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Douglas Murray’s DNC Oscars are a hoot:

Best Actress: Nancy Pelosi, for saying “Biden and Harris established one of the most successful presidencies of modern times.”

Best Actor: Bill Clinton, for comparing Joe Biden to George Washington

Best Animated Feature:  a character amazingly resembling Joe Biden whipping himself up into a rage over things that nobody said and wiping a tear from his face as he accepted the gratitude of a party that wanted him gone.

Best Special Effects: Kamala Harris, for converting word-salads and wine-mom mannerisms into “joy,” and despite accomplishing absolutely nothing while in power she deserves election because of “vibes.”


The whole DNC dog’s breakfast was a freak show, capped by her pablum-of-bromides lie-filled speech last night (8/22): The Kamaleon: Why Kamala’s Convention Speech Proves She Is A Chameleon: How Harris Has Transformed From ‘Everything Radical Left’ To Running On ‘Vibes’.



If I were writing a follow-up cover story for the NY Post this week, it would be CHILDLESS CAT LADY GOES FULL COMMIE-FASCIST.

Yes, she’s childless, never has known what it’s like for a woman to grow life within her body, give birth and care for her baby – just slept her way up the career ladder, got married when she was 50.  No wonder she’s now the leader of the anti-child death cult the Democrat Party has become.

Fox on how 100% pro-abortion is the DNC this week: ‘Abortion-Palooza’ At DNC Could Force Pro-Life Democrats To Ditch Party: ‘It’s Just Absolutely Disgusting’.


Last night (8/22), as the Dems cheered Harris’ promise to make abortion-on-demand a federal law, the DNC video feed has the repulsive gall to cut to a man holding a tiny baby in his arms.


But Democrat hatred of children doesn’t stop with murdering them in the womb.  It also celebrates criminally abusing and mutilating them during their childhood:

Look at the vicious anger and hatred in this woman.  It characterizes the entire Democrat Party.  Before we continue, I have to prepare you for what you are about to see. This is so mentally filthy and sick, so literally stomach-turning, it’s unfathomable that the Democrat Party could be so degraded to show a grotesque, profanity-laden 3-minute video looped repeatedly on a giant screen at the public entrance to the DNC at the United Center in Chicago.

Look upon it as the full realization of Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate.”

“In George Orwell’s prophetic and seminal work, 1984, the Two Minutes of Hate was a daily ritual of operant conditioning, in which a video reel depicting enemies of the state was broadcast throughout society with the express aim of whipping the masses into a frenetic state of loathing towards anyone who opposed Big Brother.”


Here’s the Dems’ Three Minutes of Hate:



You may recall reading TTP’s Infantilizomania.

“Just as a pyromaniac is driven by a compulsion to set fires, a kleptomaniac by a compulsion to steal, and – everyone’s favorite example – a nymphomaniac by a compulsion to have sex, an infantilizomaniac is driven by a compulsion to treat adult human beings as children. The compulsion to infantilize people is the neurotic compulsion of liberals.”


The funny thing about this is that as Democrats have become progressively Woke, they have infantilized themselves.  Those three minutes of hate above exemplify the entire 4 days of the DNC – it was nothing but a childish temper tantrum of amygdala hijack anger.  That’s all they’ve got now.

What they sure haven’t got is actual solutions to problems most all voters worry about.  Dems know very well how to create problems, but not how to solve them. They created them on purpose, that purpose being to use them as an excuse to expand government power over everyone’s life (except their own).  The Dems are bereft of any solutions because they want the problems, they don’t want actual solutions as that would mean people would be freer of their control.


So noticeably so, their media friends are turning on Kamala: CNN’s Scott Jennings: Harris Is Lying, There Is No Price-Gouging, Only Inflation.

“[Kamals’s] notion that price gouging or gauging as she called it is what people are feeling. That is a total canard. This is not true. This is made up because they’re trying to deflect attention from the actual inflation that has caused everything in your life to get more expensive. So they need the American people to believe something other than the truth, there is no price gouging. Grocery stores, these things, they operate on very slim profit margins. There is no gouging, there is just inflation.


So to go out and say, I’m going to get the federal government involved in setting prices, are capping prices or interrupting the flow of the free market economy — let me tell you something. If you like bread lines, product shortages, black markets, hoarding, if you want to recreate the happy economic conditions of “The Walking Dead”, Kamala Harris has a plan for you.”


Further: Scott Jennings: Democrats Have Controlled The White House For 12 Of The Last 16 Years, Yet Everything Is Still Trump’s Fault.

Or how about the Washington Post body-slamming her: The Times Demand Serious Economic Ideas. Harris Supplies Gimmicks.

