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demchickens2022No wonder more and more rats keep deserting their own ship.  On Tuesday (2/15): NY Rep. Kathleen Rice Is The 30th House Democrat To Bow Out Of 2022 Race.  She sure won’t be the last.

It’s not just that they fear not getting reelected.  Their real fear is far more substantial.  They know: 1) Pubs are going to win big majorities in the House & Senate; 2) Dems are going to cheat any way they can in desperation; 3) Pub victories will be too big for the cheating to overcome.

Result: Pubs will be running all the committees, embarking on no-holds-barred investigations of Dem cheating to expose any and all malefactors.  Since the targets for prosecution will be those who ran in ‘22, retirees who didn’t avoid ending up at the Graybar Hotel.  Simple calculation.

Here’s a startling example of how bad it’s getting.  This is an Associated Press story – yes, leftie-wokie AP – yesterday (2/17): ‘The Brand Is So Toxic’: Dems Fear Extinction In Rural US.


“’The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable,’ said Tim Holohan, an accountant based in rural McKean County. The climate across rural Pennsylvania is symptomatic of a larger political problem threatening the Democrat Party heading into the November elections… Democrats have been effectively ostracized from the overwhelmingly white parts of rural America, leaving party leaders with few options to reverse a cultural trend that is redefining the political landscape… The Democrat Party’s struggle in rural America has been building for years. And it’s getting worse.”


And it’s not just rural whites.  Reports, studies and polls are now legion showing Democrats Lose Support Among Hispanic Voters Nationwide – plus More Black Men Abandon Democrats To Vote Republican.

No wonder we learn on Wednesday (2/16): Doom and Despair Emanate From the Latest Democrat Internal Polling.  It concludes:


“There’s very little that can be done to stop a wave election once the wave has begun to build. Democrats can keep flailing, hiring consultants, and hoping for a miracle, but in the end, the red wave cometh.”




Meanwhile in Manhattan…

NY Post cover this morning Feb 18

NY Post cover this morning Feb 18

The Post’s marvelous Maureen Callahan was so repulsed by the PIAPS’ speech she wrote: Hillary Clinton – the Definition of Insanity.  It’s a gem must-read.


“No, no, no, no, no. Dear God, no.


Hillary Clinton is seriously mulling a run in 2024. There’s simply no other way to interpret her speech at Thursday’s New York state Democrat Party Convention.


It was vintage Hillary Clinton, lacking in nuance, subtext or humility. Her easily decoded message: Biden’s old, confused and weak. Kamala’s a non-starter. Far-lefties like Bernie and Warren aren’t wanted. Who else ya got?


The reality? Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton is utterly out of her mind to run again in 2024.”


Another must-read in the NYPost today (2/18) is by former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Rebekah Koffler: Durham Report Proves Hillary Clinton — Not Trump — Was Putin’s Puppet.


“Since 2016, Hillary Clinton has been trolling Donald Trump on social media over his alleged ties to Russia, calling him “Putin’s Puppet.” But Special Counsel John Durham’s probe has uncovered the truth about who was Putin’s Puppet. It was Clinton herself.  Here’s how.”


And for how and what Durham uncovered, see: Clinton Campaign Paid Tech Workers To Dig Up Trump-Russia Connections: Report.




All of the above is pointing to one thing:  that the GOP is finding its cojones again.  All the spitting-mad tweets by those in Congress against the PIAPS and for Trump in GOP Backs Donald Trump Against “Biggest Crime In U.S. History is just that.

GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy publicly endorsing Harriet Hageman (also endorsed by Trump) against Liz Cheney in the Wyoming primary (in August) yesterday (2/17) is another example. They smell the enemy’s odor of weakness, so strong it’s a stench.

Like on Sunday (2/13), when Pelosi said “’Defund the Police’ Is Dead.”  Or Amazon kicking Black Lives Matter off its charity program on Wednesday (2/16).

Yes, the Pubs could self-castrate themselves day after tomorrow.  But as long as things keep disintegrating for the Dems, they might not – all the way to November.



Now we go to the weirdest and scariest news of the week.  It’s what is happening to Canada.

Hitler comparisons are way overdone, but with Trudeau it’s irresistible to Elon Musk:


Let’s say it clear.  Overnight, our peaceful mild civilized neighbor to the north has gone full totalitarian fascist.  By one pantywaist girlie-man.  WTH??  Will some patriot double-tap snipe this guy, or at least incapacitate him so Canada can get its sanity and decency back? Just asking for a friend…

Here’s a quick summary of the police state Canada has instantly become:


“Justin Trudeau has ordered the seizure of all assets, the freezing of bank accounts, and the cancelation of credit cards for all persons identified by the government to be either directly or indirectly participating in, or supporting, the truckers who are protesting his vaccine mandate.


In short, those Canadians exercising their right to assemble and speak freely in opposition to their government’s policies will no longer be allowed to even buy food, pay rent, or otherwise provide for their families.  And all this is in addition to their being arrested and forfeiting their trucks to the Crown.” 


Equally scary is the silence from our media.  It constantly wails about “the end of democracy” in America if Trump or Republicans win an election – but when democracy actually does end next door in Canada, it’s crickets.  Check the home pages of,,, or today, do a word search for “Canada” and you’ll get nothing, zero.

Even on Fox, only Tucker is really sounding the alarm:

While on Twitter, #TrudeauTyranny is massively trending worldwide.  Check in often, great updates and comments there.

And of course you know what side America’s Governor is on:


Anyone who doesn’t love Ron DeSantis is a communist….  Same for anyone not on the side of the Canadian Freedom Truckers.




Xiden’s Invasion Distraction continues, warning like the boy who cried wolf it’s just hours away.  In response, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova asked for the invasion schedule on Telegram: “I’d like to request US and British disinformation: Bloomberg, The New York Times and The Sun media outlets to publish the schedule for our upcoming invasions for the year. I’d like to plan my vacation.



We close with the HFR Hero of the Week.

A very thoughtful and interesting suggestion was provided by TTPer John Rickard on Monday (2/14):


“I just read this article by Jennifer Sey, who just resigned from Levi Strauss as the Levi’s Brand President and declined a $1 million severance that would have required her to sign a gag order:


Yesterday I Was Levi’s Brand President. I Quit So I Could Be Free.


This brave woman deserves to be lauded by all freedom-loving people for her courage and sacrifice in refusing to be muzzled by the woke mob.  I formally nominate her as the Hero of the Week for the Half-Full Report!”


Hers is an extraordinary story – and so puzzling as to why everyone running Levi’s hated her campaign to protect schoolchildren from covid oppression.  I want to thank John for bringing this lady’s courageous saga to our attention.  It reminds us yet again of the outright evil of the “woke mob.”

Jennifer Sey certainly qualifies as an individual HFR Hero of the Week.

There is also a large group of amazingly courageous people who deserve our gratitude and admiration, and whom we need to honor as the heroes of freedom they are: the Canadian Freedom Truckers.  They are the world’s heroes right now, and they need our prayers.

Here are a few of them talking to you: