NY Post September 11, 2024
Was it that bad? In a number of ways, certainly. She lied incessantly and never once fact-checked by the ABC lefty moderators whose body language showed contempt for him – while his evidence-backed claims were repeatedly ersatz-fact checked.
Millions wondered how it was possible for her to be so word salad-free articulate and smilingly confident, while he never smiled, didn’t seem at ease, but was rattled and angry instead. Maybe she was high on Adderall or Modafinil or Cylert, some such psychostimulant.
Maybe she was wearing genuine pearl NOVA H1 Wireless Audio Earrings (see cover photo above) to listen to Obama telling her what to say next while Trump was speaking. The German manufacturer Icebach Sound publicly states:
“We do not know whether Mrs. Harris wore one of our products. The resemblance is striking and while our product was not specifically developed for the use at presidential debates, it is nonetheless suited for it.”
While the company website is now offering a “Special Edition for Presidential Debates.”
So now let’s look at what was actually said. Here is the Trump-Harris Presidential Debate Full Transcript. I strongly encourage you to read it entire. For it may surprise you. For example, it started with the very first question to Harris: “When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?”
That is, the moderators begin with the famous question Reagan asked Carter in 1980 that won the debate for him. And she blows it with no answer at all, just a lie-filled attack on him. Now read his answer: he nails it.
On the other hand, there was a curious back-and-forth about abortion. She is 100% pro-abortion and could care less about the unborn as she’s never been a mother. She accuses him: “If Donald Trump were to be reelected, he will sign a national abortion ban.” He responds, “Well, there she goes again. It’s a lie. I’m not signing a ban. …But it doesn’t matter because this issue has now been taken over by the States.”
“Not signing” means veto. Yet when directly asked, “Will you veto a national abortion ban if it came to your desk as JD Vance says you will?”, he weasels out with “I won’t have to…” and weasels out again when asked for a simple yes or no. What’s going on here?
Last month, Vance did say that, causing pro-lifers like Lila Rose to go around the bend with an anti-Trump screed: ‘It Is Not the Job of the Pro-Life Movement to Vote for President Trump.’ This prompted rational pro-lifer Steve Mosher to respond: Withdrawing Support For Trump Would Be Political Suicide For The Pro-Life Movement. It’s a must-read.
Lila’s idiot fanaticism helping pro-abortion Kamala getting elected is masochistic – so it was futile for Trump to try and not alienate her, for nothing will do except to say he’ll sign a national abortion ban. Which would terrify millions of undecided women into voting for Kamala. He way trying to have it both ways and may have lost much of his support from both.
Best way for him to recover is to get well-respected constitutional scholars like Allen Dershowitz or Harvey Silverglate to publicly confirm that a Federal National Abortion Ban would be clearly unconstitutional, and enough said.
Then it was her turn for a gotcha question: “Vice-President Harris, would you support any restrictions on a woman’s right to an abortion?” No answer whatever, just another lie-filled attack on Trump. When he demanded to know, “Will you allow abortion in the eighth month, ninth month, seventh month?”, she refused to answer.
There were funny moments, like when she ridiculed him for inviting “Taliban terrorists” to Camp David. His response:
“The Taliban were killing our soldiers, a lot of them with snipers, and I got involved… Abdul is the head of the Taliban. He is still the head of the Taliban. And I told Abdul, ‘Don’t do it anymore. You do it anymore, you’re going to have problems.’ And he said, ‘Why do you send me a picture of my house?’ I said, ‘You’re going to have to figure that out, Abdul.’ And for 18 months we had nobody killed.”
Or how ‘bout this? Right before closing statements with no rebuttal:
“Biden doesn’t go after people [in China] because supposedly, China paid him millions of dollars. He’s afraid to do it. Between him and his son. They get all this money from Ukraine, they get all this money from all of these different countries, and then you wonder why is he so loyal to this one, that one, Ukraine, China? Why is he? Why did he get $3.5 million from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife? Why did she pay him $3.5 million? This is a crooked administration and they’re selling our country down the tubes.”
Then here his closing statement which came after hers. This ended the debate.
In summary, the debate in a nutshell:
You know about the moderators trying to “fact-check” his claim that Haitian illegals are eating people’s pets, cats & dogs, in Springfield, Ohio. It’s true, of course, and in a lot of other towns suffering from illegals flooding into predominately white towns for the express purpose of ruining them. An explicit example of Democrat Harris-Walz depravity and explicit evil.
