It’s Election Time.
Time to Vote Like Your Life Depends on It
A lunar eclipse occurs next Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Like a comet, the eclipse has long meant a change of leadership; in reality, it’s just a phenomenon of orbital physics. But as a dramatic backdrop to the election, it’s hard to beat an eclipse.
The polls continue to suggest a Republican landslide. Conservative Republicans aligned with Trump are already disclosing plans to replace Mitch McConnel. Mitch is saying that he will retire rather than hand control to MAGA Republicans.
Let’s hope.
We have had our hopes, only to find late-night shenanigans and a deep state uninterested in counting irregularities. We need to win big enough to overcome cheating and corruption. This time might be such a landslide that the dem machine will be overwhelmed. The results will likely unleash the greatest reprisal and punishment campaign by federal agencies in the nation’s history. Bring it on, Washington. We will need to clean out the rot from the agencies and bureaus sometime. Why not now?
America is not in a forgiving mood. And that Covid amnesty you want for the government and friends? Pffff how about military tribunals instead? We are done with you.
Brazilian Election
The runoff election between Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, and current president Jair Bolsonaro has turned into a national mess. Cyber experts immediately called foul on the election after widescale voting machine tampering was detected. Before the election, leftist Brazilian judges ruled against enabling the print-to-paper function on voting machines. This prevented the ability to monitor machine tampering and audit the results.
The election was allegedly close, with the White House siding with the communist and immediately declaring him the winner. The advantage to the American left is simple to understand. Economic turmoil in South America drives migration to the United States. The browning of America is thought to favor the democrats.
The coming midterm might challenge this, as many migrants from South America are now middle-class and share middle-class interests with other Americans. Many are not, of course, and continue to degrade cities such as Los Angeles.
The White House has been lending support to Lula and can’t seem to understand why white guilt cant is stirred up in Brazil. Bolsonaro is a Trump-like figure that draws crowds of Trumpian size, while Lula’s campaign team minimized events and kept him in a basement somewhere.
The election fraudsters remain confident that the world can be controlled through voting machine database control.
Voting Machine Fraud
Global voting machine fraud is becoming better understood. The machines convert votes into data populating unencrypted SQL databases within the devices. They periodically upload the information to master databases located in Germany and Spain.
Extensive evidence and discovery of the methods used to “hack” elections and alter databases have been assembled after the issue came to light following the 2020 US presidential election theft.
SQL database injection, both at the machine level in the voting booth, during transmission of signals to the central databases, and finally from the central databases to the end users, employs a relatively simple computer code.
This video explains how elections are stolen.
As many TTPers know, I have been a finalist judge for the State of Ohio Science Fair for decades. We whittle down the initial fields of 70,000 to 80,000 student entries to the first, second, and third-place winners in various categories, including computer science.
Ohio plans to add nearly 100,000 technology jobs with new computer chip manufacturing facilities, making the computer science section of the science fair timely and lucrative for students with excellent scientific techniques. These Ohio chip factories that Biden keeps talking about are far from operational. The picture was taken in Licking County this week at the construction site of Intel Corp’s new chip plant. At least Biden is correct when he claims it is a “green” site.
Perhaps due to the election theft, especially among home-schooled students, the state Science Fair is taking on hundreds to possibly thousands of projects initiated at the junior high school level that explore how election theft occurs. This means the state produces a cadre of young scientists and engineers interested in the subject. This could be very good or bad, depending on whether the youngsters wear white or black hats.
Data Science is a subset of computer science, math, and institutional control. At the moment, Data Science is at the center of the struggle to control the world. Political, corporate, and military leaders that treat it as they might treat the hard sciences are making grave errors. With some effort, the movement to include data science in the balance of the 50-states science fairs will greatly expand society’s ability to deal with the theft of entire governments and their treasuries, as we now see worldwide.
Please drop me a note if you are interested in pursuing such a program in your state or province.
Please watch the above video and add SQL injection to your vocabulary as we head into the midterms. You might need to explain how it works to your friends and family and watch the scales fall from their eyes.
Respiratory syncytial virus.
Every September through November, hospitals have high admission rates for RSV cases. It is common to run out of beds to admit patients for a few days each season. This was always business as usual in hospitals.
However, this year, we see a full-court media blast of scary RSV stories, warnings of disaster just ahead, and calls to mask up and lockdown. The target audience for this year’s FUD campaign (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) is suburban moms with young children. While always an easily manipulated and reliable source of profit for Big Pharma, we are beginning to see a mass awakening among these moms. After Covid, the winds are not blowing so strongly in favor of the profiteers at Big Pharma and Big Ed, regardless of how much television advertising they push. Millennial moms no longer trust or even watch the TV.
So, what’s up? Sure, RSV causes a stuffy nose and maybe some bronchitis, but it is not the second plague. And wasn’t monkeypox supposed to be the next plague requiring emergency vaccine authorization? Before the disease became associated with gay men, dogs, and the adopted children of homosexual couples? It looks like Big Pharma kept the script and changed the virus of interest due to market pushback.
Pfizer just submitted a new vaccine based on mRNA technology for approval by the government and WHO and is asking for emergency authorization due to the “RSV crisis.”
Emergency approval would exempt Pfizer from liability and eliminate the need to conduct studies on population sets.
Further, the American Academy of Physicians is talking about adding this new, experimental, and unnecessary drug to the list of mandatory child vaccines – with boosters, of course.
So far, Pfizer’s embedded employees at the CDC seem to be on board.
I think it is bunk and hokum wrapped in a PR campaign.
The FBI, Again
The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee released a 1000-page report on the dysfunction and politicization of the DOJ and FBI under Garland and Wray. The document is not up on their website as of the time of writing the HFR.
Website Here
The committee is under the direction of Representative Nadler of California, otherwise known as Mr. Impeach Trump. Nadler must be stonewalling the document’s posting.
From what Rep Jim Jordan reports, the document is the roadmap for the impeachment of Merrick and Wray, including well-documented accusations of public corruption, election fraud, and political aspirations leading to the Supreme Court.
It was bold to announce this before the midterm election as this motivates the DOJ and FBI to turn election cheating past the redline.
Throughout the theft of 2020 and through today, it is notable that the NSA remains above the dirt. The NSA was the first whistleblower. There might be some friction between the DOJ and NSA as the DOJ ordered the FBI to take cell phones from political opponents like Trump and Mike Lindell. They would not need to snatch the physical devices if the NSA is cooperating with the election theft coverup.
Let’s hope that the NSA is ready to intercept signals and SQL injections and make the roque, anti-constitutionalist elements of the deep state think twice about stealing this election.
The difference between the DOJ and NSA comes down to careerism. The bright folks at the NSA are substantially members of the military, volunteers from middle-class homes representing all viewpoints. They inherently represent America much better than the narrow slice from the Ivy’s that make up the profoundly elitist DOJ and FBI.
For the sake of the entire world, we are counting on that kid from down the street that joined the service and now works as a Navy signalman or an Army data analyst to find the bad guys. Nobody else can do it. Nobody else WILL do it—godspeed to all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines at their computer screens.
DNA War: Gene Splicing to Victory
Vladimir Putin’s eldest daughter, Mariya Vladimirovna, is a pediatric physician and endocrinologist in Moscow. She is a smart cookie.
She is Putin’s advisor on genetic engineering and the use of CRISPR technology to create genetically superior super babies. Her research effort reports directly to Putin.
According to MIT Technology Review, Putin held a secret summit on the genetic modification of human DNA before and after fertilization.
The first children reported to be born from this program and others in China were bred to be resistant to HIV. It is thought that technology has progressed rather far, and other children have been altered, like soybeans or corn, to resist specific diseases and chemicals.
The Chinese work was halted during Covid and is subject to a criminal investigation. It is known that Dr. Fauci supported Chinese genetic modifications related to HIV, but it is not yet known whether he was involved in breeding these children.
