[In last Friday’s HFR, you learned that beloved TTPer Yasuhiko Kimura has Stage 3 Esophageal Cancer. Many of you have already been kind enough to donate to the Help Yasuhiko Genku Kimura Heal from Cancer GoFundMe, for which he and his wife Mira Joy are deeply grateful. This week’s Archive is an extraordinary HFR written by Yasuhiko when I was gone on one of my expeditions, as I am right now.
Written in early January 2020, it was Yasuhiko’s explanation of the enormous promise of the Trump presidency in the year to come. It was not to be, as neither he nor any of us had any inkling of the evil catastrophe Chicom China was about to inflict upon the world, the pandemic flu bug the Democrats used to ruin Trump’s economy and put in place the plethora of cheating and voter fraud mechanisms that allowed them to steal the White House that November.
Now that Trump is on the verge of triumphing over Democrat perfidy, the promise of that triumph comes alive again. Thank you for this, Yasuhiko. Our prayers are with you.
Again, please consider helping Yasuhiko heal via the link above. –JW]
HALF-FULL REPORT (1/10/2020)
Yasuhiko Genku Kimura
[Jack Wheeler is on another exciting adventure. Thank you, Jack, for your trust in me. — YGK]
1. THE YEAR 2020
President Trump speaks:
On January 8th, President Trump addressed the nation after Iran attacked US military facilities in Iraq the previous day (purportedly) in retaliation against the killing of the Iranian terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani. President’s presence was commanding, befitting the Commander-in-Chief and his delivery magnificent, truly statesmanlike. A powerful way to start the new year!
President Trump and Sun Tzu
The ultimate purpose of military strategy is to ensure winning before a possible war so as to render the war meaningless and unnecessary. Sun Tzu (孫子) states in The Art of War (兵法):
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
By demonstrating, with supreme tact and gallantry, the overwhelming and unsurpassed superiority of the United States in its military and economic strength and military intelligence capability, President Trump has been achieving the greatest victories that require no battle by subduing the enemies without an actual war.
Thomas Paine in Rights of Man states:
“That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Nations, is as shocking as it is true.”
There have been 15,000 wars in the last 6,000 years, five new wars every two years, because “war is the common harvest of all those who participate in the division and expenditure of public money, in all countries (Rights of Man).”
War persists because there are people in governments and industries who benefit from war, politically, financially, or even psychologically. Politics (as usual) thrives with the persistence of problems and crises which it often creates. For this reason, there has been no real will or intention on the part of most political leaders to end war or terrorism. This is why Major General Smedley Butler called war a racket. (His book War is a Racket, published in 1935, is a classic.)
President Trump is the first president who has not only the will and determination but also the brain and strategy to stop the United States from getting involved in war. For he is not a politician beholden to war beneficiaries but a businessman, beholden only to the American people, whose very passion-qua-mission is to solve problems. (Politics creates problems where none exists. Business solves problems where they exist.)
The Right in Ascent
In the New Testament, we find the following passages:
Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. . . .[emphasis added]
Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . . . [emphasis added]
What is allegorically stated above has already started. It will become increasingly more visible in 2020, the Year of the 20-20 Vision, that the Right will inherit the kingdom (the United States of America as originally conceived and constituted). The Left will depart from the center of power and be “cursed” to disintegrate.
The Right, as per President Trump, symbolizes Liberty, and the Left Tyranny. The ‘Liberty vs. Tyranny’ is the real polarity existing beneath the euphemistic labels such as “Conservative vs. Liberal” or “Republican vs. Democrat,” which in substance elude or contradict real definitions.
The rightward movement (the ‘Right’) should be conceived as the evolutionary movement towards greater liberty, whereas the leftward movement (the ‘Left’) as the devolutionary movement towards increasing tyranny. These two movements are not horizontal opposites but vertical: the rightward movement is an upward, unfolding, expanding spiral vortex, whereas the leftward movement as a downward, enfolding, contracting spiral vortex.
What emerges from this evolution is the Right purified of its internal contradictions and contaminations with an ever-greater degree of freedom and liberty achieved.
The polarity of Liberty vs. Tyranny, with deep philosophic significance, corresponds to the polarities of Truth vs. Falsehood, the Rational vs. the Irrational, and the Moral vs. the Immoral. The pursuit for liberty, therefore, is concomitant with the pursuit of truth, rationality, and morality. And it is the responsibility of each of us to pursue them.