And how about the Greenies going after her? Jill Stein is running again as the Presidential Nominee of the Green Party. Her cause, as it is for her party and all Greenies in general, is that Holy Grail of Eco-Fascism, the Green New Deal. So who is she campaigning against?  Not Trump as she knows that gets her nowhere.  Watch these two clips of her: Exclusive Video — Jill Stein: ’Deep State’ Running Biden White House, Kamalamania a Lie, Harris’s ‘Ship’ Will ‘Sink’.

Jill is right.  She’s no dummy, with her MD from Harvard Medical and practicing internal medicine at Boston hospitals for 28 years. Smart people can often cleverly rationalize goofy political positions, but she knows Kamala is a moron with nothing but bubbles keeping her campaign afloat.  Sink she will by no later than around the end of September.



PDJT sums it up.  Roger Simon explains ereyesterday (8/21) just how in Are the Democrats a Communist Party?  It’s a thoughtful analysis, not  a screed.

The attendees at the DNC evinced, he notes, a communist-like “out-of-body mass formation psychosis experience,” while their worshipped leaders use Orwellian double-speak advocating slavery as freedom, admire and pine for the autocracy of the Chinese Communist Party as they personally profit from it.  “China is, after all, the deepest of deep states,” he observes.


Nicole Shanahan expresses it this way:



Yes, Nicole is RFK, Jr.’s running mate, formerly married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, having as a result a net worth of over $1 Billion.  Last night (8/22) she posted this:



This evening in Glendale, Arizona, PDJT will be holding a mega-MAGA rally.  Here’s what Donald Trump, Jr. posted earlier today:



You know who that will be.  Now, I have to tell you that I am writing this in Sofia, Bulgaria which is 10 hours ahead of Arizona.  Rebel and I are here with our son Jackson, his wife Raya (whose family is from here) to celebrate our grandson Theo’s upcoming 1st birthday.

By the time Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joins Trump on the stage, we’ll be sound asleep.  Rebel, Jackson and I just finished watching RFK II’s astounding speech joining the Trump campaign and delivering what may very well be a death blow to Harris-Walz and indeed the Uniparty Deep State.

What he said about the health of America’s children brought tears to our eyes.  He revealed that Trump reached out to him and pledged to do all within his presidential power to heal the health of our children and end the corruption of our health system – while Harris wouldn’t even talk to him and really could care less.  (What would expect from a rabidly pro-abortion childless cat lady?)

Yes, he knows nothing about Putin’s War on Ukraine except Kremlin agitprop, but he’ll play no role in Trump 47 foreign policy.  He’ll be HHS Secretary or very similar and heroically so.  His speech, 48 minutes straight with no notes or teleprompter, simply nukes Harris and the Dems.  Please consider watching it entire.  No wonder the Dems are terrified.




Now for something completely different.  Both Skye and I found it intensely interesting.

First, consider this peer-reviewed medical science journal article: Intestinal Parasites In Homosexual Men.  Note the numerous other studies on the same subject.

Here’s another: Antiparasitic Activity Of Ivermectin: Four Decades Of Research.


Then read this carefully:

That Ivermectin could be a cure for homosexuality is more terrifying to the Democrat Woke Left than anything.  So what happens when HHS Sec RFK II has the FDA promote ivermectin to treat  parasitical infection?  Something to think about…



We’ll close with this must read by Andrea Widburg: It May Be Possible To Stop Democrats From Creating Post-Election Votes For Kamala. Key excerpt:

“One of the things that deeply worries those who are planning to vote for Donald Trump is the possibility of election fraud. The fraud that worries them most is that corrupt precincts will wait to see how the wind blows before finalizing their vote counts. If the honest vote count shows that Kamala Harris won their state, they’ll call it. However, if an honest vote count shows that Donald Trump won, they’ll start manufacturing votes. There may be a simple answer to this problem.


This can be implemented in every county in America—especially every Republican-leaning county: No precincts should release vote counts until every vote is counted across the state.


The beauty of this is that it makes it harder for Democrat-run precincts to manufacture after-the-fact votes to overcome a Republican lead. Currently, if a Republican precinct quickly and efficiently counts its votes and then announces that Trump won in that precinct by, say, 200 votes, a Democrat precinct in the same state can suddenly shut down and manufacture 210 votes for Kamala. However, if the Republican precinct sits on its final vote count until every precinct is ready to disclose results, that cheating is impossible.


Of course, the Democrat precinct can still preemptively manufacture fake votes for Kamala. Still, the whole system is harder to manipulate when the Democrats have no idea what kind of lead they need to overcome. All that this proposal takes is discipline. If Democrat precincts take days to count votes, Republican precincts across America must sit tight until that counting ends.”


Andrea is asking you copy and send this as far and wide as you can.  Let’s make sure it Too Big To Rig this November.