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Star Parker


Election of our nation's first black president is delivering an unexpected message to our black population. Blacks are discovering that what a man or woman does -- their actions -- is what matters, not the color of their skin. It is not hard to understand why black Americans were happy that a black man was elected president of the United States. It was kind of final and most grand announcement that racism has finally been purged from America. But for the highly politicized parts of black America this was certainly not the only message. Because for the highly politicized parts of black America, the point has always been to keep race in American politics. For black political culture that dominated after the civil rights movements, the point was not just equal treatment under the law, but special treatment under the law. Plus the assumption that more black political power -- defined by more blacks holding office -- would mean that blacks would be better off. Now blacks have a dilemma. We have a black president and blacks are worse off. Not just a little, but a lot worse off.



Who would have thought just 18 months ago that a member of the eurozone, the most elite club of economies in Europe, could have a worse credit rating than Pakistan? And yet this is the case for Greece today, perched on the verge of a debt restructuring; two other eurozone countries (Ireland and Portugal), meanwhile, are already in Europe's intensive care unit, receiving large bailouts. And who would have thought that a rating agency would dare question the sacred AAA credit rating of the United States, the sole supplier of global public goods such as the international reserve currency (the dollar) and a financial system that serves as the nexus of international capital flow? There are, of course, several custom-made reasons for these developments. But together, they speak to major realignments that are fundamentally changing the character of the global economy and how it functions. Three things in particular have had a significant influence, and they will continue to shape the world we live in for years to come.



Let's start with a trio of quotes. On Monday (8/15) in Decorah, Iowa, President Zero explained why he has been a total economic failure: "We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, gotten the economy moving again.  But over the last six months we've had a run of bad luck." Which recalls the observation of Lazarus Long in Robert Heinlein's 1973 sci-fi classic Time Enough For Love: "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded -- here and there, now and then -- are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. "Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as ‘bad luck'." And on Wednesday (8/17) in Bedford, New Hampshire, Texas Gov. Rick Perry explained: "America's crisis is not bad luck, it's bad policies from Washington DC...  Our economic plan shouldn't depend on luck, it should depend on sound economic fundamentals."



On June 12, 1964, at Big Reggie's Danceland Ballroom in Excelsior, Minnesota (on Lake Minnetonka west of Minneapolis), The Rolling Stones gave a performance during their first American tour.  They were little-known back then (everyone was into Beatlemania), they were drunk, played poorly, and got booed off the stage by the audience of 300. The next morning, Mick Jagger went into Bacon's Drug Store to fill a prescription.  Standing in front of him was a local character named Jimmy Hutmaker, Excelsior's retarded town mascot whom everyone befriended.  Jimmy wanted his usual morning pick-me-up, a cherry coke - but the fellow who manned the soda fountain said they were out of cherry syrup, so he gave Jimmy a regular coke. Whereupon Jimmy turned to Mick, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "You can't always get what you want." Jagger never forgot what "Mr. Jimmy" said, and used it to create an achingly extraordinary rock and roll masterpiece.  The song has been haunting me for the last several days.  I have listened to it a score of times during breaks reading a particular book. And thus I have arrived at a conclusion:  However much we want Sarah Palin, what we need is Rick Perry.



This is the full text of Texas Governor Rick Perry's presidential announcement speech in Charleston, South Carolina on Saturday, August 13. The video of the speech is at the end.] Howdy...  It's sure good to be back in the Palmetto State, in South Carolina. I enjoy coming to places where people elect folks like Nikki Haley, true conservatives. And also where they love the greatest fighting force on the face of the earth... the United States Military. And I want to take a moment and ask you to just take a silence, think about those young Navy SEALs and the other special operators who gave it all in the service of their country. Just take a moment to say ‘Thank you, Lord, that we have those kind of selfless, sacrificial men and women. Their sacrifice was immeasurable, their dedication profound, and we will never, ever forget them.' I stand before you today as the governor of Texas. But... I am also the product of a place called Paint Creek. Doesn't have a zip code. It's too small to be called a town along the rolling plains of Texas. We grew dryland cotton and wheat, and... what I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and on thrift. Those values have stuck with me my whole life. But it wasn't until I graduated from Texas A&M University and joined the United States Air Force, flying C-130's all around the globe, that I truly appreciated the blessings of freedom. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, I realized that the United States of America really is the last great hope of mankind. What I saw was systems of government that elevated rulers at the expense of the people. Socialist systems cloaked maybe in good intentions but were delivering misery and stagnation. And I learned that not everyone values life like we do in America, or the rights that are endowed to every human being by a loving God.  You see, as Americans we're not defined by class, and we will never be told our place.