The Left in Descent
The Fabians
Fabianism is the elite-led socialist movement initiated by the Fabian Society, established in 1884 in the UK (George Bernard Shaw was an early member and the most eloquent proponent of the Fabian Society). Fabianism advocates a gradual transformation of society into socialism, in contradistinction to the radical Leninist revolutionary model. (In the U.S., Woodrow Wilson, for example, was a Fabian.)
The Fabian Society was formed as a part of the psycho-spiritual and socio-political collectivist Triumvirate, the other two being the Theosophical Society (1875, US), and the Society for Psychical Research (1882, UK). All three organizations still exist today, while there are thousands of organizations around the world that are their descendants, offshoots, or affiliates.
Today’s globalists, socialists, liberals, progressives, and democrats are all psycho-ideological progenies of the original Triumvirate. The “new age” religions are all influenced by the teaching of the Theosophical Society. The Lucis Trust, the most prominent offshoot of the Theosophical Society, has its headquarters in the UN building, and has over 3,000 tax-exempt, non-profit, affiliate organizations around the world.
Thus, the Triumvirate, through academia and the media, with the allure of its political and spiritual utopian visions, indoctrinated generations of humanity. All radical Leninism (modeled after the French Revolution) had failed, but Fabian socialism has achieved success because of its brilliant comprehensive (psychospiritual + sociopolitical/inside + outside) and patient gradualist (multi-generational) strategy. That is, until President Trump showed up.
The Triumvirate (the “Liberal Establishment”) succeeded because they controlled the asymmetric flow of communication—information, knowledge, and narratives—through the media and academia. Liberal, that is, socialist-collectivist nonsense, was indoctrinated into the uncritical minds of millions, and with membership came status—moral and intellectual as well as professional and social.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”—Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)
President Trump is the first presidential candidate, and the first president, who has successfully broken the Establishment’s monopoly on the asymmetric flow of communication—on the control of information and narratives, by his masterly use of social media. He directly communicates to the people(s) and counters the establishment media’s “fake” news and “false” narratives via social media.
He has thus demolished the “invisible government” and devastated the “ruling power of the country.” In the process, he has shown that the emperor has no clothes at all. “Liberalism” is so weak as an ideology, a political philosophy, that once the communication monopoly is broken it has no truth or evidence upon which to stand.
Check out the following websites and see what the contemporary Fabians are trying to do. Old ideas have completely dried out and they have no new ideas. We, on the right dedicated to liberty, must provide a new ideological power source for the 21st century.
The Fabian Society: https://fabians.org.uk/
The Lucia Trust: https://www.lucistrust.org/
The Democrats (and their allies) in Congress
On January 9th, the House of Representatives voted to approve the (non-binding) War Powers resolution aimed at restraining President Trump’s ability to use military action against Iran without the approval of Congress. On the same day, President Trump had a massive Keep America Great rally in Toledo, OH, in which he had a great time making fun of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and other corrupt Democrats.
President Trump’s Keep America Great rally in Toledo, OH
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) signed onto a resolution introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) seeking to change the Senate’s rules to dismiss articles of impeachment if they aren’t transmitted within 25 days of their approval, which would be Jan. 12.”
Nancy finally acquiesces: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html
The Senate Impeachment trial in full scale, if it indeed happens, will be a theater with substance and consequence, and will doom the Democrats and corrupt officials and some of their family members to “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels”, i.e., everlasting condemnation and humiliation, as well as prison cells prepared for them and their “angels”.
Thanks to President Trump and his relentless counterattack and effective exposure, no one really takes the Democrats and their media cohorts seriously any more. You cannot argue with irrational people who delude themselves to feel morally and intellectually superior. He understands, and most Americans who can think understand, that the best action to take in dealing with them is to laugh them out of existence.
“Know yourself, know your enemies, then you shall be undefeatable in all one hundred battles.” —Sun Tzu
President Trump knows himself and his enemies of which there are legions everywhere, but his enemies do not know who President Trump is, while many of them do not know themselves. “The Donald” that he projects to the public is so constructed that he endears himself to his people, while “it” serves as a strategic deception to his enemies.