Yet perhaps the most egregious moment of moderator bias was when they hounded Trump on his “false” claim of being cheated out of his reelection in 2020, which they kept saying Biden “won.” Then they had the effrontery of claiming this post of his was proof of what a danger he was to America and invited her to demagogue him to the Moon:
This is what terrifies the Dems, their media propagandists, and their Deep State bureaucracy – that such a warning will scare enough of their minions away from cheat-to-win skullduggery, and that Trump 47 really will put those who do in prison. and make sure we have honest and fair elections once again.
Their only hope is getting away with enough cheating with illegal alien votes, ballot chasing and harvesting, on and on, for if Trump sufficiently blocks it so his margin of victory can’t be overcome, their political goose is cooked for a generation.
Just to be sure you saw this yesterday in Skye’s Links, it bears repeating here and following Skye’s advice.
“I’ve saved the most important link for last. We all know the importance of this election. This November will determine the renewal of the Grand American Experiment or its demise into Fascism/Socialism/Communism. It seems too big a problem for individuals to affect – but it is NOT. There is an organization already established that you can plug into and make a difference this election. Read this article, then read the following articles that tell you more, and get involved. You don’t need to develop anything or build any infrastructure – it’s already done. Plug IN and make a difference!”
Black Swans, Orchestrated Chaos and November 5: An Electoral System Built for Cheating
You won’t believe what’s going on over at CNN regarding the debate. The day before (9/10), CNN’s Erin Burnett exposed Kamala’s outrageously woke positions in 2019, including paying for gender transition surgeries for imprisoned illegal aliens, which Trump correctly accused her of in the debate.
CNN’s Jake Tapper savaged her after the debate, ridiculing her for “punting” on the first question on the economy, that she “dodged” questions on the border and letting millions of illegals in the country, and scoffed at her empty non-solution on the Hamas-Israel war.
Now this morning (9/13), CNN reveals Harris’ own campaign says Harris has no clear path to 270 electoral votes to win.
Is this a trend or anomaly? Most likely the latter so we’ll keep a watch on this. Meanwhile, CNN reported that Trump cleaned Kamala’s clock in the debate on the single most important issue that matters to the vast majority of voters – by 20 points:
It’s one of the most famous lines in movie history and it applies in spades to Kamala’s non-existent policies. Economist Richard Porter explains why she doesn’t have to show voters any stinkin’ policies in Kamaflage: The Harris Policy Dump. It’s all vibe-alicious and content-free happy words. This comes to grief at the grocery store:
Yesterday (9/12), Fox reporter Peter Doocy at Kamala’s rally in Charlottsville NC, pointed at the huge banner with the campaign slogan A NEW WAY FORWARD and observed, “Harris keeps saying ‘We’re not going back!’ because the Biden/Harris presidency is so good now. But if things are so good right now, then why do they need a new way forward. Forward from what?” Good point, Peter.
Peter Doocy: Harris keep saying we’re not going back but if the Biden/Harris presidency was so good then why do they need a new way forward pic.twitter.com/y4VLyWak8z
— Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸 (@KarluskaP) September 12, 2024
Big deal today (9/13): Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots With Flawed Dates On Envelopes Can Be Thrown Out, PA Supreme Court Rules. Anything that decreases Dem ability to cheat increases Trump’s ability to win – especially in the biggest swing state of all.
And so is this: Poll: Kamala Harris Trails Donald Trump 17% with Working-Class Voters — Same Deficit Joe Biden Faced in June. Note the poll was taken before Trump announced yesterday (9/12): Trump Pledges to End Taxes on Overtime: ‘Hardest-Working Citizens in Our Country’. That’s sure to make that 17% go higher.
Best today: Post-Debate: Undecided Voters Pick Trump As Nate Silver Sees Electoral College Path To Victory.
“According to several post-debate polls, Trump not only gained swing voters, pollster Nate Silver projects that Trump will win the election.
🚨 BREAKING: Trump ticks back to being the 61% favorite in Nate Silver’s election model after more polls release
🔴 Trump: 61% (+22.3)
🔵 Harris: 38.7%
The model also gives Trump a 63% chance of winning PENNSYLVANIA, and a 52% chance at MICHIGAN.”
So while things may have looked gloomy early Wednesday morning, by now it’s looking pretty good. We’ll close with the latest from Nicole Shanahan, RFK II’s former running mate who’s turning out to be someone special. It’s charming, heartwarming, and persuasive, narrated by someone from England, entitled The MAGA People. Enjoy.