As Keith Jackson, the legendary sports broadcaster might say, it's been a Whoa, Nellie! week. Before we get started, first an announcement:  Jack Abramoff will be a featured speaker at Rendezvous XI!  We'll be getting an exclusive sneak preview of his book (it won't be released until November 15th) - "Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington from America's Most Notorious Lobbyist" - and he'll tell us where the movie about him, Casino Jack, went right and went wrong.  (He's got some great stories about Kevin Spacey.) So one more reason to be at Rendezvous XI... ************ We already (8/11) discussed the barbarian children of  liberalism's welfare state burning down Britain in The Wages of Envy.  The moral collapse of the entire edifice of the ruling Brit lib-elite is so instantly and nightmarishly obvious that millions of normal Brits are waking up from it.   Maybe they'll even stay awake. There's a parallel to this in the US, where the S&P downgrade and economic collapse are awakening millions of Americans to the nightmare of Zero they voted for in 2008.



It isn't a pleasant sight to see England burning itself down, but it sure is instructive.     We complain the extent of the welfare/moocher society in the US, but it is dwarfed by Britain's.  Over 20% of all British households live in council (public) housing and live off government welfare, with no one in the household having  job.  Anyone with any kind of claimed "disability" is given a monthly welfare check - for as long as they are "disabled," which can be and often is for the rest of their lives.  Millions of Brits receive Incapacity Benefits because - and they list this in the application - their addiction to alcohol and/or drugs makes them incapable of working. That the council-housed-and-violent feral children, and feral parents, should be capable of mass looting should come as no surprise, because looting British taxpayers is their way of life. The search is on, though, to identify the "root cause(s)" of all of this.  Rush Limbaugh says "Socialism created the UK rioters," citing Brit conservative Max Hastings, who says "Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare-dependent, brutalized youngsters." Yet socialism or liberal dogma is only a proximate cause.  We need to ask, what is the cause of socialism, of liberal dogma? Those of you familiar with my writings know the answer:  the ancient primitive fear of the evil eye of envy.



A few months ago, I gave a talk to the U.S. Naval War College. This venerable institution is home to a student body of the future leaders of the world's navies, who preserve our freedom through strength on the seas. Toward the end of a spirited question-and-answer session, a young officer stood and asked the final question: "What keeps you up at night?" The simplicity of the question struck an emotive cord. In a flash, I thought of my boyhood growing up in an America where every morning I could get on my bike, and as far as the eye could see, there was President Reagan's "shining city on the hill," standing bright and tall on the horizon. The majesty, bounty and exceptionalism of America provided opportunity for all to climb that summit and share in the glow. Yet now, for the first time since the Civil War, this God-blessed experiment is in real jeopardy of not being preserved for our children and the "huddled masses" seeking to embrace the American way. I saw the concern in that lieutenant's eyes -- a soldier-citizen, seeking an answer. Mine was clear: "Debt out of control, entitlement spending out of control, and the loss of economic freedom and opportunity." Why and from where had this malady come, and, most important, how can we restore our God-given national birthright?



I'm surprised that so many people seem surprised by S&P's downgrade of our credit rating. Weren't people paying attention over the last year or so when we were getting warning after warning from various credit rating agencies that this was coming? So, how shamelessly cynical and dishonest must one be to blame this inevitable downgrade on the very people who have been shouting all along "stop spending"?  Blaming the Tea Party for our credit downgrade is akin to Nero blaming the Christians for burning Rome. We have to face this storm head on. It won't be easy, but there are real solutions to grow our economy and reduce our debt.  We need to stop this deficit spending, balance our budget, repeal Obamacare, cancel all unused stimulus funds, and reform our entitlement programs. We will have entitlement reform and a balanced budget; it's just a matter of how. We can do it ourselves in a calm, methodical, and responsible manner, or we can wait for the world's capital markets to ram it down on us. Let's be responsible and do it ourselves.



rila1.jpg This is the Rila Monastery, one of the several World Heritage Sites in Bulgaria.  Over a thousand years old, its breathtaking frescoes have been immaculately maintained. rila3.jpg Rebel, Joel Wade, Alex Alexiev, and I had such a wonderful time with our fellow TTPers here last June that we're going there again at the end of September. We discovered so many lucrative opportunities that we called this place The Bulgarian Escape Hatch.  As our economy is being destroyed by Zero, assisted by a wimp-out Congress, Bulgaria's is booming.  It's as business-friendly as Zero has made America business-impossible.  I'd like you to consider joining us.