Iran and the Middle East
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” —Sun Tzu
The commander-in-Chief was again brilliant. The killing of Qasem Soleimani was a true game changer. We all know that the Iranian “retaliation” on January 7th was a face-saving Kabuki theater, and hence there was no American casualty or serious damage. The negotiation must have been already going on behind the scene. The reality is that the Iranians have all but lost and their pretense of strength and power has been broken.
Since late October 2019, President Trump has eliminated several terrorist leaders: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; Abu Hassan al-Muhajir; Qasem Soleimani; Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. In addition, Osama Bin Laden’s son, Hamza, was killed sometime between 2017 and 2019.
The theocratic regime of Iran has collapsed de facto. It is a matter of time that the collapse is played out in public theatrically in the least embarrassing way for the theocrats. Of course, evil can never be eliminated, and therefore the US, and the rest of the world, must remain vigilant. For example,
Moqtada al-Sadr says: “I call on the Iraqi factions to be deliberate, patient, and not to start military actions, and to shut down the extremist voices of some rogue elements until all political, parliamentary and international methods have been exhausted (italic added).”
Which means that this is only a tactical retreat, neither surrender nor peace overture. This is the Iranians trying to establish plausible deniability via Moqtada al-Sadr. For this reason, President Trump repeatedly indicates in so many different words and ways that he remains intransigent and vigilant against them.
This time, the contrast between Baghdad and Benghazi became so crystal clear that people could see the stark difference between President Trump and Obama: which is the difference between greatness and mediocrity, competence and impotence, courage and cowardice, a real man and a puerile narcissist, and a true leader and a mere figurehead.
President Trump is the first president in the last half century who has not started a new war, and with him being President we have a real chance at achieving peace around the world.
Note on Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752
There appear to be two opposing factions within the Iranian regime. One faction (the sane element) wants to negotiate peace with the U.S., which will lead to regime change. Another faction (the insane element) wants to continue the fight and therefore wants to sabotage the emerging peace deal. It was this insane faction that irrationally shot Ukraine Airline Flight 752 to provoke President Trump.
Their expectation was for President Trump to either back away from Iran completely or order attack. They do not know who President Trump is, and they can only think that he is like them. Their action will backfire and never produce the desired result.
The sane element of the Iranian government has invoked an international agreement to receive assistance from other nations, including the U.S., to investigate the jetliner crush near Tehran. Imagine if Iranian and American aviation experts worked together and then showed up together in press conference? Thus, this tragedy can serve as a catalyst for peace, as well as to send the insane element to where they belong.
China & Google
The Trump Administration’s, and hence the United States’, most serious enemy is not Iran or Turkey or Russia, but China and Google and other tech giants working with the Chinese government.
The Chinese hawks have always advised their leaders, beginning with Mao Zedong, to avenge a century of humiliation. They have aspired to replace the United States as the economic, military, and political leader of the world by 2049 (the one hundredth anniversary of the Communist Revolution). This plan became known as “the Hundred-Year Marathon.”
They have used “Thirty-Six Stratagems”—a textbook on strategy developed over the centuries. All of these stratagems (not actually 36, which auspiciously signifies “many”) are designed to defeat a more powerful opponent by using the opponent’s own strength against them, without their knowledge that they are even in a contest.
The Chinese had completely outsmarted the generations of US presidents until President Trump. He has surprised and then perturbed them with his supreme strategic acumen by consistently outwitting them in the game of strategy. Yet, they have not deviated from, nor given up on, their “Hundred-Year Marathon” plan. Their strategic path is through technological superiority.
By working with tech giants, such as Google, China is becoming a technocratic communist dictatorship. Their aim is the bio-digital control of human beings, domestic and global, through the AI bio-digital social programming. Thus, the Chinese government is systematically moving towards weaponizing AI and robotics. They intend to attack the Trump Administration and their weapons will be AI and robotics.
This chilling Chinese/tech giants scheme is explained by the security and China-Iran affairs expert Cyrus Parsa in his AI, TRUMP, CHINA & THE WEAPONIZATION OF ROBOTICS WITH 5G: How China, Western AI and Robotics Corporations Pose the Greatest Threat to People & Why the World Needs to Support Trump:
The Trump Administration, and the President himself, is aware of the Chinese Government’s intention and strategy. Google and most other big tech companies are leftist and anti-Trump, and therefore on the side of tyranny, not liberty. ‘China + Google (+ other tech giants)’ is a truly formidable opponent—far greater, far more intelligent, far more resourceful, and far more dangerous than Iran or Democrat politicians.
