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General Boykin’s Fighting Spirit

The latest proposed victim in our struggle against terrorism is Army Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, recently named Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. His mission is to reinvigorate the search for Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and other leaders of global terrorism. By training and experience, he is marvelously prepared for his new duties - having risen from a Delta Force commando to top-secret Joint Special Operations Command, through the CIA, to command of the Army's Special Forces. For a quarter century, he has been fighting terror with his bare hands, his fine mind and his faith-shaped soul.


Feeble Reeds

The vote on the aid package for Iraq and Afghanistan was one of the most significant foreign aid votes in history, ranking up there with the 1941 vote on Lend-Lease for Britain, and the 1948 vote on the Marshall Plan. Had Congress not approved President Roosevelt's plan to give to Britain 50 obsolete American destroyers, the Battle of the Atlantic, and with it, World War II, might well have been lost. Had Congress not approved President Truman's plan for rebuilding Europe (named after his secretary of state, George Marshall), the Cold War might well have been lost. If Congress does not approve President Bush's plan for reconstructing Iraq, the war on terror could well be lost.


Adolf in Malaysia

It is only with the most extreme caution and reluctance that someone making repulsive and racist statements should be labeled a Nazi.  Hitler's crimes were so monstrous that most comparisons to them cheapen and insult their horror.  Yet there are times when such comparisons are justified and Malaysian leader Mohammed Mahathir's now-infamous speech is one of them.



It was a gorgeous spring day in Washington D.C. when I got a call from Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). The year was 1995. "Hey, Jack, can you come to my office late this afternoon? The Deputy Mayor of St. Petersburg and his entourage will be here and I'd like you in on the meeting."


The Osama-Saddam Surprise

Al Jazeera released another audio tape this week, recorded by someone speaking in Arabic and claiming to be Osama Bin Laden.  As with such tapes in the past, the CIA reports that it is kinda, almost, and pretty sure that it is OBL's real voice so he must still be alive in a cave somewhere.Well, once again, I'm not buying it.  As I've been saying for almost two years now, I think his remains are pulverized under a mountain of rubble in eastern Afghanistan. 



Ordinarily, I suggest that you forward my articles to any friends whom you think would appreciate them — but this is an exception. I’m going to ask you, as a TTP member, to keep this to yourself.

There is talk in certain, shall we say, “corridors of power” here in Washington about an “Ultimate Solution” to the whole Arab-Israel Gordian Knot that is so breathtaking and mind-blowing that I’d just like to keep it between ourselves for now.

Here’s the background and the outline.

We start with how the countries of the Middle East were created out of the shards


And Now For the Good News

As the libs gloat and revel over the travails of Rush Limbaugh, their books bashing Bush take over the bestseller lists, their media hails Democratic presidential wannabes as saintly saviors of America and subjects us to a daily deluge of disaster in Iraq, it's time for the good news.


Demolition Man

Ten years ago, in 1993, Sylvester Stallone made a movie entitled Demolition Man .  He played a Los Angeles super-cop in the late 90s who is framed and sentenced to being frozen in suspended animation.In 2032, he is revived to solve an unprecedented crime wave.  He knows nothing of what has happened in the intervening 35 years.  Stallone's partner is a lady cop played by Sandra Bullock.  As they are driving down a LA street, Stallone asks where they are going."We are going two more blocks to turn left at the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library, then continue..."Stallone interrupts her.  "What did you just say about a library?" he asks."Well," Bullock explains, "After we passed the 32nd Amendment to the Constitution which allowed a naturalized citizen to become president..."Stallone interrupts her again.  "You mean that guy..."  He shakes his head with weary incredulity, waving off the rest of Bullock's explanation.  "I don't want to hear about it."Where did Stallone get his crystal ball?