Bagnoli, Naples, Italy.  Who knew Hell could be so beautiful? I'm sitting in a flower garden overlooking the Mediterranean.  In front of me is the islet of Nisida, where at his villa, Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC) and his conspirators planned the assassination of Julius Caesar.  Off to the left looms Mount Vesuvius, and in the distance is the Isle of Capri. On the other side of the hill behind me lies The Solfatara, a volcanic crater filled with boiling mud pools and vents hissing and steaming with sulfuric gasses.  For the Romans, it was feared as the home of Vulcan, the god of fire. Next to Solfatara lies a crater lake called Avernus, Lake Averno.  For thousands of years, from Homer in The Odyssey, to Virgil in The Aeneid, to Dante in The Divine Comedy, it was revered as the entrance to Hell. My wife and I are not here to go to hell, but to visit our son who, as a USMC Captain, is stationed at the NATO Command nearby that is running the war in Libya.  Nonetheless, this seems a uniquely appropriate place from which to write this HFR as America is descending into economic and political purgatory.


RENDEZVOUS XI – “October 7-9” Washington DC

Here we go, guys n' gals, diving into the heart of the beast, Washington DC, for our eleventh TTP Rendezvous. Miko has once again scored us a great deal at the Key Bridge Marriott, with its fabulous location overlooking the Potomac River right at Key Bridge (named after Francis Scott Key who penned the Star-Spangled Banner).  A short walk across it and you're into the shops and watering holes of Georgetown. We'll be there at the most beautiful time of year, when the weather is at its best and the fall colors are in full array. Our focus will be on solutions - how our country and us personally can get out of the mess Zero has dug us into. Which is why financial guru Hank Brock, author of  Your Complete Guide to Money Happiness, will be speaking to us again on Protecting your assets and lifestyle from the coming crisis  -- and even profiting from it. Hank blew us away in Vegas with his detailed practical advice on what really to do - and nobody knows more about it worldwide than Hank.  It'll be worth attending RXI just to talk to him. For the gun-lovers - and who among TTPers isn't? - we have a special surprise:  my friend Larry Pratt, founder and president of Gun Owners of America, will be joining us.  (Edd Forke is jumping up and down now...)



What was it I said about sausage and the law last week?  What emerged as "the debt ceiling deal" since could not possibly be called edible sausage.  It is such a putrid malodorous maggot-infested dog's breakfast that no non-deranged dog would eat it. Yet it's only the appetizer.  The main course America is dining on today is itself.  Autophagous mean "self-devouring."  Our country is committing suicide by devouring itself.  America has become an autophagous nation. I always request a window seat on an airplane.  No matter how many times I've flown across the US, I always see something memorably beautiful I've never seen before.  To see that beauty below is so heartbreaking now, to gaze down upon such a blessed land so perversely destroying its blessings. Washington DC has long been a fetid fever swamp of political insanity - but the level of lunacy is now full-on psychotic, and on both sides.  Both the Dems and the Pubs, both the enemedia and the normally more sane punditry. The editorial writers at the Wall Street Journal were smoking crack when they wrote A Tea Party Triumph on Monday (8/01).  To call a $2.4 trillion debt increase a "victory for the forces of smaller government" is way beyond delusional.  We're into Flat Earthism here. Folks, the Tea Party Reagan Republicans have been screwed blue and tattooed by Boehner & Co.  They got nothing, while Zero got exactly what he wanted all along - enough funny money trillions to spend all the way to his re-election. 



At this writing, many details of the debt-ceiling deal wrangled out over the weekend remain fuzzy. One thing is clear, unfortunately: The national security of the United States is going to suffer greatly. The Pentagon stands to be whacked by as much as half of the $1.5 trillion that an as-yet-undesignated congressional "supercommittee" is supposed to come up in "deficit reduction" by Thanksgiving. The trouble is that more than $400 billion has already been cut from our national security investments over the past few years. Thus even if no further reductions are made in the spending allocated to defending our people and interests around the world, we will see ominous reductions in the capabilities needed to meet those vital responsibilities. The warnings of what will befall our military and country as a result are beginning to accumulate.



