We could say Christmas came early in America with the massive win of T47, but it seems that every day it’s Christmas now. The signs of our country returning to ordinary plain normalcy are popping up everywhere.
Nowhere is this more clear than the aphorism, “politics is downstream from culture,” and Trump’s shifting the culture to our side – with his now iconic Trump Dance.
Benny Johnson: “The biggest freak out on the Left now is they have lost their grip on culture . Donald Trump is culture, we are the primary force in this country now creating and moving the culture forward.” As Megyn Kelly puts it:
If there is one example of how lunatic psychosis infects the Left, it’s “transgenderism” – pretending a man is a woman if he says so, and going into a murderous rage if anyone says, “No that’s a mental illness called ‘gender dysphoria” – he’s still a man no matter what he says he is.”
Which brings us to Tim McBride. Raised in Delaware, he attended American University in Washington DC, where he was elected president of the student body. The day after his term in that office ended in May 2012, he wrote an essay in the AU student newspaper The Eagle that he now “identifies” as a woman named Sarah. Two weeks ago (11/05) at the age of 34, he was elected to Congress, gaining huge legacy media attention as “the first transgender in Congress.”
Here’s Tim, before and after:
Okay, so the kid wants to be a homosexual cross-dresser called Sarah. So what? No different from someone wearing a toga and claiming he’s the incarnation of the Roman senator Cicero, right?
No problem at all – until hordes of supposedly smart and sane people start saying, “Yes, if he says so, he really is in fact the literal incarnation of Cicero, and anyone who says he isn’t is morally evil deserving of being beaten to death with a crowbar.”
So Tim-Sarah’s now coming to Congress on January 3, and to head any problem off at the pass, his-her GOP colleague wants a rules change authorized by the Speaker stating clearly that “only biological women may use the women’s facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms on Capitol Hill.”
Ereyesterday (11/20), Speaker Johnson responded:
For which Nancy gets death threats by the score. Whereupon, she double-downed yesterday (11/21) by filing a Bill to prohibit biological men from using women’s facilities in any and all federal properties throughout the United States.
She’ll introduce the same Bill in the incoming 119th Congress early January, with the odds being it’ll be on T47’s Resolute Desk for his signature on Inauguration Day (1/20).
Meaning, not just tranny-worship but the whole dog’s breakfast of reality-denial by the Left will be over. Back to normal again. See this morning’s (11/22) report: Democrats Retreat from Transgender Priorities.
Note: if you want a great example of that reality-denial, see Tim’s Wikipedia Page “Sarah McBride.” No mention of Tim, as if he’s always been a she named Sarah from birth.
Remember during the campaign, one of Trump’s most effective ads closed with: “Kamala Harris is for they/them. President Trump is for you.” Today her pronouns have changed:
Not recognizing this is why the Democrat Party is dying before our eyes. Believe it or not: Kamala Harris Way In Front of 2028 Democrat Presidential Contenders. How is this possible? Talk about denial of reality! Here’s the polling:
- Vice President Kamala Harris — 41 percent
- California Gov. Gavin Newsom — 8 percent
- Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro — 7 percent
- Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — 6 percent
- Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz — 6 percent
Pretty pathetic lineup. They haven’t got anybody save possibly Shapiro. The Dems bet everything on their Woke Farm. Now they’re a turtle on a fence post.
Speaking of polls, take a look at The Economist’s Nov 17-19 on Trump’s Favorability. While he’s near or at 50-51% at all other age groups, he soars to 57% of the youngest, 18-29. This is Generation Z and youngest Millennials. Their optimism bodes well for our future. They’re the ones doing the Trump Dance, think he’s awesomely cool and MAFA, Making America Fun Again.
They are the ones causing enlistments to soar next year and beyond in a de-wokified military.
They are the ones who are or will be getting married and having babies. Watch out for another Baby Boom! MAGA! MAFA!
Toldja… as noted in last week’s HFR, his nomination would crash and burn. Now it looks like T47 named him his AG nominee as a favor to Speaker Johnson. The conversation went something like this:
SJ: “You know everyone in our caucus thinks Gaetz is our biggest PITA (Pain In The A..). The Ethics Report on him is devastating. You nominate him and he’ll quit, knowing that will block the report’s release as he’s no longer in Congress. He’ll soon see no way he’ll have the votes for Senate confirmation. Then we’ll be rid of him and so will you to nominate someone real who’ll sail through confirmation after the Gaetz debacle.”
T47: “Deal.”
Now we have someone real to run Trump DOJ: Pam Bondi. In one word, Bondi is aces. You can’t get a better imprimatur for her than this MSNBC political scientist who explains in detail why she’s “worse than Gaetz” because she’s so “dangerous, effective and competent.” Watch and cheer:
Oh, and speaking of MSNBC. This good news on Wednesday (11/20): MSNBC Staffers ‘In A Panic’ As NBC Parent Comcast Plans To Spin Off Channel — And Possibly Change Its Name. In other words, the most woketard news channel of all is falling into a ratings abyss and can be bought for pennies on the dollar. One guess who’s interested in buying. Yep… and if so, he’ll rename it Xtv.
Now for the most asinine headline of the week (11/20): Deep State Invites Nuclear War. Written by two sons of famed Phyllis Schlafly whom I knew well for many years – well enough to know she’d be repulsed by their nonsense. She’d see it’s no different from taking the side of Islamic terrorists since we are “provoking” them to commit acts of terror.
A sober and sane rebuff appeared in the NY Post yesterday (11/21): Putin’s Scary Moves Aren’t The Start Of WWIII — They’re Acts Of Desperation Before Trump Takes Office: Experts. Exactly.
The reality is that the Russian economy is collapsing while the military has no adequate defense of its weapons stockpiles, military transport hubs, and oil refineries & storage depots from Ukrainian armed drone swarms, ATACMS and Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles. Over and over one word is being used by the Russian General Staff to describe the situation: Пиздец, pizdets, we’re screwed.
On November 15, Sberbank, Moscow’s largest state-owned savings and financial services bank, raised its mortgage borrowing rate by 3.5% to 28.4% APR. Last month (Oct), the Russian Central Bank raised its key interest rate to 21%. It was 19% in Sep, 16% in July, 12% Aug, 7.5% in Jul 2023.
Putin’s meat grinder continues, over a thousand Russian (or North Korean) dead and wounded a day now, day in day out. In Rostov-on-Don, the hospital is overwhelmed with wounded soldiers, forcing many to lie in the corridors, with some even on the floor (see video).
Today (11/22), one US dollar will buy 104 Russian rubles. That’s the bank rate. The black market street rate (na levo) is much higher.
One last item. Watch:
Footage has emerged of the explosion in Sevastopol on November 13 targeting the car of 47-year-old war criminal Captain 1st Rank Valery Trankovsky, Chief of Staff of the 41st Brigade of Missile Ships and Boats of the Black Sea Fleet. The scumbag was eliminated on the spot. pic.twitter.com/4gkI6mCuDD
— WarTranslated (Dmitri) (@wartranslated) November 19, 2024
Ukrainians are fighting for survival. They will never give up, guerrilla war will continue no matter what. Putin is weak, his intransigence and threats are all a bluff. As a master deal-maker, Trump can see all these tells a mile away. Butter the popcorn for the show.
Be sure and check out our Serengeti Luxury Birthing Safari-2025-Mar 8-19 up now in the TTP home page left side bar. This is the ultimate Serengeti Safari everyone dreams of having once in their lives. Rebel and I will make that dream come true for you next March. Lots of cool photos in the link. Let me know.
One last. Best painting of Trump I’ve ever seen. Portrait of a true American President there’s no doubt.