Bloomberg has reported that Vorontsova believes scientific progress is being made and the work should be limited to official government research centers.
Russia sees gene editing as a potential revenue source for medical tourists where a parent would pay dearly to cure a child’s deafness, for instance. In contrast, the gene editing procedure costs about $15,500 to perform. But beyond this, it is reported in scientific circles that Putin has ordered documentation of “Russian” genes. Genetic material that is unique to Russians.
It is not known how extensive the ongoing scientific work is. But some speculate that it is on par with the Manhattan Project. If this is so, it begins to raise questions about Russia’s fear of bio labs in Ukraine, the urgency in separating Russian gene stock from other populations, and the black swan virus from China.
Suppose Russia, China, and others are pursuing CRISPR gene editing as a military weapon or advantage. In that case, the West’s hysteria and abandonment of middle America and Europe in pursuit of genetic diversity make a little sense. However, if a new virus can target those that are neither Russian nor ethnic Chinese, we will have diversified Western Civilization away and will still lose.
The world might be on the verge of a DNA editing arms race that might make all other forms of warfare obsolete. Or, very clever foreign intelligence agencies are convincing Western nations to wash away their cultures based on a vast psyop. Or both. In any event, Russia and China are intensely interested in gene pool security.
Saudi Arabia is warning that Iran is preparing to attack the Kingdom just as the West is running short of ammo. For the United States, such a war would be a second front to the Ukraine War, as Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran would be the opposing axis.
This is bad news for Taiwan as the American fleet will be needed to protect oil tankers.
Protecting the Kingdom increasingly means abandoning the Petrodollar and selling oil in Rubles and Yuan. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has no use for Joe Biden and is increasingly selling oil outside the dollar.
This is a disaster for Washington which shut down domestic fracking and cozied up to Iran to maintain the Petrodollar status as the global reserve. The potential war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and a resolution by transferring the basis for future oil sales from dollars to Yuan will create massive disruption in the United States as dollars held outside the USA and needed for energy transactions will flood back into the United States.
If for this reason alone, the deep state cannot continue propping up Joe Biden. Disrespect of Biden might lead to the inability of Washington to pay its bills.
With less than 20 days of diesel fuel in national inventory, the USA is in its weakest energy position since the early 1970s.
Tesla recently rolled out the Tesla Semi, to be manufactured in Nevada. It has outstanding acceleration and hill climbing ability, but acceleration is not a critical performance characteristic for semis. Range, robustness, and operating cost are the keys. There is undoubtedly a place in the short-haul market for these vehicles. For the long haul, recharging requires one-megawatt power stations (!) and thirty minutes on the charger. One megawatt equals 1,340 horsepower.
Reports show Russian officers either withdrawing from the front in Kherson or acting under orders to pull back and leave the troops behind. Why this might be happening is a bit confusing as the Russian system emphasizes order compliance over low-level initiative and adaptation. Perhaps this is to improve the training of new conscriptions. Maybe the rank and file are killing their officers.
In 1942, my Uncle John was captured on Corregidor and forced to march to Cabanatuan on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippians. While he was a lieutenant, he never really got over “Dug Out Doug” MacArthur’s abandonment of the troops in the middle of the night. Even knowing that FDR ordered MacArthur to Australia never overcame the sense of betrayal. Similar stories from firebases in Vietnam caused severe morale issues.
Betrayal by the officers seems to be among the worst of all the emotions to stir up within the Russian military. So, what are they up to? Are they attempting to prevent officers from surrendering?
Avoiding such a morale killer would seem prudent, meaning the officers are being removed to protect them from the troops or prepare for the next war phase.
This behavior does not align with the Russian way of war and suggests a serious internal problem.
Vote on Tuesday. Vote like your life depends on it. Vote.
Mike Ryan is a chemical engineering consultant to the minerals, cement, iron and steel, chemicals, and fibers industries.