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SKYE’S LINKS 05/05/22

screaming-liberalsHere are some thoughts on the Twitter road ahead for Musk”


VDH on Musk’s purchase of Twitter:
Elon Musk has finally managed to buy Twitter. And the moment he did, the enraged Left flipped out.


Jonathan Turley on Musk, Twitter, and guidance provided by First Amendment jurisprudence:


Got food?  Are you really really sure?

As someone who grew up on a farm, surrounded by other farms as far as the eye could see, and someone who has several farmer friends, this sounds about right to me.  As to the effect of reduced yields on prices, keep in mind that the demand for food is much less elastic than the demand for a new smartphone or new TV or new car; that means that a 10%-15% reduction in crop yields means a far far greater increase in food prices:


Got energy?  ESG moves like this are going to make energy a LOT more expensive; modern mechanized agriculture has been described as an amazingly elaborate system for converting diesel fuel and natural gas (nitrogen fertilizers) into food:


More on the ESG threat to energy availability and affordability.  This rig addition rate is far below what is necessary to replace the oil and gas that is currently being consumed:
More on Xiden’s war on fossil fuels:


You are going to have a lot less food available than you expect.  It isn’y just a problem caused by Xiden, crazy ‘Crats and greenies, and ESG – the sun is screwing us.  We have entered a decades long dark cold solar minimum which is already impairing food production.  PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS THREAT; THE OLD NORMAL IS OUT OD STOCK:
I am a physicist.  I have carefully examined the solar model referred to above that predicts a Grand Solar Minimum.  It models the last  2,000,000  years of solar activity – and Earth temperatures – with amazing accuracy.  This is for real.  Please focus on acquiring plenty of shelf stable foods that you normally eat.  This is a more important investment than anything that you can do on the stock market.  Time frame?  The next 30 years.  Hey, that’s not as long ans the Maunder Minimum.  I AM NOT SUGGESTING THAT YOU TRY TO ACQUIRE AND STORE THREE DECADES OF FOOD NOW.  I AM SUGGESTING THAT YOU TRY TO STAY TWO OR THREE YEARS AHEAD OF THE CURVE, WHICH WILL GIVE YOU TIME TO ADAPT TO CHANGING CONDITIONS.


GAO says that whistleblowers report political interference with CCP/Fauci virus recommendations:


Full GAO report:


The Deep State versus Trump on the CCP/Fauci virus:


The decision itself will have little effect on the availability of abortions because interstate travel is readily available and because interstate advertising of abortions will remain legal under the First Amendment president of Greater New Orleans Broadcasting Assn.  vs US.  What can’t go back to normal is the relationships of the SCOTUS Justices and their staffs.  One clerk or Justice decided to incite street violence to alter a SCOTUS decision.  They have willfully created a clear and present danger to the lives of the non-liberal Justices.  That will never be forgiven nor forgotten.  This is a Rubicon that can not be uncrossed:


Wise words for investors: