concept of face - as in "losing face" or "saving face" - plays a critical role in Chinese culture and the way most Chinese deal with reality - a way that is fundamentally opposed to that of Americans. If your "face" is the primary concern of your life, controlling your conduct and morality, then you believe that reality is what other people say it is, not what it is in fact.  The morality of face is the morality of pretend.  For any country to host an Olympic Games, it's a matter of national pride.  But for China, that's all that it is.  The purpose of the Beijing Games is China's "coming-out party," during which the world accepts Chicom China as a morally legitimate nation, and publicly pretends it is not a dictatorship.  For the Chicoms, this pretense is the Games' only purpose. Which means, if the party is spoiled, it will be a catastrophic loss of face for the Chicoms, and the Han Chinese they rule.  What will be the consequences of this?



"Ted Turner Offers To Commit Suicide To End Global Warming." That should have been the headline for this story, in which the founder of CNN declared: "We're too many people; that's why we have global warming." The HFR couldn't agree more with you on this, Ted - with one caveat.  What we actually have is too many people like you.  Anyone who believes there are too many people inhabiting the earth has only one moral and consistent path of action to take: Start reducing the human population by starting with themselves, i.e., commit suicide. The world really will be much better off without you, Ted.  Trust us on this.  We don't care how you do it - slit your wrists, drink Draino, whatever - just don't take anyone else along with you unless it's Jane Fonda. In the meantime, the HFR thanks you for so clearly reminding everyone what an incredible idiot you are, and how every time you open your mouth, you do grave damage to the credibility of the commie causes you mindlessly espouse.



This is a story of how I learned to transform a workforce of 1,500 unionized zombies into participating human beings.  It was in a Belgian steel mill in 1963. Since then I have been able to replicate this transformation of  zombies into thinking participants in different parts of the world.  The basic requirement is human contact beyond all barriers and education. Given that, the possibility of such transformation is universal, for human beings are human beings.  The limiting factor is culture.  The transformation is far easier in some cultures, far harder in others. I have found it to be the most difficult and frustrating with Arabs.  Close to the edge of impossibility.  In Asia, I found the best to be...



It's hard to miss the full page newspaper ads - such as in the Washington Post and likely in your local paper as well - blaring about "the investment opportunity of a lifetime" by investing in foreclosures. "The current rise in foreclosures is an incredible opportunity for you to make incredible real estate deals!" claims the WaPo ad.  All of these ads are scams.  Yet it turns out that there is a genuine solution to the mortgage crisis, and those who understand it will be able to make a lot of money.  Let me tell you how to do it.



One of the coolest guys on the planet has been a friend of mine for thirty years - Col. Robert K. Brown, publisher of Soldier of Fortune Magazine.  We've had various adventures together, like being shot at by Soviets in Afghanistan, and please don't ask him how he got the nickname "Bob Ka-bab," or else he'll tell you about "Snuffy Jack." Thus the first item on the HFR agenda this week is to tell you how you can participate in Bob's Stir The Chicom Pot Contest... ... If done right, efforts to sabotage the Chicom Olympics may reach a "tipping point," turning them, as the Washington Post just noted, into a "politically toxic showcase of repression."  Another tipping point was reached this week in the debate on "climate change"... ... Additional happy news on the enviro front comes from the Bush Administration... ... And we can be more than half-full grateful that the Roberts Court this week decided 6-3 for American sovereignty, humiliating Condi Rice in the process...



This past Sunday, March 23, 2008, was the most extraordinary Easter we may see in our lives.  To begin with, we'll never see an earlier one. Because Easter is dated via the ancient Hebrews' lunar calendar used to identify Passover, it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox of March 20th.  This year, the moon reached full one day later, March 21st, which happened to be a Saturday.  Thus Easter was the next day. You can't have an Easter much earlier than March 23rd.  One day earlier, in fact, March 22nd.  The last time Easter fell then was 1818; the next time in 2285.  The last time Easter fell on March 23rd was in 1913, and the next time will be in 2228. So unless you are at least 95 years old, you've never seen an Easter as early as last Sunday, and unless some Durk Pearson life extension technology keeps you around for another 220 years, you'll never see another. So this Easter was chronologically special - but it was also special for a far deeper reason than that.  In fact, it is the combination of two specific events taking place during this Easter Week that may well signify the resurrection of a dormant Christianity and its resultant defeat of militant Islam.



Get set for a Revolutionary TTP Rendezvous this summer!  The dates are Friday, August 22 through Sunday, August 24 - the weekend before Labor Day weekend.  The place is where the American Revolution began - Boston. First we'll go to where America began* -- Plymouth Rock.  Then to North Church from whose steeple the signal was given for Paul Revere's ride, and follow his ride to Lexington.  From Lexington Green we'll go to Concord and North Bridge, where the Revolution started with "the shot heard ‘round the world." We'll host many a lager at the Green Dragon Tavern where Sam Adams and his fellow revolutionaries conspired and plotted against the British.  Revolutionary good cheer will also be had at the Bell In Hand, and every Irishman's favorite Boston pub, Dooley's. With the help of our members in Boston like Marco the Wizard and the Dynamic Blonde Duo of Maureen Bowen and Eileen Corcoran, we're putting together a package of hotels, venues, and activities that you won't want to miss at a price you can afford. Details will be forthcoming - but in the meantime, mark your calendar and plan to have a revolutionary good time with your fellow TTP'ers.  Boston, August 22-24. [*That's not to forget where America also began - Jamestown, Virginia.  Right nearby is Yorktown where the Revolution was won.  Obviously a site for a future Rendezvous.]



Thanks to TTP'er and entrepreneur Eric Martell, we're pleased to announce The TTP Teleconference. It's a sort of "mini-rendezvous" using an interactive format based on a web-site where you can ask questions and a teleconference call where I can answer them. We're now ready to try our first free teleconference.  It will be on Monday, April 7th at 9:00PM Eastern Time.  The way it will work is simple.



Could the Democrats' dilemma possibly get any funnier or more entertaining?  It's still March, we've got seven more months to election day, and the way things are going, it's going to take a cross between Einstein and Houdini to prevent a McGovernesque disaster. Even weirder, it's beginning to look like they want such a disaster.  So weird that maybe their Bureau of Propaganda - otherwise known as the "mainstream media" - wants it too. Dem leaders know Hillary can't win against McCain.  They know Obambi can't win against McCain.  Yet they would far rather give it to Obambi - for they fear black envy and racist hatred more than they fear destroying their party.  They would rather appease the former than avoid the latter.  That's masochism, big time.



Adolf Hitler realized the importance of having a good press. In Nazi Germany with its press censorship, it was easy for Hitler to have a good press. However, during the 1930s the Nazis also tried to control the media in the neighboring European countries that Hitler was planning to invade. The Nazis bullied the democratically elected governments in these countries to censor everything that resembled what today might be called "Naziophobia" - criticism of Nazism.  A number of bullied governments gave in to the Nazi intimidation rather than back the few courageous individuals who spoke out against totalitarianism.  Today, we are witnessing a similar phenomenon. Islamist extremists want a good press. They do not tolerate criticism. Even cartoons are deemed offensive. They warn those who criticize them "to consider the possible consequences" of Islamophobia.