Therefore, the “Trade War” with China is much more than about trade or economics. It is an existential war for liberty and against tyranny. And we have powerful people and corporations within our industry and government working for or with our enemy. Not only the future of the United States but also of the world is at stake, including the way how the human life and society will be shaped in light of the ever-advancing technology and of the ever present struggle between liberty and tyranny.
The disturbing reality of high-tech mind control already used by the Chinese government on their people is described in “The Art of Mind Control” by Arron Sarin:
Hollywood Roasted
This week started with Ricky Gervais’ epic performance at the Golden Globe on the night of January 5th, 2020. The headline of Piers Morgan’s Daily Mail article captured the essence: “Ricky Gervais delivered a glorious kick in the globes to Hollywood’s woke virtue-signaling hypocrites—and exposed them as a bunch of shameless two-faced charlatans.”
Here is his entire monologue:
Here is the transcript of the monologue with pictures: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7856311/Accept-award-f-OK-transcript-Ricky-Gervais-Golden-Globes-monologue.html
The Hollywood award shows have become increasingly self-indulgent, and decreasingly entertaining. The Hollywood elite had to do something different to break the trend. So, they let Gervais do his standup comedy without censorship. No change will self-originate in Hollywood because they only follow, but if they do change, following the change outside Hollywood, then Gervais monologue will be recognized as a watershed.
Gun Confiscation in Virginia
The Virginia governor, Blackface Coonman Ralph Northam, who is backed by Clinton and Bloomberg, has a proclivity for going to the extreme in immoral measures. With abortion, he goes all the way for virtual infanticide; with gun control, he goes all the way for actual confiscation.
The Second Amendment is a vital organ of the body of the Bill of Rights. Without it, the Bill of Rights, and therefore the Constitution, will lose its life. The Second Amendment is the essential constituent of Liberty without which Tyranny will have a free reign. We must and we will fight the Coonman.
There are thousands of Virginians who are expressly standing up against Northam and his Democrat legislative colleagues. Here are two such groups on Facebook.
Australian Bushfire
The bushfires in Australia is out of control. And it is nothing to do with “climate change”. It is not a case of anthropogenic global warming but anthropogenic Australian bushfire!
“Dr. Paul Read, co-director of Australia’s National Centre for Research in Bushfire and Arson, puts the figure . . . at “62,000 and increasing”. Of those, 13% are started deliberately, and 37% are suspicious. That means 31,000 Australian bushfires are either arson, or suspected arson, every year. . . . [that is] up to 85 bushfires begin every day because someone leaves their house and decides to start [a bushfire].” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-50400851
What makes Australians so passionate about starting bushfires? Does anyone know?
“In so far as man knoweth Beauty in him, shall he know Love, and Truth, and Balance—and the Peace which passeth all understanding.” —Walter Russell
We are so blessed to have Love, Beauty, Truth, and Goodness in the White House. President Trump and First Lady Melania live lives dedicated to a purpose much larger than their individual selves and lives. They are the bringers of a new dawn of light to the United States and the world. They are the HFR hero and heroine of each and every week.
Personally, I am very optimistic about 2020 and the new decade. This is the decade when injustice starts to give way to justice. This is the decade when a new revolution in consciousness begins to awaken humanity. This is the decade when freedom becomes reignited in the heart of people and liberty begins again and anew to reign over tyranny.
Beneficial applications of advancing new technologies will bring about new economic and financial systems that will empower individuals, new health and healing technologies that will enhance human life, and new kind of relationships with the self and with the environment that will integrate and harmonize culture with nature.
And yes, this year is the year when President Trump becomes reelected to lead America and the world into the new decade of ever higher individual achievement and ever greater common prosperity.
“Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities—always see them, for they’re always there.” —Norman Vincent Peale
“The optimist is right. The pessimist is right. The one differs from the other as the light from the dark. Yet both are right. Each is right from his own particular point of view, and this point of view is the determining factor in the life of each. It determines as to whether it is a life of power or of impotence, of peace or of pain, of success or of failure.” —Ralph Waldo Trine
Yasuhiko Genku Kimura is a philosopher, a Buddhist priest and scholar, and now working as a consultant/advisor to corporate CEOs and their companies. His English publications include The Book of Balance, Think Kosmically Act Globally, and Think: The First Principle of Business Ethics.