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You read about Nina Jankowicz in Mike Ryan’s exceptional HFR last Friday.  Now you get to take a look at her.  Pretty horrifying isn’t she, like AOC on acid and with half the brains (which AOC hasn’t much of).

The young woman (she’s 33) is flat out nuts, and absolute fascist fruitcake.  Here she is on a Tik Tok video demonstrating what an expert she is in “disinformation” with an impression of Mary Poppins –

Yes, this nutball is now the executive director of the lunatic Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” of Homeland Security.  Watch Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) grill DHS head Alejandro Mayorkis on her, finally asking him, “Why On God’s Green Earth Would You Nominate” Nina Jankowicz, “a human geyser of disinformation?”

Sky News Australia described her as a “woke bot,” mercilessly ridiculing her as a “buffoon:

Laura Ingrahan observed that “Nina Jankowicz is the last person who should be trusted to distinguish between fact and fiction.”

Laura runs a vid clip of her saying “climate denial is hate speech.”  No joke – this is undiluted Orwellian 1984 Ministry of Truth Commie Fascism.

Laura ends her segment by concluding that not only should this ridiculous “Disinformation Governance Board” be trash-canned, but the entire Department of Homeland Security must be eliminated entirely as in cease to exist.

It’s a start.  Zeroing-out an entire cabinet-level federal bureaucracy could catch on.  My choice for next on the chopping block would be the Dept. of Education, then the EPA. Keep this up and before you know it, we’d have a constitutional government again.  And no more fascist fruitcakes.