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Why would Kamabla (as in Kama-blahblah) pick a weirdo woke leftie from a safe blue state and not the obvious choice – a young (50), popular, and far less woke  gov from a must-win state, Josh Shapiro? Two reasons, supplied by Kamabla’s puppet master, Obama.

First, Shapiro is Jewish and once-proudly so – until he publicly “Un-Jewed himself” in desperation and still didn’t get picked.   That’s because Obama leads the Democrat Anti-Semitic Caucus that dominates the party now. Nope, no Jews, Ms. Harris was told.

She was happy to comply.  Trump explained this morning (8/09): Donald Trump: Kamala Harris ‘Hates Israel,’ ‘Doesn’t Like Jewish People Even Though She’s Married to One’

(Their marriage is pretty rocky, as the Daily Mail explains: Kamala Harris Was ‘Humiliated’ By Doug Emhoff Affair Bombshell… Life At The Vice President’s Residence Has Been Frosty Since Affair Story Broke That He Got His Children’s Nanny Pregnant.)

Second, Obama demanded the most radically lunatic woke ticket possible to rub patriotic America’s nose in it, because he knows the Dem Swing State Vote Fraud Machine has everything nailed down guaranteeing a Cheat-to-Win victory this November even more unassailably than in November four years ago.  This is Obama’s dream chance to “fundamentally transform America” to destroy it forever, and he’s making sure his Hate America dream comes true.

How could it not with tens of millions of illegal aliens already on the voter rolls?

And if any patriots balk?  Just look at what’s happening right now in Suddenly Fascist Britain to learn what’s in store for us.


This is precisely what Tampon Tim wants for us:  that we have no right to free speech if the government deems it misinformation or hateful.  Welcome to Harris-Walz Fascist America:

This is it, folks.  This really is the most important election of our lives.  The existence of America is at stake like never before.  It’s not Republican vs. Democrat, Trump/Vance vs. Harris/Walz.  It’s Freedom vs. Fascism. It’s Now or Never.  We have 88 days left to throw this Woke Fascist Nightmare into the dustbin of history.  Here we go.



Yes, he signed HF2497 into law requiring “A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12.” All  restrooms including boys.  An amendment was defeated specifying girls only. Why?  Because “not all students who menstruate are female“: DFL Legislators Want Menstrual Products In Boys’ BathroomsNo wonder there are

Tampon Tim and Tampon Timmy hashtags on X.

But that’s nothing compared to Timmy’s Stolen Valor problem, as even CNN condemns: CNN Fact-Checks Tim Walz About ‘Absolutely False’ Claim He Carried Weapons ‘In War’.  See Stolen Valor on X to understand how infuriated and disgusted veterans are about this. Or read this interview: Veteran who served in Tim Walz’s battalion addresses stolen valor accusations: ‘Far darker than people think’.

We could go on – here, for example are Seven Things to Know About Radical-Left Tim Walz. The real point is, it’s no accident he’s a catastrophe. Obama chose him for that very reason.  This makes him happy – it’s what he wants them to do to all America:




So, we’ve got to make him unhappy.

The best most accurate pollster is Rasmussen.  While most all others rig their polls left, pretending that Kamabla is even or ahead of Trump,  Rasmussen is honest. Thus yesterday (8/08): Election 2024: Trump 49%, Harris 44%, RFK Jr. 3%.  No upsurge, honeymoon, Kamalmania.  They are essentially unchanged for the last two weeks.

Further, today (8/09), the report is: 55% of likely voters disapprove of FJB.  So all the media froth over Kamabla & Gov. Tampon is just that, froth.  Here’s a must-read from today (8/09): Harris/Walz Are “Levitating In Fake Polls On Gusts Of Idiot Wind”.

Rasmussen Reports on X also reports on voter fraud, like the blatancy of it in Wisconsin in 2020:


While in Georgia, they’ve gone to paper ballots.  Dem legal cheerleaders for cheating are worried.  140K Fulton County GA Counterfeit Absentee 2020 Ballots are still locked in a warehouse, but maybe not for long.


Then there’s America First Legal in Arizona:


Remember, it was only 11,779 rigged votes in Fulton County GA, 19,357 rigged votes in Maricopa County AZ, and 20,682 rigged votes in Wisconsin that gave FJB the 37 Electoral Votes he needed to cheat-to-win.

Plus this today (8/09): Nevada Agrees To Purge 90K Ineligible Voters From Election Rolls. FJB got Nevada’s 6 EVs with 33,596 rigged votes in Clark County (Vegas).  Now: “Nevada has agreed to purge over 90,000 ineligible voters from its Clark County rolls following a legal battle with the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign.”

Ready for this?  The Dems can’t win without Pennsylvania.  FJB got its 20 EVs with 80,555 rigged votes.  Look what just happened: Pennsylvania Court Landmark Ruling: Digital Images of Completed Absentee and Mail-In Ballots are Public Records.

This is a BFD.  No hiding them uninspected in a county warehouse.  Now the vote can be third-party audited and in public view. The odds of Dems pulling of a Cheat-to-Win in Pennsylvania just collapsed into low single digits.

But wait, there’s more!  On Wednesday (8/07): Virginia Mandates Paper Ballots, Tracking, And Proof Of Residency For 2024 Election.  Read and enjoy. Kiss VA’s 13 EVs goodbye Dems.

The RNC and the Trump Campaign are arming for bear.  Every election official in every county in all seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – knows there’s a lawfare sniper scope that has them in its gunsights at the first whiff of a cheat-by-mail attempt,

Bottom line: 2024 is not 2020 redux.  Trump is totally aware of Obama’s goal and could not be more determined to leave it DOA in its tracks.

Feeling better now?


The most astounding news of the week did not, however, occur in the US.  It was Ukraine militarily attacking Russia — and more amazingly, Russian counter-attacks getting wiped out while Ukrainian forces continue to advance deeper into Russia.  At the same time, a Ukraine drone swarm obliterated a key Russian airbase at Lipetsk halfway to Moscow. One headline of many:  Putin Said To Be Stunned By Ukraine’s Shock Attacks On Kursk & Lipetsk.


A current assessment as of this late afternoon (8/09):


Meanwhile, Ukraine is launching missile and drone strikes on key Russian military targets in Crimea.  Putin will have to redeploy troops from Ukraine to retake parts of his own country.  One problem is all long range transport of troops and supplies are by rail – and the entire rail system of Russia, especially in the area above is verging on collapse.


The consequences of deferred maintenance.  The switch-points of rail track crossovers, that pick up the rails and move them to a different track, for example, require high maintenance or else you get a derailment.  Easy to sabotage by the way, and drones make troop trains easy targets.

Putin is suffering a massive humiliation over this.  It’s plenty-of-popcorn time.



That’s a wrap.  Have a nice summer weekend, just watch out for more black swans. They’re sure to pop up anywhere.  We’ll close with this photo.  You’ve heard of America’s gold medal Olympics gymnast star Simone Biles – and Shaq of course.  You may know he’s 7-1, but maybe not that she’s 4-8.  Here they are together.