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SKYE’S LINKS 01/27/22

look-a-distractionIs Xiden using the threat of war in the Ukraine as a distraction – ya think?

Is Ukraine A Distraction From Biden’s Terrible Approval Rating?


For investors;  the supply chain mess will be with us for a long time:

Rickards: Bad News, I’m Afraid


More for investors – very rough weather ahead:

Investing Legend Turns Apocalyptic, Expects Stocks To Crater 50% In Largest Wealth Destruction In US History




Fed’s Richmond producers’ survey at record double digit inflation high:

Inflation Explodes to Record-Breaking High in Richmond Fed Survey


Durham has been very busy:

Durham: DNC Lawyer Marc Elias Has Given Grand Jury Testimony


The Durham investigation is making relentless progress:

Durham Vs Horowitz: Tension Over Truth & Consequences Grips FBI’s Trump-Russia Reckoning


What the GOP is doing about election mechanics:

RNC Building ‘Army’ of GOP Poll Workers After Decades-Long Court-Ordered Hiatus

Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard

Here is a thought-provoking big picture political analysis:

How Scared Are Democrats of Next November?

Bari Weiss

Bari Weiss

When a liberal calls it “a pandemic of bureaucracy” and a “moral crime”, time is running out for the big government virus narrative:

Bari Weiss: ‘Pandemic of Bureaucracy’ on COVID Is a ‘Moral Crime’ and People Are Afraid to Say That


Ivermectin wins again:

Large, Peer-Reviewed Research Study Proves Ivermectin Works Against COVID-19


Original peer reviewed paper:

Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching


Meanwhile — A generational realignment in politics is underway, and it is heading in our direction:

Harvard-Harris Poll Points to Political Realignment Against Extremist Democrats