SKYE’S LINKS 02/03/22
Three more years of this? No wonder Rasmussen poll’s of likely voters shows 50% favor impeaching Xiden right now – including 50% of Blacks and 34% of ‘Crats!
Fifty Per Cent Support Impeaching Joe Biden
All in the family – the Pelosi family:
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Becomes Subject Of Sixth FBI Investigation
I’m a rancher and have many rancher and farmer friends. The near term outlook for food production is seriously down due to several factors: increased natgas prices dramatically increasing fertilizer prices, the southwestern megadrought’s effects on future cattle production, and supply chain dislocations markedly increasing the spread between farm/ranch prices and consumer prices.
America is rich enough so that I’m not worried about mass starvation here, though I expect significant political unrest over coming further substantial greater than generally expected food price increases. As to the second and third worlds, I believe that it is likely to get desperately ugly:
Farming Insider Warns The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be Far Worse Than We’re Being Told
And as a rancher, I know this is all too true from personal experience:
Meatflation Sticks Around As US Cattle Herds Drop Amid Severe Drought
Europe may be about to get a lot messier:
Rabobank: Russia Is Prepared To Declare Economic War On The West, Inflicting “Huge Economic Pain”
For investors; bubble anatomy:
Revising the Anatomy of a Bubble
More for investors; as the Austrian school of economics realized, value is subjective, and this applies to assets, hence peoples’ views of their future prospects play a major role in future asset prices – and that outlook is especially bad in the US, EU, UK, and Japan:
How People Around The World Feel About Their Economic Prospects
Even more for investors:
Values of assets are subjective. These values can be affected by both rational and emotional factors. Here is a fascinating discussion of a paper from the Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Science; “The Rise And Fall Of Rationality In Language”:
“Peak Rationality” Hit In 1980, And Since Then It’s Been All About “Emotion”
Original paper here; if the world seems to be going nuts, that is because it really is:
More moves in Durham’s chess game:
How FaceBook’s CCP virus story “fact checking” can be a disinformation scam:
The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized “Fact-Checking”
What did Fauci know and when did he know it:
Fauci Knew About Likely Lab-Leak From Secret Teleconference, Pushed Alternate Narrative Instead
Lockdowns don’t work – a meta-analysis:
Johns Hopkins Study: ‘Lockdowns Have Had Little to No Public Health Effects’
Original paper available here:
More on lockdowns not working:
Grading The Governors: Who Locked Down And Who Opened?
Update on Ivermectin:
Has The Red Carpet Been Rolled Out For A Mainstream Pivot On Ivermectin?