Black Caucus chairman Democrat Congressman Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri produced a headline-garnering sound bite following the passage in Congress of the debt ceiling compromise bill. Even as this bill didn't by any means manage to demonstrate Congress's serious understanding of economic reality, Cleaver said that the bill amounts to "a  sugar-coated Satan sandwich" - by which he meant that it amounts to the defiance of centuries of teachings of the world's greatest religions about how one must look out for the poor and needy as one lives one's life. Most all religions do implore us to lend those in need a hand, to help the poor and indigent. Indeed, there is no ethical system that doesn't make some room for this idea. Yet the use to which Rep. Cleaver wants to put this idea is quite perverse. He doesn't urge us to be generous, kind, compassionate, charitable and such. No, he urges us to engage in robbery and to use the loot we obtain by this means to provide help to those the robbers believe should get some of it.



[Note from JW:  Skye posted this response to Disraeli's Tea on the Forum, which by TTPer acclamation was requested to be a full article.  Happy to comply.  Also - as I have been on the road so much, Jack Kelly was to write the HFR this week but is unable to do so for health reasons.  I apologize for there being no HFR today.] The central government has become so titanic that slowing its rate of growth would simply slightly delay the inevitable crash. The Federalies must be cut down to size, and voting NO on the debt limit increase is currently our best chance for doing so. Vote NO on increasing the debt limit. The deficits must be stopped or America will be pushed over the economic cliff onto the ash heap of history where it will join the Soviet Union. If the deficits are not stopped now, then when?  But if they are, you can then cut three Gordion Knots at once that have hogtied our economy.



Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), one of Victorian England's most prominent Prime Ministers (1868/1874-1880), once commented to a friend:  "There are two things that the public should never be allowed to see how they are made:  sausage and the law." We are witnesses today of just how immortally trenchant Disraeli was back in the 19th century.  For in truth, observing our politicians handling the current "debt crisis" is a far more repulsive sight than the inside of a sausage factory. If Disraeli were here now, he'd smile sardonically and remind us that (he was fluent in French) plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Yet there has emerged a conservative movement determind to put an end to this: the Tea Parties. I have spent the last week criss-crossing the country meeting with Tea Party leaders.  My jaunt was capped by a private dinner last night with three Congressmen at the home of one of them on Capitol Hill.  While I can't quote any of these folks by name, here's what they said.  First the Tea Party leaders.



The predictable narrative has already begun to take hold, regarding the despicable, murderous attack by a madman in Norway last Friday (7/22) . The confessed perpetrator of a bombing of government offices in Oslo and a seek-and-destroy slaughter at a Labor Party youth camp on Utoya Island, Anders Behring Breivik, is depicted as a "Christian," "conservative" and "right-wing extremist." His attacks, we are told, were animated by a delusional ambition to save his country from an Islamic takeover. Much remains to be learned about this evident psychopath and his precise motivations for acting in such a deranged fashion. Still, an unholy axis of Moslem Brotherhood operatives and those on the Left - groups whose spokesmen, ironically, endlessly inveigh against precipitous judgments when jihadists are the perpetrators - have been quick to find in this attack proof of their favorite meme: That conservatives and Christians are as much a threat to domestic tranquility - if not more - than those seeking to impose the totalitarian Islamic politico-military-legal doctrine of Shariah. Somehow, the axis overlooks Mr. Breivik's admiration for the terrorists of Al Qaeda and Iran.  In his 1,500 page "manifesto," Mr. Breivik states that he will: "consider working with the enemies of the EU/US hegemony such as Iran,  al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab or the rest of the devout fractions of the Islamic Ummah with the intention for deployment of small nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical weapons in Western European capitals and other high priority locations."



No doubt who's the HFR Hero of the Week this week, is there?  Who else but Congressman Allen West (R-FL)? This guy is becoming the essence of pro-American cool.  Pretty soon Allen West jokes will replace Chuck Norris jokes, like "Some people wear Superman pajamas - Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas," or "Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack - his heart isn't foolish enough to attack him."  Insert Allen's name in these. On Tuesday (7/19) in response to an attack on him by hyper-lib, hyper-obnoxious Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL, whose district adjoins West's, and is also the current Chair of the Democrat National Committee) on the House floor, West wrote her a letter that has long been deserved.  Here's the money quote: "Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up." Dem demands that West apologize are thunderous, to which West is responding with a shrug. At last we have a Republican with major stones, who understands the best defense is a go-for-the-jugular offense, that the way to win is to put your opponent on the defensive, and to stand your ground with no apology.  GO ALLEN!



The level of snake-oil shell-game flim-flammery going on in the Washington Circus has now reached levels of Ptolemaic astronomy.   Although certain ancient Greek astronomers had argued that the earth revolves around a "central fire" (along with the sun, like the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy: Philolaus, 480-385 BC) or the sun (Aristarchos of Samos, 310-230 BC),  Christian theologians declared the geocentric astronomy of Ptolemaios (90-168 AD) as official dogma. Geocentrism argues that the earth does not move at the center of the universe, that the sun, planets, and stars revolve around it.  Since the earth is the sinful dross of the universe while the heavens are perfect, the sun, stars, and planets revolve around it in perfect circles. The problem, among others, is that they do not have circular orbits in regular motion.  Especially the planets, which is the Greek word for "wanderers."  From the earth, they appear to stop, reverse, and switch direction at various times - whence, e.g., the expression "Mercury in retrograde." This is an illusion, caused by the earth's orbit around the sun being slower or faster than those of other planets (like cars going slower or faster than you on a race track).  The only way for Ptolemaic geocentrists to explain planetary wandering was to invent "epicycles" (orbits within orbits) that spun around a make-believe point called an "equant" which was the center of a make-believe orbit called a "deferent." What they ended up with looks remarkably like the schemes Dems and Rinos are inventing to explain how to solve the debt ceiling problem, as convoluted as what the special-interest, crony-capitalist, constitution-trashing universe of the federal government has become.  Call it Ptolemaic politics.  It needs to be junked, like Ptolemaic astronomy was.  There is a way to do this.



Amidst this debt ceiling debate, this president and his Democrat minions' arguments have descended from straw men to bogeymen in their attempts to scare Americans.   Our seniors were told their hard-earned Social Security checks would be stopped. Our brave veterans were told the services our grateful nation provides them (never mind that there is much more we could do) could be stopped.  Our entire citizenry was told America could face an economic Armageddon.  But we Americans are more courageous than the president and Democrats credit us. Thus, we must tell President Obama and his minions to stop; join with Republicans to seize this moment to cut, cap and balance the federal budget; and start restructuring Washington Big Government into Main Street self-government.



The current crisis du jour over the debt ceiling makes me think of Errol Flynn (1909-1959).  Flynn's best friend was David Niven, with whom he starred in a number of movies.  Flynn was the handsomest and most charming man in Hollywood.  It was impossible not to like him - or as many a Hollywood actress attested, not to love him. Yet Flynn had a fatal character flaw - his unreliability.  As Niven once commented:  "You can depend on Errol to always let you down."  Just like Republicans.  We can hope against hope, but in the end, you know they're going to cave.  Trump's assessment looks accurate:  they are doing "another el foldo." Aside from begging LtCol Allen West to smack Boehner and Cantor upside their heads and ordering them to take the debt ceiling hill, what can we do?



I am running for president because freedom in America is being systematically destroyed by Demagogues in Washington, and I am determined to restore it. That capital "D" is there because it is the more appropriate label for Democrats.  The Democrat Party should be referred to as the Demagogue Party, and that is what I shall do until the day comes when they abandon their opposition to fundamental American values and their advocacy of Marxist-Fascist ideology. We are gathered here today to discuss solutions to the economic crisis the Demagogues have created - a crisis to which they claim there is no solution.   Their Treasury Secretary, Mr. Geithner, has stated this publicly, saying that for a lot of Americans, their lives are going to be, quote, "harder than anything they've experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come." This is a textbook example of Demagogue Marxist idiotic nonsense.  Folks, restoring prosperity in America is easy. It can be achieved quickly, virtually overnight.  Not automatically.  It will require a lot of energy, a lot of focused and intelligent effort by all of us.  The solution to America's Malaise is so simple it can be summarized in seven words.  Those seven words are:



Confidence in the dollar is plummeting, confidence in the euro has been shattered by the European bond crisis, and beleaguered consumers and investors are slowly but surely awakening to the fact that government-issued currencies do not hold their value. A government monopoly on the issuance of money is purely a method of central control over the economy. If you can be forced to accept the government's increasingly devalued dollar, there is no limit to how far the government will go to debauch the currency. Anyone who attempts to create a market based currency-- meaning a currency with real value as determined by markets-- threatens to embarrass the federal government and expose the folly of our fiat monetary system.  So the government destroys competition through its usual tools of arrest, confiscation, and incarceration. This is why I have taken steps to restore the constitutional monetary system envisioned and practiced by our Founding Fathers. I recently introduced HR 1098, the Free Competition in Currency Act. This bill eliminates three of the major obstacles to the circulation of sound money:



I am a constitutional conservative. So what does that mean? I've earned a couple of law degrees, but defining "constitutional conservatism" shouldn't require a legal scholar. I believe our founders knew what they were doing when they designed a limited government with specific, enumerated powers. I'm also convinced that many of our problems result from the federal government's insatiable - and unconstitutional - grab for power and money. On issues ranging from light bulbs to bailouts to the Dodd-Frank banking legislation, Washington has been on a destructive spree of bureaucratic empire-building. It's time for that to stop. Moreover, I believe in the unjustly neglected Tenth Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."



