Skinigin Village, Loch Dunvegan, Isle of Skye. The Isle of Skye in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland is considered by many the most magically entrancing place in all Scotland. From charming fishing villages like here to gorgeously dramatic scenery to famous distilleries like Talisker, you come here for a few days and don’t want to leave the serenity of Skye that captures you.
There could not be a more beautifully opportune place from which to offer my appreciation and gratitude to TTP’s very own Skye, who provides us with his extraordinarily insightful Links and commentary every Thursday. Skye has been one of my dearest friends for well over half a century. I treasure his friendship and am so grateful for his continuing contribution to TTP. So, From Skye to Skye, thanks, compadre! (Glimpses of Our Breathtaking World #294, photo ©Jack Wheeler)