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Be Afraid and Be Protected

This week’s letter is meant to frighten you. Hopefully you’ll become sufficiently concerned that you’ll take the necessary steps to protect yourself. I’m sure you’ve noticed your inboxes filling up with spam. There’s been widespread media coverage of the problem. I have little to add, except to emphasize the spam is normally not innocent. It consists of spyware, Trojans, viruses, adware and other assorted malware that can ruin your whole day.



[This is the text of a speech I am giving today, March 5, in San Diego, to members of the Council for National Policy. CNP was formed in the early 1980s and is composed of the leaders and principal activists of the conservative movement throughout the United States - i.e., the “conservative elite” of America. CNP members played the principle role in creating popular support for the Reagan Doctrine. This speech calls upon them to do the same for the Bush Doctrine of taking the War on Terrorism to the terrorists. - JW]



Tach it up, tach it up, buddy gonna shut you down.Growing up in Southern California in the 1950s and 60s, my favorite Beach Boys song was Shut Down, released in 1963. Every time I hear it on a Golden Oldies station, it brings back memories of all the teen-age street drag races I had in my ’52 K2 Allard with a dual-carb 350hp Cadillac engine.And so I found myself singing the lyrics of the Beach Boys’ ode to street racing as I was reading the text of President Bush’s speech to the Republican Governors Association here in Washington earlier this week.


A Testimony To Our President

[The following letter was written by a lady on the staff of a United States Senator. She has asked that we only use her first name, Laura. TTP has personally confirmed with her the veracity of her account, which took place on February 8, 2004.] I'm at the 8:00 am service at my church, St. Johns at Lafayette Square, across from the White House. (I wanted to go early because I was going with Alice and Brent for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel in Manassas.) Much of the service was uneventful--nice, but uneventful--until it comes to the part of the service when the priest says, "Greet one another in the name of the Lord." I turn to my right to exchange the peace with my friend Amy, who was on the other end of my pew. I then shake hands with the person in front of me, and turn around to say hello to the person behind me. The person behind me was our 43rd President George W. Bush


Kerry and the Swift Boats

(The following letter was sent to TTP by a Vietnam Veteran familiar with “Swift Boat” tactics in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. He is a Rear Admiral (Ret.) and a Graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Class of 1959). I was in the Delta shortly after Kerry left. I know that area well. I know the operations he was involved in well. I know the tactics and the doctrine used. I know the equipment. Although I was attached to CTF-116 (PBRs) I spent a fair amount of time with CTF-115 (swift boats), Kerry's command. Here are my problems and suspicions:



Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) is being challenged in the Republican primary next Tuesday (March 2) by former Congressman Robert “B-1 Bob” Dornan, who barely lost his inland Orange County seat to Loretta Sanchez in 1996 due to stuffed Hispanic ballots. Dornan had never forgiven Dana for sweet-talking him into running in that redrawn 46th Congressional District back in 1992 while Dana stayed in a cozy coastal safe-for-Republicans 47th seat next door. Hispanics flooded into Dornan’s new district, Sanchez got a community organization called Hermanidad Mexicanos Nacional to create thousands of phony voter registrations, she claimed victory by 984 votes, Dornan claimed voter fraud, the spineless Republicans in the House were too terrified of getting Hispanics mad at them to investigate, and Dornan has been living in Bitterness City ever since. He was totally trounced when he ran against Sanchez in 2000. Dornan blames Dana for all his travails and electoral humiliations. So, at age 70, he decided to go after Dana and in typical B1-Bob fashion -- with loud-mouthed smears.


Need Help With Windows?

[To The Point is exceedingly happy to announce a new feature: a column on computers, science, and technology by Dennis Turner. As my friend for almost 40 years, Dennis is almost impossibly smart with a stratospheric IQ and a deep understanding of the welter of technology that can so easily baffle and infuriate the rest of us. I suggested to him that he write a TTP column with advice we could really use to make life with computers, science, and hi-tech easier. Here’s his first. Among his many talents, Dennis is a world-class professional computer programmer. If you or your company has any serious and difficult-to-solve programming needs, you can contact him at [email protected]. As you can tell by the “il” country code, Dennis resides in Israel. -JW]


Stalinist Mullahs

The Iranian regime is in open battle with its own people. Iran is now racing, literally hell-bent toward two dramatic confrontations: one within the country, between forces of tyranny and forces of democracy and/or reform. The other rages outside the country, a desperate war against the United States, its Coalition allies, and the Iraqis who support us. Both derive from the fundamental weakness of the fundamentalist regime, which has lost the support of the overwhelming majority of the Iranian people, and is increasingly defining itself a pariah state because of its support for terror and its brazen pursuit of atomic weapons.


How Can TTPers Help? — and Mormons and Monogamy

Our new monthly rate makes it really easy for most anyone to subscribe. If you know of any websites or "blogs" whose readers would be in tune with To The Point, you could suggest that they link to us.... ...The schism [between monogamous and polygamous Mormons]will perhaps not be resolved until the LDS leaders remove Joseph Smith’s revelation of July 12, 1843 sanctifying polygamy from the canonized Doctrines and Covenants, one of the four standard books of the Mormon Church.


WE OWE US: The Real Case For Reparations

Late last month, on January 26, a lawsuit brought by descendants of slaves against companies whom they claimed profited from slavery was dismissed in federal court. Unfortunately for those who thought that this act of judicial sanity will put an end to the “Reparations” cause, the case was dismissed “without prejudice,” which means the plaintiffs can file an amended complaint -- which they intend to do. Thus we are due shortly for another round of racist demands from “slave descendants” that billions of dollars be extorted from American taxpayers and deposited into their beggar bowls. There is only one way to put an end to the Reparations argument, and that is by explaining just who owes reparations to whom.