The HFR Word of the Week is... impeachment.  Here are the Constitution's instructions:

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5:  "The House of Representatives... shall have the sole power of impeachment." Article I, Section 3, Clause 6:  "The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present." Article II, Section 4:  "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
We'll get to Zero in a moment, but first notice that the process of impeachment applies not only to the president and vice-president, but "all civil officers" of the federal government.  This means, e.g., Attorney General Eric Holder and Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan can be impeached and removed from office.  And the odds are increasing that they will be.



Monday's (7/04) unveiling of Ronald Reagan's statue, described in A Reagan Fourth of July, was followed that evening by a black tie Ronald Reagan Centennial Banquet in London's magnificent 14th century Guildhall.  Some 800 Reagan admirers attended and I was fortunate to be one of them. I was seated next to a nice lady who was the dean of a prestigious US law school.  When she asked who I was supporting for 2012, without hesitation I answered, "Sarah Palin."  She blanched.  "Palin can't win - so there's no way I could be for her." "So who are you for?" I responded.  "Mitt Romney," came her reply.  When I made a face, she explained, "For me, it's all about who has the best chance to beat Obama.  We simply cannot afford four more years of this guy.  I think Romney has the best chance of anyone out there, so I'm for him." "I disagree with your conclusion, but I certainly agree with your premise," was my response. A fellow across the table joined in, an investment banker from Connecticut who now lives in London.   "Palin could win, although I'm far from convinced of it.  I am convinced, however, that there is someone else in a much better position than Romney to defeat Obama." Our eyes turned to him. "Rick Perry.  I think he would slice Obama up like shredded pork and have him for a Texas barbeque."



Grosvenor Square, London.  2011 is the centennial year of Ronald Reagan's birth, which is why this Fourth of July brings tears to my eyes like never before.  This morning at Grosvenor Square in front of the American Embassy in London, England, I was privileged to be at the unveiling ceremony of the bronze statue of President Ronald Reagan, and heard him praised as one of the most beloved men and finest presidents in US history. Yet it was not simply the praise of past greatness that was so inspiring - it was the optimism for America's future.  Condoleezza Rice spoke so clearly of the moral certainty of Ronald Reagan in his goal of ridding the world of Soviet Communism - a goal in which he so triumphantly succeeded.  We forget how dark those days were, she said, when at the onset of the Reagan presidency the Soviets were on the verge of victory over us and hope of our winning the Cold War seemed ridiculously Pollyannish.  What we need right now, said Condi, is an infusion of Ronald Reagan's unquenchable optimism that America's best days are in her future, not her past, that a moral certainty in America's principles and values will triumph over darkness. Condi is right.  This is exactly what we need.  We need a Reagan Fourth of July.  



We have a lot of ground to cover in this HFR, but there's no resisting starting off with a celebration:  Hugo Chavez is dying of cancer. The "pelvic abscess" he had removed in Cuba was a malignant tumor that has metastasized.  He's only 56, and everyone thought his curse upon his country would last as long as Castro's.  This is a great stroke of luck for the world. Chavez is one of those one-man-band dictators whose death presages the end of the dictatorship.  If the leader of a tyrannical system is bumped off or dies - say, Ahmadinejad in Iran or Assad in Syria - the system simply replaces him and carries on.  The entire system has to be replaced through wholesale and often violent regime change. But knock off a Mugabe or Gaddafi or Chavez and their regime implodes.  What happens next will be nightmarish, as the Chavistas get out the guns in desperation to keep their power - but the power is gone, utter chaos will ensue, and in the end the Chavistas will be swept away. Also swept away will be those commie megalomaniacal regimes Chavez's oil billions pays for:  Rafael Correa's in Ecuador, Evo Morales' in Bolivia, Danny Ortega's in Nicaragua, and of course, the Castro brothers' in Cuba.  Further...



Saranda, Albania.  What a spectacular place to enjoy a pint of cold Birra Tirana while contemplating the serene beauty of the Ionian Sea and the turmoil of Greek tragedies.  Saranda is at the southern end of a breathtaking coastline known as the Albanian Riviera.  Just two miles offshore of Saranda's beaches looms the northern tip of the Greek island of Corfu.  Where I am is heavenly.  But right over there in Greece, hell is unfolding. It's such a teachable moment regarding the world's most dangerous and addictive drug:  OPM.  Far more than heroin, cocaine, and meth, once people are mainlining Other People's Money via government subsidies and welfare into their veins, any attempt to get them off the drug drives them criminally insane. It's a lesson we are going to learn the hard way, for what you are seeing in Athens and other Greek cities - which is going to get increasingly worse - is going to become horrifically commonplace in American cities.  Truth is, we are seeing it already.



[This is the full text of Tim Pawlenty's address today, 6/28, to the Council on Foreign Relation on American policy towards the Middle East. ] I want to speak plainly this morning about the opportunities and the dangers we face today in the Middle East.  The revolutions now roiling that region offer the promise of a more democratic, more open, and a more prosperous Arab world.  From Morocco to the Arabian Gulf, the escape from the dead hand of oppression is now a real possibility.    Now is not the time to retreat from freedom's rise.... [For example] it is not wrong for Republicans to question the conduct of President Obama's military leadership in Libya. There is much to question.  And it is not wrong for Republicans to debate the timing of our military drawdown in Afghanistan- though my belief is that General Petraeus' voice ought to carry the most weight on that question.    What is wrong, is for the Republican Party to shrink from the challenges of American leadership in the world.  History repeatedly warns us that in the long run, weakness in foreign policy costs us and our children much more than we'll save in a budget line item. America already has one political party devoted to decline, retrenchment, and withdrawal.  It does not need a second one.



Sofia, Bulgaria.  The irony of writing the HFR here this week is overwhelming.  I was first here 21 years ago, June of 1990, as the Soviet Union and its colonial empire was disintegrating. I was leading a group of conservatives to be eyewitnesses to momentous history.  Among us were Phyllis Schlafly, Dr. Joel Wade, and John Perrott ("albinobushman" on the TTP Forum). There was also a free-lance journalist among us, a young fellow who thought following a Conservative Victory Tour through the collapsing Communist rule of Eastern Europe would make a great story.  His name was Richard Stengel, and he is now Editor of Time Magazine. How ironic that this week Time released it's July 4th issue depicting the US Constitution being shredded on the cover, and the cover story - Does It Still Matter? - written by Richard Stengel. The blatant purpose of his screed is to shred conservatives who oppose liberal shredding of the Constitution.  Obviously, Stengel has learned nothing about either conservatives nor the Constitution in the last 21 years.



Outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is worried about the shape of things to come in US foreign policy. In an interview with Newsweek over the weekend, Gates warned: "To tell you the truth, that's one of the many reasons it's time for me to retire, because frankly I can't imagine being part of a nation, part of a government... that's being forced to dramatically scale back our engagement with the rest of the world." What Gates is saying is that he doesn't trust his commander in chief to allocate the resources to preserve America's superpower status. He is saying that he believes that Obama is willing to surrender the US's status as a superpower. This would be a stunning statement for any defense secretary to make about the policies of a US President. It is especially stunning coming from Gates. Many conservatives hailed Obama's decision to retain Gates as defense secretary as a belated admission that Bush's aggressive counter-terror policies were correct. These claims ignored the fact that in Bush's last two years in office, with the exception of the surge of troops in Iraq, under the guidance of Gates and then secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, US foreign policy veered very far to the Left. As bad as it has been so far under Obama with Gates, it is now going to get much worse without him.



This TTP Intel Bulletin comes at the personal request of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). Dana is asking as many TTPers as are able to call their Congressman immediately and request they vote NO on HR 1249, the "America Invents Act." The reason for the urgency is that the bill may be voted on tomorrow (6/22). HR 1249's ostensible purpose is to "harmonize" US patent law with patent laws in other places in the world - like China.  Yes, that's crazy.  Who would want American inventors to be ripped off by Chicoms and their phony laws?



