[This Monday’s Archive was originally published on November 11, 2021. In those dark times, it was a call for Americans to realize what it would take to have a country they once were proud of and could be proud of once again. This week, Americans answered that call. How thrilling it is to have our country back.]
TTP, November 11, 2021
I took this picture last week. It is a painting made of azuelos (Portuguese glazed tiles) portraying Prince Henry the Navigator’s Conquest of Ceuta – the stronghold of Barbary Coast Moslem pirates – on August 21, 1415.
Ceuta was on the African side of the Straits of Gibraltar, from where the Moslem pirates incessantly raided the Portuguese coast depopulating entire villages, carting off men for labor slaves and women for sex slaves sold in the Arab slave markets across North Africa.
Prince Henry (1394-1460) is legendary in history for launching the entire Age of Discovery, when, starting with the Portuguese, Western explorers mapped the world. Yet it was at Ceuta at age 21, that he first performed an act of heroism still celebrated by the Portuguese people today.
The azuelos painting is proudly displayed on the foyer wall of the main train station of Porto, where Prince Henry was born. I invite you take a close look at it, as I did to my TTPer travelers who were with me here last week.
I asked them to look at the fire in Henry’s unyielding eyes, the terrified Moslems on their knees surrendering their swords and bowing to him in submission. Then I asked, “Can you imagine something like this being publicly displayed in America today, as a source of pride for all Americans to feel in their country’s history?”
Everyone sighed in sadness – for all of us could remember our growing up in an America that was deeply proud of itself, and all of us felt the pain of how that was an America of the past and not the present.
How did this happen so fast? Ever since the Democrats were allowed to steal the presidential election a year ago, America has been speeding pedal to the metal down the Highway to Hell.
It’s happened so fast because there are no brakes, nothing is slowing it down. Why? The one-word answer is naïveté. To put it less harshly, it’s because most Americans are too good-hearted to believe all of this is on purpose with malice aforethought.
A perfect example is Victor Davis Hanson. As incredibly intelligent as he is, his essay Trickle-Down Bidenism on Sunday (11/07) starts by asserting, “This Biden socialist cadre who engineered these self-induced calamities has no clue about the damage they have done to America.”
This is precisely and catastrophically wrong. The unbearably awful truth is everything they do is designed to cause as much damage as possible to the country hate and want to destroy.
What would cause such suicidal madness? Recall that all the madnesses of the Left are religions of envy: Communism-Marxism is a religion of envious hate towards the exploitative capitalists, just as Nazism was a religion of envious hate towards the exploitative Jews, while Identity Politics/Critical Race Theory is a religion of envious hate towards the exploitative Whites.
As one of humanity’s deepest fears is the fear of being envied, the knee-jerk reaction of liberals/progressives is to constantly attempt to avoid envy through endless appeasement and self-abasement – which never suffices for all the envious want is to destroy those they are envious of, so the circle of mutual suicide never ends.
Then, again, there is straightforward treason – people in power being bought or blackmailed by a foreign enemy that intends to destroy our country, in this case Communist China.
The bottom line realization here is that, for whatever reason – envy, fear of being envied, treason, or something else – the leadership of the Democrat Party on Capitol Hill, in the White House, aided and abetted by the media/social media and fascist thugs of all stripes from union leaders to the FBI are waging actual war against the culture, legality, economy, history and very people of America with the express aim of eliminating the existence of the United States of America in any previously recognizable form.
The quicker normal people across America grasp this reality, the quicker we can put an end to it.
The process is being kick-started by parents against CRT, and the growing mass rebellion of tens of millions against the vax mandates. Somehow, however, this has got to catalyze the realization that what is happening to our country is no accident but an act of war against us, against America as such.
Only then will we as a people find the will and determination to cleanse our country of the suicidal sickness infecting it. With that, Americans will regain what they have lost and now long for — a country to be proud of again