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As Twitchy readers know, we have to be very very very very very (did we say very?) careful when writing about election interference in any way because we don’t want Big Tech spanking us. So while we are sharing this post from Kylie Jane Kremer, we can neither confirm nor deny if this is true.

But we think it’s important enough to share so here we are.

Sounds like Kremer believes that Secretary of State Bradfor Raffensperger may be up to no good.

Take a look:

Her post continues:

“Raffensperger sent an email, in a private capacity, that went to a listserv of trial lawyers across Georgia soliciting $5 million by November 1st to help in his effort for a 501(c)4 called “Election Defense Fund,” asking lawyers to donate or contact him via his private gmail account & personal cell phone number.

In this email, Raffensperger states, “Election Defense Fund, Inc. is a 501(c) (4) dedicated to protecting this year’s election results, and standing up against those who attempt to delay certification.

EDF will identify local election officials who are most likely to not certify or otherwise attempt to interfere with results.”

“Election deniers and conspiracy theorists have taken their anger to new levels, employing a variety of tactics including intimidation, legal challenges, and rule changes.”

So Brad Raffensperger, in a private capacity, is raising funds for a c4 called “Election Defense Fund” to stop and/or go after anyone from who will not immediately certify the election and/or pushing back on election fraud in GA!!!

He also included a woman named Alison Meyers if anyone needed more information. Meyers works for the SOS but also has connections to Larry Hogan & Nikki Haley (another anti-Trumper). 


When I dug into “Election Defense Fund” I was even more shocked to find Ryan Germany on the Board of the c4 EDF organization that was created in October 2023.

He is listed as the Secretary of EDF.

The same Ryan Germany who is supposed to be overseeing the Fulton County election as the auditor.

 The same Ryan Germany who was involved in the corruption of 2020. 


Raffensperger specifically targets SEB Board Members Dr. Jan Johnson, Janelle King & Rick Jeffries for their recent rule changes in his email.

“In Georgia they have threatened, harassed, and sued election officials. And as you know, most recently the Georgia State Election Board was taken over by three individuals who have pledged to put partisanship over sworn duty”


As early voting is underway and with 15 days still to go before Election Day, this is incredibly alarming to have the Georgia SOS, Brad Raffensperger, involved in any outside organization that is planning to target individuals who find election fraud.

Whether this is illegal or not, it is definitely unethical behavior from SOS Brad Raffensperger.

The election of 2024 is being set up to be a repeat of 2020, only they will have an additional $5million to go after anyone willing to stand up for election integrity. 





Why is the SOS using his private gmail for any of this?

This makes zero sense.


His post continues:

“… is now part of the Election Defense Fund, that tells you everything you need to know.

How are we supposed to trust this election with the same players pulling strings again?

Targeting SEB members for trying to do their jobs? Unbelievable.

Raffensperger is making it crystal clear—certify the election or get destroyed.

Sounds more like a mafia tactic than election oversight.

This isn’t about protecting democracy—it’s about power.

Georgia deserves better than this underhanded corruption.

$5 million to cover up fraud and force compliance? No way this can stand.

The grassroots have been fighting too hard to let the same establishment crooks repeat 2020.

The people of Georgia see through this.

We stand for election integrity—no matter the cost.”


No matter the cost.

As we said up there (way up there, now) we can neither confirm nor deny what is happening BUT we thought if nothing else, we should share what we’re seeing so those in the know can maybe take a look.

If nothing else, we need to keep our heads on a swivel come Election Day.


Sam J posts on Twitchy. Kylie Jane Kremer is the daughter of Amy Kremer, one of the founders of the Tea Party Movement. Together they created the Women for America First and they organized the Save America Rally on January 6, 2021.