This is the cover of this week's European issue of The Economist magazine: econcover.jpg If the British newsmagazine had the intellectual courage of long ago, the North American edition would of course had the same cover title, but instead of a smiling photo of Berlusconi, it would have been one of Zero. Far more than his counterpart in Italy, Zero is indeed The Man Who Screwed An Entire Country - our country, America.  We will be years repairing the damage he has done.  The Economist cover is crying out to be photoshopped with a smiling Zero.  Any TTPer care to?



Varna, Bulgaria.  This stunning city on the Black Sea is 6,000 years old, starting with a settlement dated at 4100 BC from which archaeologists have unearthed a huge array of gold artifacts.  Today it is one of Europe's most popular sea resorts, thus this is being written from a balcony overlooking a shimmering blue expanse of a sea called black.  I'm with a wonderful group of TTPers exploring  opportunities here. Varna is in northeastern Bulgaria.  Late last month (5/28), Chevron announced it has received a license to explore a shale gas deposit in this region that it estimates contains a trillion cubic meters (35 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas. This is good news for Bulgaria, and very bad news for the world's greatest thief, crook, thug, and gangster.  This is just one example of how fracking is the most politically revolutionary technology of modern times.



As Governor, I fought the Obama Administration's plans to cut funds for missile defense in Alaska. So imagine how appalled and surprised I was to read this article by former Clinton CIA Director James Woolsey, appropriately titled "Giving Away the Farm," concerning President Obama's latest bizarre actions relating to missile defense.  President Obama wants to give Russia our missile defense secrets because he believes that we can buy their friendship and cooperation with this taxpayer-funded gift.  But giving military secrets and technologies to a rival or competitor like Russia is just plain dumb.   You can't buy off Russia.  And giving them advanced military technology will not create stability.  What happens if Russia gives this technology (or sells it!) to other countries like Iran or China?   After all, as Woolsey points out, Russia helped Iran with its missile and nuclear programs. Why is it that President Obama seems to work so hard to give things to our enemies, while at the same time asking friends and allies like Israel to make sacrifices?



One of the secrets about Western trade with enemy states like Iran is that the Western companies trading with them may also wittingly or unwittingly serve as espionage assets for their home country or for other Western countries. The boycott drive against states like Iran uses a legalistic framework to deal with complex military challenges. And since the nail doesn't exactly fit the hole, it stands to reason that the damage sanctions can do to military or intelligence operations may in certain circumstances outweigh the benefit they bring to diplomatic operations. Late last month (5/24), the State Department announced that it was sanctioning the shipping company of Israel's richest family, the Ofer Brothers, for reportedly violating US law by trading with Iran.  Ever since, there has been a deluge of news reports alleging that the Ofer Brother's ships were used by the Mossad and perhaps the IDF to infiltrate and exfiltrate agents into and out of Iran.  There are number of troubling aspects to this story.



Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  There's hardly a better vantage point to see why Zero's re-election chances are zero than here. This is a ridiculous place.  Humorless, irredeemably boring, five million regimented people living in a desert wasteland that has no excuse for a city other than its rulers have countless billions of our dollars to spend on building it because here is where their fathers and their camels came from. No one would pay the slightest attention to this place if it weren't for oil - and the hundreds of billions that we pay them, via buying their oil, to spread their Wahhabi religious poison all over the earth. There are few things a US president could do to simultaneously and substantially improve our economy and our national security than to enable us and the world to be less dependent on Saudi oil by allowing maximal domestic oil & gas production right here in America. As we all know, Zero is doing precisely the opposite.  He is conducting a War on Oil - just ask most anyone in Louisiana for proof - instead.   He's also conducting a War on Jobs - just ask anyone unemployed.  And a War on Business - just ask any entrepreneur.  And a War on the Dollar - just ask anyone who buys food and gasoline. Yet Zero's War on the American Economy is not his greatest vulnerability - for there is another factor that will play an even larger role in his being a one term president.  In fact, it will ensure his failure to get re-elected.



No doubt, this has been the punniest week of modern times.  We're talking about - of course - Weinergate. Ask just about any Pub on Capitol Hill who he or she thinks is the most straight-out obnoxious loud-mouthed partisan jerk in the whole of Congress, and even though there's a lot of competition they'll invariably say, "Weiner." Or they'll simply say his nickname by which he's known all over the Hill:  "Little"......   *  *  *  *  *  * Time for a HFR Emergency Alert.  Calling all Texas TTPers!  Immediate action requested! Here is a Court Order issued by Federal District Court Judge Fred Beiry against a Medina Valley High School in Castroville, Texas (a community west of San Antonio and Lackland Air Force Base.  Specifically, Judge Beiry orders that: